-- DRB: The drop is needed otherwise we'll get ambiguous function -- errors on calls from query files using bindvar emulation, where -- all the parameters are quoted and therefore of unknown type. drop function acs_message__new (integer,integer,timestamptz,integer, varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,text,integer,integer,integer, varchar,varchar,boolean); create or replace function acs_message__new (integer,integer,timestamptz,integer, varchar,varchar,varchar,varchar,text,integer,integer,integer,integer, varchar,varchar,boolean) returns integer as ' declare p_message_id alias for $1; --default null, p_reply_to alias for $2; --default null, p_sent_date alias for $3; --default sysdate, p_sender alias for $4; --default null, p_rfc822_id alias for $5; --default null, p_title alias for $6; --default null, p_description alias for $7; --default null, p_mime_type alias for $8; --default ''text/plain'', p_text alias for $9; --default null, p_data alias for $10; --default null, p_parent_id alias for $11; --default 0, p_context_id alias for $12; p_creation_date timestamptz := current_timestamp; -- alias for $13 --default sysdate, p_creation_user alias for $13; --default null, p_creation_ip alias for $14; --default null, p_object_type alias for $15; --default ''acs_message'', p_is_live alias for $16; --default ''t'' v_message_id acs_messages.message_id%TYPE; v_rfc822_id acs_messages.rfc822_id%TYPE; v_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_system_url varchar; v_domain_name varchar; v_idx integer; begin -- generate a message id now so we can get an rfc822 message-id if p_message_id is null then select acs_object_id_seq.nextval into v_message_id; else v_message_id := p_message_id; end if; -- need to make this mandatory also - jg -- this needs to be fixed up, but Oracle doesn''t give us a way -- to get the FQDN -- vk: get SystemURL parameter and use it to extract domain name select apm__get_value(package_id, ''SystemURL'') into v_system_url from apm_packages where package_key=''acs-kernel''; v_idx := position(''http://'' in v_system_url); v_domain_name := trim (substr(v_system_url, v_idx + 7)); if p_rfc822_id is null then v_rfc822_id := current_date || ''.'' || v_message_id || ''@'' || v_domain_name || ''.hate''; else v_rfc822_id := p_rfc822_id; end if; v_message_id := content_item__new ( v_rfc822_id, -- name p_parent_id, -- parent_id p_message_id, -- item_id null, -- locale p_creation_date, -- creation_date p_creation_user, -- creation_user p_context_id, -- context_id p_creation_ip, -- creation_ip p_object_type, -- item_subtype ''acs_message_revision'', -- content_type null, -- title null, -- description ''text/plain'', -- mime_type null, -- nls_language null, -- text ''text'' -- storage_type ); insert into acs_messages (message_id, reply_to, sent_date, sender, rfc822_id) values (v_message_id, p_reply_to, p_sent_date, p_sender, v_rfc822_id); -- create an initial revision for the new message v_revision_id := acs_message__edit ( v_message_id, -- message_id p_title, -- title p_description, -- description p_mime_type, -- mime_type p_text, -- text p_data, -- data p_creation_date, -- creation_date p_creation_user, -- creation_user p_creation_ip, -- creation_ip p_is_live -- is_live ); return v_message_id; end;' language 'plpgsql';