@title;noquote@ @context;noquote@


Your Current Settings

No tax is currently charged in any state.


Change Your Settings

Please select all the states in which you need to charge sales tax. You will be asked later what the tax rates are and whether to charge tax on shipping in those states.


Clear All Settings

If you want to start from scratch, clear all settings.

In general, you must collect sales tax on orders shipped to states where you have some kind of physical presence, e.g., a warehouse, a sales office, or a retail store.

Some sources of data on sales tax rates by zip codes are:

We tried to keep this module simple by ignoring the ugly fact of local taxing jurisdictions (e.g., that New York City collects tax on top of what New York State collects). If you're a Fortune 500 company with nexus in 50 states, you'll probably have to add in a fair amount of complexity to collect tax more precisely or at least remit sales tax more precisely.

Audit Trail