oracle8.1.6 select :mount_point as mount_point,, r.item_id, '' as children, nvl((select 't' from dual where exists (select 1 from cr_folders f_child, cr_resolved_items r_child where r_child.parent_id = r.resolved_id and f_child.folder_id = r_child.resolved_id)), 'f') expandable, r.is_symlink symlink, 0 update_time from cr_folders f, cr_resolved_items r where r.parent_id = :id and r.resolved_id = f.folder_id order by name select content_template.get_root_folder() from dual select content_item.get_root_folder() from dual select lpad(' ', level, '-') || pretty_name as label, object_type as value from acs_object_types t connect by supertype = prior object_type start with object_type = 'content_revision' select :module_name as mount_point, t.pretty_name, t.object_type, '' as children, NVL( (select 't' from dual where exists (select 1 from acs_object_types where supertype = t.object_type)), 'f' ) as expandable, 'f' as symlink, 0 as update_time from acs_object_types t where supertype = :id order by t.pretty_name select :module_name as mount_point, content_keyword.get_heading(keyword_id) as name, keyword_id, '' as children, NVL( (select 't' from dual where exists ( select 1 from cr_keywords k2 where k2.parent_id = k.keyword_id and content_keyword.is_leaf(k2.keyword_id) = 'f')), 'f') as expandable, 'f' as symlink, 0 as update_time from cr_keywords k where $where_clause and content_keyword.is_leaf(keyword_id) = 'f' order by name select :module_name as mount_point, g.group_name as name, g.group_id, '' as children, NVL( (select 't' from dual where exists ( select 1 from group_component_map m2 where m2.group_id = g.group_id)), 'f' ) as expandable, 'f' as symlink, 0 as update_time from groups g $map_table where $where_clause order by name select item_id, content_item.get_path(item_id, :sorted_paths_root_id) as item_path, content_type as item_type from cr_items where item_id in ($sql_id_list) order by item_path select keyword_id as item_id, content_keyword.get_path(keyword_id) as item_path, 'content_keyword' as item_type from cr_keywords where keyword_id in ($sql_id_list) select o.object_id as item_id, o.object_type || ': ' || as item_path, o.object_type as item_type from acs_objects o, parties p where o.object_id = p.party_id and o.object_id in ($sql_id_list) order by item_path