@title@ @context@ new_field.attribute_name


Attribute Name — A-Za-z0-9-_ only.

Pretty Name, Pretty Plural — These are the names you'll know this field by (see Label)

Datatype — The kind of value you want.

Column Spec — The SQL data type of the column you want created in the database. Value in column spec must agree with value in datatype. e.g. integer, varchar(100), timestamp, numeric(9,2), etc.

Sort Order (optional) — The order you want this field displayed in.

Default Value (optional) — The default value for this field.

Widget — How would you like the data entry field displayed?

Label — This is the word that appears beside the field on the place ad form shown to users.

HTML Options (optional) — For additional HTML attributes for the widget. Always surround with {braces} and always in attribute value order. e.g. {size 30 maxlength 100 onfocus "blur();"}

Select Options (optional) — A list of options for select lists and button groups (check boxes or radio buttons). The list contains two-element lists in the form { {label value} {label value} {label value} ...} e.g. {{S "12.99"} {M "15.49"} {L "17.99}} renders in HTML:

<option value="12.99">S
<option value="15.49">M
<option value="17.99">L

Validate (experts only) — A list of custom validation blocks in the form { name { expression } { message } name { expression } { message } ...} where name is a unique identifier for the validation step, expression is a block to Tcl code that evaluates to 1 or 0, and message is to be displayed to the user when the validation step fails. Use the special variable $value to refer to the value entered by the user in that field.

Optional — The user is not required to use this field.

Enabled — This field will appear to the user.