getDirs(); // calculate number of table rows to span for the preview cell $num_rows = 4; // filename & upload & disk info message & width+margin if ($insertMode=='image') { if ($IMConfig['images_enable_styling'] === false) { $hidden_fields[] = 'f_margin'; $hidden_fields[] = 'f_padding'; $hidden_fields[] = 'f_border'; $hidden_fields[] = 'f_backgroundColor'; $hidden_fields[] = 'f_borderColor'; $num_rows +=2; } else if ($IMConfig['use_color_pickers'] === false) { $hidden_fields[] = 'f_backgroundColor'; $hidden_fields[] = 'f_borderColor'; $num_rows +=2; } if ($IMConfig['images_enable_align'] === false) { $hidden_fields[] = 'f_align'; } if ($IMConfig['images_enable_alt']) { $num_rows++; } else { $hidden_fields[] = 'f_alt'; } if ($IMConfig['images_enable_title']) { $num_rows++; } else { $hidden_fields[] = 'f_title'; } } if ($insertMode == 'link') { if ($IMConfig['link_enable_target'] === false) { $hidden_fields[] = 'f_target'; } $num_rows +=2; } ?> Insert <?php echo ($insertMode == 'image' ? 'Image' : 'File Link') ?>
File Manager
Directory Up New Folder
getImagesDir()) > ($IMConfig['max_foldersize_mb']*1048576)) { ?>

Maximum folder size limit reached. Upload disabled.
( max.)
"; ?>
Constrained Proportions
Border Color