postgresql7.1 select attributes.attribute_id, attribute_name, attributes.table_name, attribute_label, type_label, object_type as subtype, datatype, params.is_html, params.is_required, widget, param, coalesce( (select param_type from cm_attribute_widget_params where attribute_id = attributes.attribute_id and param_id = params.param_id), 'literal' ) param_type, coalesce( (select param_source from cm_attribute_widget_params where attribute_id = attributes.attribute_id and param_id = params.param_id), 'onevalue' ) param_source, coalesce( (select value from cm_attribute_widget_params where attribute_id = attributes.attribute_id and param_id = params.param_id), params.default_value ) value from ( select aw.attribute_id, fwp.param, aw.widget, decode(aw.is_required,'t','t',fwp.is_required) is_required, fwp.param_id, fwp.default_value, fwp.is_html from cm_form_widget_params fwp, cm_attribute_widgets aw where fwp.widget = aw.widget ) params, ( select attr.attribute_id, attribute_name, sort_order, attr.pretty_name as attribute_label, attr.datatype, types.object_type, types.pretty_name as type_label, tree_level, types.table_name from acs_attributes attr RIGHT OUTER JOIN, ( select o2.object_type, o2.pretty_name, tree_level(o2.tree_sortkey) as tree_level, o2.table_name from ( SELECT * FROM acs_object_types WHERE object_type = :content_type ) o1, acs_object_types o2 where o2.object_type <> 'acs_object' AND o2.tree_sortkey <= o1.tree_sortkey AND o1.tree_sortkey like (o2.tree_sortkey || '%') ) types USING (object_type) ) attributes where attributes.attribute_id = params.attribute_id to_char($attribute_name, 'YYYY MM DD HH24 MI SS') as $attribute_name select content_item__get_latest_revision(:item_id) select coalesce(pretty_name,enum_value), enum_value from acs_enum_values where attribute_id = :attribute_id order by sort_order select content_revision__new(:title,:description,:mime_type,' ',content_symlink__resolve(:item_id),'[ns_conn peeraddr]',[User::getID]) as revision_id select types.table_name, types.id_column, attr.attribute_name, attr.datatype from acs_attributes attr RIGHT OUTER JOIN ( select o2.object_type, o2.table_name, o2.id_column, tree_level(o2.tree_sortkey) as inherit_level from ( SELECT * FROM acs_object_types WHERE object_type = :content_type ) o1, acs_object_types o2 where o2.object_type <> 'acs_object' AND o2.object_type <> 'content_revision' AND o2.tree_sortkey <= o1.tree_sortkey AND o1.tree_sortkey like (o2.tree_sortkey || '%') ) types USING (object_type) order by types.inherit_level desc select types.table_name, types.id_column, attr.attribute_name, attr.datatype from acs_attributes attr, ( select o2.object_type, o2.table_name, o2.id_column, tree_level(o2.tree_sortkey) as inherit_level from ( SELECT * FROM acs_object_types WHERE object_type = :content_type ) o1, acs_object_types o2 where object_type not in ($sql_exclusion) and o2.tree_sortkey <= o1.tree_sortkey and o1.tree_sortkey like (o2.tree_sortkey || '%') ) types USING (object_type) and $extra_where order by types.inherit_level desc