-- -- Bug tracker Oracle data model -- -- Ported from the postgresql version -- by: Mark Aufflick (mark@pumptheory.com) -- for: Collaboraid -- -- -- A "project" is one instance of the bug-tracker. -- create table bt_projects ( project_id integer not null constraint bt_projects_apm_packages_fk references apm_packages(package_id) on delete cascade constraint bt_projects_pk primary key, description clob, -- short string will be included in the subject line of emails email_subject_name varchar2(1000), maintainer integer constraint bt_projects_maintainer_fk references users(user_id), folder_id integer constraint bt_projects_folder_fk references cr_folders(folder_id), root_keyword_id integer constraint bt_projects_keyword_fk references cr_keywords(keyword_id) ); create table bt_versions ( version_id integer not null constraint bt_versions_pk primary key, project_id integer not null constraint bt_versions_projects_fk references bt_projects(project_id), -- Like apm_package_versions.version_name -- But can also be a human-readable name like "Future", "Milestone 3", etc. version_name varchar2(500) not null, description clob, anticipated_freeze_date date, actual_freeze_date date, anticipated_release_date date, actual_release_date date, maintainer integer constraint bt_versions_maintainer_fk references users(user_id), supported_platforms varchar2(1000), active_version_p char(1) default 'f' not null constraint bt_vers_activ_ver_p_ck check (active_version_p in ('t','f')), -- Can we assign bugs to be fixed for this version? assignable_p char(1) constraint bt_versions_assignable_p_ck check (assignable_p in ('t','f')) ); create table bt_components ( component_id integer not null constraint bt_components_pk primary key, project_id integer not null constraint bt_components_projects_fk references bt_projects(project_id), component_name varchar2(500) not null, description clob, -- This is what the component can be referred to in the URL url_name varchar2(4000), -- a component can be without maintainer, in which case we just default -- to the project maintainer maintainer integer constraint bt_components_maintainer_fk references users(user_id) ); -- default keywords per keyword parent -- e.g. default priority, default severity, etc. create table bt_default_keywords ( project_id integer not null constraint bt_default_keywords_project_fk references bt_projects(project_id) on delete cascade, parent_id integer not null constraint bt_default_keyw_parent_keyw_fk references cr_keywords(keyword_id) on delete cascade, keyword_id integer not null constraint bt_default_keyw_keyword_fk references cr_keywords(keyword_id) on delete cascade ); alter table bt_default_keywords add constraint bt_default_keywords_prj_par_un unique (project_id, parent_id); create index bt_default_keyw_parent_id_idx on bt_default_keywords(parent_id); create index bt_default_keyw_keyword_id_idx on bt_default_keywords(keyword_id); create table bt_bugs ( bug_id integer constraint bt_bug_pk primary key constraint bt_bug_bt_bug_fk references cr_items(item_id) on delete cascade, -- this is the only column we really add here bug_number integer, -- the comment from the initial action -- denormalized from a far-fetched workflow join comment_content varchar2(4000), comment_format varchar2(200), -- denormalized from cr_items parent_id integer, live_revision_id integer, -- denormalized from cr_revisions.title summary varchar2(1000), -- denormalized from bt_projects project_id integer, -- denormalized from bt_bug_revisions component_id integer, resolution varchar2(50), user_agent varchar2(500), found_in_version integer, fix_for_version integer, fixed_in_version integer, -- denormalized from acs_objects creation_date date, creation_user integer ); alter table bt_bugs add constraint bt_bug_parent_id_bug_number_un unique (parent_id, bug_number); -- LARS: -- we need to figure out which ones of these will be used by the query optimizer create index bt_bugs_proj_id_bug_number_idx on bt_bugs(project_id, bug_number); create index bt_bugs_bug_number_idx on bt_bugs(bug_number); create index bt_bugs_proj_id_fix_for_idx on bt_bugs(project_id, fix_for_version); create index bt_bugs_fix_for_version_idx on bt_bugs(fix_for_version); create index bt_bugs_proj_id_crea_date_idx on bt_bugs(project_id, creation_date); create index bt_bugs_creation_date_idx on bt_bugs(creation_date); -- Create the bt_bug object type begin acs_object_type.create_type ( 'bt_bug', 'Bug', 'Bugs', 'acs_object', 'bt_bugs', 'bug_id', null, 'f', null, 'bt_bug.name' ); end; / show errors -- content_revision specialization create table bt_bug_revisions ( bug_revision_id integer constraint bt_bug_rev_pk primary key constraint bt_bug_rev_bug_id_fk references cr_revisions(revision_id) on delete cascade, component_id integer constraint bt_bug_rev_components_fk references bt_components(component_id), resolution varchar(50) constraint bt_bug_rev_resolution_ck check (resolution is null or resolution in ('fixed','bydesign','wontfix','postponed','duplicate','norepro','needinfo')), user_agent varchar(500), found_in_version integer constraint bt_bug_rev_found_in_version_fk references bt_versions(version_id), fix_for_version integer constraint bt_bug_rev_fix_for_version_fk references bt_versions(version_id), fixed_in_version integer constraint bt_bug_rev_fixed_in_version_fk references bt_versions(version_id) ); -- Create the bug revision content type begin content_type.create_type ( 'bt_bug_revision', 'content_revision', 'Bug Revision', 'Bug Revisions', 'bt_bug_revisions', 'bug_revision_id', 'content_revision.revision_name' ); end; / show errors create table bt_user_prefs ( user_id integer not null constraint bt_user_prefs_user_id_fk references users(user_id), project_id integer not null constraint bt_user_prefs_project_fk references bt_projects(project_id), user_version integer constraint bt_usr_prfs_curr_ver_fk references bt_versions(version_id) ); alter table bt_user_prefs add constraint bt_user_prefs_pk primary key (user_id, project_id); -- For stability, URLs contain patch numbers rather than ACS Object ids. -- This avoids dependence on the ACS kernel and makes upgrades easier. create table bt_patches ( patch_id integer constraint bt_patches_pk primary key constraint bt_patches_pid_fk references acs_objects(object_id), patch_number integer not null, project_id integer constraint bt_patches_projects_fk references bt_projects(project_id), component_id integer constraint bt_patches_components_fk references bt_components(component_id), summary varchar2(500), content clob, generated_from_version integer constraint bt_patches_vid_fk references bt_versions(version_id), apply_to_version integer constraint bt_patchs_apply_to_version_fk references bt_versions(version_id), applied_to_version integer constraint bt_patchs_applied_to_ver_fk references bt_versions(version_id), status varchar2(50) default 'open' not null constraint bt_patchs_status_ck check (status in ('open', 'accepted', 'refused', 'deleted')) ); alter table bt_patches add constraint bt_patches_un unique(patch_number, project_id); create table bt_patch_actions ( action_id integer not null constraint bt_patch_actions_pk primary key, patch_id integer not null constraint bt_patch_actions_patch_fk references bt_patches(patch_id) on delete cascade, action varchar2(50) default 'open' constraint bt_patch_actions_action_ck check (action in ('open', 'edit', 'comment', 'accept', 'reopen', 'refuse', 'delete')), actor integer not null constraint bt_patch_actions_actor_fk references users(user_id), action_date date default sysdate not null, comment_text clob, comment_format varchar2(30) default 'plain' not null constraint bt_patch_actns_comment_fmt_pk check (comment_format in ('html', 'plain', 'pre')) ); -- Create the bt_patch object type begin acs_object_type.create_type ( 'bt_patch', 'Patch', 'Patches', 'acs_object', 'bt_patches', 'patch_id', null, 'f', null, 'bt_patch.name' ); end; / show errors -- There is a many to many relationship between patches and bugs create table bt_patch_bug_map ( patch_id integer not null constraint bt_patch_bug_map_pid_fk references bt_patches(patch_id) on delete cascade, bug_id integer not null constraint bt_patch_bug_map_bid_fk references bt_bugs(bug_id) on delete cascade ); alter table bt_patch_bug_map add constraint bt_patch_bug_map_un unique (patch_id, bug_id); create index bt_patch_bug_map_patch_id_idx on bt_patch_bug_map(patch_id); create index bt_patch_bug_map_bug_id_idx on bt_patch_bug_map(bug_id);