-- -- Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 OpenForce, Inc. -- -- This file is part of dotLRN. -- -- dotLRN is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the -- terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software -- Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later -- version. -- -- dotLRN is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY -- WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS -- FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more -- details. -- -- -- The DotLRN communities construct -- copyright 2001, OpenForce, Inc. -- distributed under the GNU GPL v2 -- -- for PG -- -- @author Ben Adida (ben@openforce.net) -- @author yon (yon@openforce.net -- @author arjun (arjun@openforce.net) -- @creation-date September 20th, 2001 (redone) -- @version $Id: dotlrn-communities-create.sql,v 1.2 2002/03/29 19:14:44 yon Exp $ -- create table dotlrn_community_types ( community_type varchar(100) constraint dotlrn_ct_community_type_fk references group_types (group_type) constraint dotlrn_community_types_pk primary key, pretty_name varchar(100) constraint dotlrn_ct_pretty_name_nn not null, description varchar(4000), package_id integer constraint dotlrn_ct_package_id_fk references apm_packages (package_id), supertype varchar(100) constraint dotlrn_ct_supertype_fk references dotlrn_community_types (community_type) ); create table dotlrn_communities ( community_id integer constraint dotlrn_c_community_id_fk references groups (group_id) constraint dotlrn_communities_pk primary key, parent_community_id integer constraint dotlrn_c_parent_comm_id_fk references dotlrn_communities (community_id), community_type varchar(100) not null constraint dotlrn_c_community_type_fk references dotlrn_community_types (community_type), community_key varchar(100) constraint dotlrn_c_community_key_nn not null, pretty_name varchar(100) constraint dotlrn_c_pretty_name_nn not null, description varchar(4000), active_start_date date, active_end_date date, portal_id integer constraint dotlrn_c_portal_id_fk references portals (portal_id), admin_portal_id integer constraint dotlrn_c_admin_portal_id_fk references portals (portal_id), portal_template_id integer constraint dotlrn_c_portal_template_id_fk references portals (portal_id), package_id integer constraint dotlrn_c_package_id_fk references apm_packages (package_id), -- We can't have two communities with the same parent with the same key (url) -- even if the parent_community_id is null, which it will be for non-subcommunities constraint dotlrn_c_community_key_un unique (community_key, parent_community_id) ); create view dotlrn_communities_not_closed as select dotlrn_communities.*, groups.join_policy from dotlrn_communities, groups where dotlrn_communities.community_id = groups.group_id and groups.join_policy <> 'closed'; create view dotlrn_active_communities as select * from dotlrn_communities where (active_start_date is null or active_start_date < now()) and (active_end_date is null or active_end_date > now()); create view dotlrn_active_comms_not_closed as select dotlrn_communities.*, groups.join_policy from dotlrn_active_communities dotlrn_communities, groups where dotlrn_communities.community_id = groups.group_id and groups.join_policy <> 'closed'; create table dotlrn_applets ( applet_id integer constraint dotlrn_applets_applet_id_nn not null constraint dotlrn_applets_applet_pk primary key, applet_key varchar(100) constraint dotlrn_applets_applet_key_nn not null constraint dotlrn_applets_applet_key_uk unique, status char(10) default 'active' constraint dotlrn_applets_status_nn not null constraint dotlrn_applets_status_ck check (status in ('active','inactive')) ); create table dotlrn_community_applets ( community_id integer constraint dotlrn_ca_community_id_nn not null constraint dotlrn_ca_community_id_fk references dotlrn_communities (community_id), applet_id integer constraint dotlrn_ca_applet_key_nn not null references dotlrn_applets (applet_id), constraint dotlrn_community_applets_pk primary key (community_id, applet_id), -- this is the package_id of the package this applet represents package_id integer, active_p char(1) default 't' constraint dotlrn_ca_active_p_nn not null constraint dotlrn_ca_active_p_ck check (active_p in ('t','f')) ); select define_function_args ('dotlrn_community_type__new','community_type,parent_type;dotlrn_community,pretty_name,pretty_plural,description,package_id,creation_date,creation_user,creation_ip,context_id'); select define_function_args ('dotlrn_community_type__delete','community_type'); select define_function_args ('dotlrn_community_type__name','community_type'); create function dotlrn_community_type__new (varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar) returns varchar as ' DECLARE p_community_type alias for $1; p_parent_type alias for $2; p_pretty_name alias for $3; p_pretty_plural alias for $4; p_description alias for $5; BEGIN return dotlrn_community_type__new( p_community_type, p_parent_type, p_pretty_name, p_pretty_plural, p_description, null, null, null, null, null, ); END; ' language 'plpgsql'; create function dotlrn_community_type__new (varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,integer,timestamp,integer,varchar,integer) returns varchar as ' DECLARE p_community_type alias for $1; p_parent_type alias for $2; p_pretty_name alias for $3; p_pretty_plural alias for $4; p_description alias for $5; p_package_id alias for $6; p_creation_date alias for $7; p_creation_user alias for $8; p_creation_ip alias for $9; p_context_id alias for $10; v_parent_object_type acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE; v_unique_name acs_objects.object_id%TYPE; BEGIN if parent_type is null then v_parent_object_type:= ''group''; else v_parent_object_type:= parent_type; end if; select acs_object_id_seq.nextval into v_unique_name from dual; PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type ( p_community_type, p_community_type, p_community_type, v_parent_object_type, ''dotlrn_communities'', ''community_id'', v_unique_name, ''acs_group.name'' ); insert into group_types (group_type, default_join_policy) values (p_community_type, ''closed''); insert into dotlrn_community_types (community_type, pretty_name, description, package_id, supertype) values (p_community_type, p_pretty_name, p_description, p_package_id, p_parent_type); return p_community_type; END; ' language 'plpgsql'; create function dotlrn_community_type__delete(varchar) returns integer as ' DECLARE p_community_type alias for $1; BEGIN delete from dotlrn_community_types where community_type = p_community_type; PERFORM acs_object_type__drop_type(p_community_type); return(0); END; ' language 'plpgsql'; create function dotlrn_community_type__name(varchar) returns varchar as ' DECLARE p_community_type alias for $1; BEGIN return name from dotlrn_community_types where community_type= p_community_type; END; ' language 'plpgsql'; -- dotlrn_community select define_function_args('dotlrn_community__new','community_id,parent_community_id,community_id,community_key,pretty_name,description,portal_id,portal_template_id,package_id,join_policy,creation_date,creation_user,creation_ip,context_id'); select define_function_args('dotlrn_community__set_active_dates','community_id,start_date,end_date'); select define_function_args('dotlrn_community__delete','community_id'); select define_function_args('dotlrn_community__name','community_id'); select define_function_args('dotlrn_community__member_p','community_id,party_id'); select define_function_args('dotlrn_community__admin_p','community_id,party_id'); select define_function_args('dotlrn_community__url','community_id'); create function dotlrn_community__new(integer,integer,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,integer,integer,integer,varchar,timestamp,integer,varchar,integer) returns integer as ' DECLARE p_community_id alias for $1; p_parent_community_id alias for $2; p_community_type alias for $3; p_community_key alias for $4; p_pretty_name alias for $5; p_description alias for $6; p_portal_id alias for $7; p_portal_template_id alias for $8; p_package_id alias for $9; p_join_policy alias for $10; p_creation_date alias for $11; p_creation_user alias for $12; p_creation_ip alias for $13; p_context_id alias for $14; c_id integer; BEGIN c_id := acs_group__new ( p_community_id, p_community_type, p_creation_date, p_creation_user, p_creation_ip, NULL, NULL, p_community_key, p_join_policy p_context_id, ); insert into dotlrn_communities (community_id, parent_community_id, community_type, community_key, pretty_name, description, package_id, portal_id, portal_template_id) values (c_id, p_parent_community_id, p_community_type, p_community_key, p_pretty_name, p_description, p_package_id, p_portal_id, p_portal_template_id); return c_id; END; ' language 'plpgsql'; create function dotlrn_community__set_active_dates(integer,date,date) returns integer as ' DECLARE p_community_id alias for $1; p_start_date alias for $2; p_end_date alias for $3; BEGIN update dotlrn_communities set active_start_date = p_start_date, active_end_date = p_end_date where community_id = p_community_id; return p_community_id; END; ' language 'plpgsql'; create function dotlrn_community__delete(integer) returns integer as ' DECLARE p_community_id alias for $1; BEGIN delete from dotlrn_communities where community_id = p_community_id; PERFORM acs_group__delete(p_community_id); return(0); END; ' language 'plpgsql'; create function dotlrn_community__name(integer) returns varchar as ' DECLARE p_community_id alias for $1; BEGIN return acs_group__name(p_community_id); END; ' language 'plpgsql'; create function dotlrn_community__member_p(integer,integer) returns boolean as ' DECLARE p_community_id alias for $1; p_party_id alias for $2; BEGIN -- to do (ben) return ''t''; END; ' language 'plpgsql'; create function dotlrn_community__admin_p(integer,integer) returns boolean as ' DECLARE p_community_id alias for $1; p_party_id alias for $2; BEGIN IF acs_permission__permission_p(p_community_id, p_party_id, ''dotlrn_admin_community'') = ''t'' then return ''t''; end if; IF acs_permission__permission_p(p_community_id, p_party_id, ''admin'') = ''t'' then return ''t''; end if; return ''f''; END; ' language 'plpgsql'; create function dotlrn_community__url(integer) returns varchar as ' DECLARE p_community_id alias for $1; BEGIN return site_node__url(site_nodes.node_id) from dotlrn_communities, site_nodes where dotlrn_communities.community_id = p_community_id and site_nodes.object_id = dotlrn_communities.package_id; END; ' language 'plpgsql'; create view dotlrn_communities_full as select dotlrn_communities.*, dotlrn_community__url(dotlrn_communities.community_id) as url, groups.group_name, groups.join_policy from dotlrn_communities, groups where dotlrn_communities.community_id = groups.group_id;