{/doc/acs-content-repository {Content Repository}} {Package: content_keyword} Package: content_keyword


Content Repository : content_keyword



Keyword cassify a content_item. For example: If you have some press releases about dogs. You might want assigning the Keyword dog to every single content_item.


Related Objects

See also: content_item



Retrieves the description of the content keyword

Author:Karl Goldstein
Returns:The description for the specified keyword
keyword_id:  The keyword id

function get_description (
  keyword_id  in cr_keywords.keyword_id%TYPE
) return varchar2;

See Also:content_keyword.get_heading, content_keyword.set_description


Retrieves the heading of the content keyword

Author:Karl Goldstein
Returns:The heading for the specified keyword
keyword_id:  The keyword id

function get_heading (
  keyword_id  in cr_keywords.keyword_id%TYPE
) return varchar2;

See Also:content_keyword.set_heading, content_keyword.get_description


Retreives a path to the keyword/subject category, with the most general category at the root of the path

Author:Karl Goldstein
Returns:The path to the keyword, or null if no such keyword exists
keyword_id:  The keyword id

function get_path (
  keyword_id in cr_keywords.keyword_id%TYPE
) return varchar2;

See Also:content_keyword.new


Determines if the keyword is assigned to the item

Author:Karl Goldstein
Returns:'t' if the keyword may be matched to an item, 'f' otherwise
item_id:  The item id
keyword_id:  The keyword id to be checked for assignment
recurse:  Specifies if the keyword search is recursive. May be set to one of the following values:
  • none: Not recursive. Look for an exact match.
  • up: Recursive from specific to general. A search for "attack dogs" will also match "dogs", "animals", "mammals", etc.
  • down: Recursive from general to specific. A search for "mammals" will also match "dogs", "attack dogs", "cats", "siamese cats", etc.

function is_assigned (
  item_id      in cr_items.item_id%TYPE,
  keyword_id   in cr_keywords.keyword_id%TYPE,
  recurse      in varchar2 default 'none'
) return varchar2;

See Also:content_keyword.item_assign


Determines if the keyword has no sub-keywords associated with it

Author:Karl Goldstein
Returns:'t' if the keyword has no descendants, 'f' otherwise
keyword_id:  The keyword id

function is_leaf (
  keyword_id  in cr_keywords.keyword_id%TYPE
) return varchar2;

See Also:content_keyword.new


Creates a new keyword (also known as "subject category").

Author:Karl Goldstein
Returns:The id of the newly created keyword
heading:  The heading for the new keyword
description:  The description for the new keyword
parent_id:  The parent of this keyword, defaults to null.
keyword_id:  The id of the new keyword. A new id will be allocated if this parameter is null
object_type:  The type for the new keyword, defaults to 'content_keyword'. This parameter may be used by subclasses of content_keyword to initialize the superclass.
creation_date:  As in acs_object.new
creation_ip:  As in acs_object.new
creation_user:  As in acs_object.new

function new (
  heading       in cr_keywords.heading%TYPE,
  description   in cr_keywords.description%TYPE default null,
  parent_id     in cr_keywords.parent_id%TYPE default null,
  keyword_id    in cr_keywords.keyword_id%TYPE default null,
  creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE
                           default sysdate,
  creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE
                           default null,
  creation_ip   in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null,
  object_type   in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE default 'content_keyword'
) return cr_keywords.keyword_id%TYPE;

See Also:acs_object.new, content_item.new, content_keyword.item_assign, content_keyword.delete


Deletes the specified keyword, which must be a leaf. Unassigns the keyword from all content items. Use with caution - this operation cannot be undone.

Author:Karl Goldstein
keyword_id:  The id of the keyword to be deleted

procedure delete (
  keyword_id  in cr_keywords.keyword_id%TYPE

See Also:acs_object.delete, content_keyword.item_unassign


Assigns this keyword to a content item, creating a relationship between them

Author:Karl Goldstein
item_id:  The item to be assigned to
keyword_id:  The keyword to be assigned
context_id:  As in acs_rel.new, deprecated
creation_ip:  As in acs_rel.new, deprecated
creation_user:  As in acs_rel.new, deprecated

procedure item_assign (
  item_id       in cr_items.item_id%TYPE,
  keyword_id    in cr_keywords.keyword_id%TYPE,
  context_id    in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null,
  creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null,
  creation_ip   in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null

See Also:acs_rel.new, content_keyword.item_unassign


Unassigns this keyword to a content item, removing a relationship between them

Author:Karl Goldstein
item_id:  The item to be unassigned from
keyword_id:  The keyword to be unassigned

procedure item_unassign (
  item_id     in cr_items.item_id%TYPE,
  keyword_id  in cr_keywords.keyword_id%TYPE

See Also:acs_rel.delete, content_keyword.item_assign


Sets a new description for the keyword

Author:Karl Goldstein
keyword_id:  The keyword id
description:  The new description

procedure set_description (
  keyword_id  in cr_keywords.keyword_id%TYPE,
  description in cr_keywords.description%TYPE

See Also:content_keyword.set_heading, content_keyword.get_description


Sets a new heading for the keyword

Author:Karl Goldstein
keyword_id:  The keyword id
heading:  The new heading

procedure set_heading (
  keyword_id  in cr_keywords.keyword_id%TYPE,
  heading     in cr_keywords.heading%TYPE

See Also:content_keyword.get_heading, content_keyword.set_description


Last Modified: $Id: keyword.html,v 2001/03/13 22:59:26 ben Exp $