-- Photobook datamodel -- -- @author davis@xarg.net -- @creation-date 2002-02-09 -- @cvs-id $Id: photobook-create.sql,v 1.2 2004/03/18 22:45:42 janines Exp $ -- Backing data to drive various select widgets. -- see phb::options and phb::options_grouped functions for -- examples of how to use the data. create table phb_backing_data ( -- A string identifier for the datatype. data_type varchar(20), -- The short name is the actual text for the short_name varchar(200), -- Group is used for nested selects (for example when chosing a university) group_name varchar(100), -- Sort order. seq integer default 0, -- constraint phb_backing_data_un unique (data_type,group_name, short_name) ); create index phb_backing_data_shname_idx on phb_backing_data(short_name); comment on table phb_backing_data is ' Used to drive select lists and such. '; create sequence phb_backing_order_seq; create table phb_privacy ( user_id integer not null constraint phb_privacy_user_id_pk primary key constraint phb_privacy_user_id_fk references users(user_id) on delete cascade, accepted_p char(1) default 'f' not null, constraint phb_privacy_accepted_p_ck check (accepted_p in ('t', 'f')), creation_user integer, creation_date date default sysdate not null, creation_ip varchar2(50) ); comment on table phb_privacy is ' store an audit of the privacy disclaimer data. '; create table sloan_email ( user_id integer references users(user_id) constraint sloan_email_user_id_pk primary key, efl varchar2(200) constraint sloan_email_efl_un unique, alias varchar2(200) constraint sloan_email_alias_un unique, outside varchar2(200) constraint sloan_email_outside_un unique, last_updated date ); comment on table sloan_email is ' Stores user email mappings.'; comment on column sloan_email.efl is ' Email For Life. Sloan email address which will remain active for the life of the user.'; -- Set up the create_efl procedure begin acs_privilege.create_privilege('sloan_create_efl'); end; / show errors -- Load the data for the select widgets. @@ photobook-data @@ photobook-data-universities