postgresql7.1 select 0 as tree_level, '' as name , 'Home' as title from dual UNION select t.tree_level,, content_item.get_title(t.context_id) as title from ( select o2.context_id, tree_level(o2.tree_sortkey) as tree_level from (select * from acs_objects where object_id = :item_id) o1, acs_objects o2 where context_id <> content_item__get_root_folder() and o2.tree_sortkey <= o1.tree_sortkey and o1.tree_sortkey like (o2.tree_sortkey || '%') ) t, cr_items i where i.item_id = t.context_id order by tree_level select item_id, content_type from cr_items where item_id = content_item__get_id(:url, :content_root, 'f') select content_template__get_path( content_item__get_template(:item_id, :context),:template_root) as template_url from dual