Achieved Points Allow Cut and Paste Is the student allowed to use cut and paste in multiline text fields? Allow spellcheck Is the built-in spellcheck activated in multiline text fields? Alternative Answer Answer Columns That is correct! Sorry, incorrect! Answer Lines Answers Automatically published from %from% to %to% Autosave operation rejected since submission is overdue. Please save your answer and submit now. Pool Item Statistics Available Pool Items Answer Option Answer Options Close student submission review Close submission review for students Code Question Columns Composite Question Subquestion with minutes Subquestion with points Subquestion with title Configuration Configuration options Correct Correct? Correct When Audio alarm for countdown timer Include acoustic audio signal to alert students about the approaching time expiration (maybe not wanted for class-room exams) Created Assessments Created Questions Cut and Paste is allowed in multi-line text fields Cut and Paste is not allowed in multi-line text fields Day Days Detailed Configuration Detailed summary Displayed revision Download all displayed file submissions Duration Exam review for this exam is not open Exam Published automated exam review not possible automated exam review possible Summary Exam Time Window Optional time window for automatically open/close exam. When these values are set, manual opening and closing of the exam is still possible. Exercise Exercise Text Multiple Choice Exercise Open Text Exercise Single Choice Exercise Export Results Export results and comments per question Feedback Feedback Correct Feedback Incorrect First Question Save and go to first question Remove Flag Remove flag for this question Flag this Question Flag this question for later Go to this revision Grade Grade Boundaries Grading Grading Scheme Score Grading Scheme No grading The grading scheme defines grade boundaries and rounding rules for determining grades from achieved percentages Hour Hours You have finished this exam. Inclass Exam closed Draft Inclass Exam (not published) Inclass Exam open (published) Inclass Exam closed (review open) Submit and Finish Exam Submit exam. Exam cannot be modified afterwards. You have already answered question %number% The quiz is closed Create quiz Quiz ... Draft (quiz not published) Name of Quiz The quiz has not been published The quiz is currently not available for answering The quiz is open Publish quiz Get answers for this question Listing of Submitted Quizzes Publish quiz again Save Answer Submit Close quiz Waiting for next question ... Lines Submission revision Use displayed revision as submission Restrict Items Restrict item selection to this number of items (requires same weight of every item) Item Restriction to %n% items NOT ok (duration varies), Item Restriction to %n% items NOT ok (not enough test items), Restriction to %n% items ok, %n% of Multiple Choice Question Inclass Exam Inclass Quiz Online Exam Topic Assignment New Workflow Grading Scheme Code Interaction Composite Interaction New Exam Folder MC Interaction Pool Question Ordering Interaction SC Interaction Short Text Interaction Text Interaction Upload Interaction Minute Minutes Next Question Save and go to next question not submitted Number of changes Actual Signature Students can now answer via Exam closed Exam ... Draft Exam (not published) Leave Exam Listing of Filled-out Exams The Exam is finished Name of Exam The Exam has not been published Exam open (published) Exam Protocol Publish Exam Open Exam again Results Review Exam Exam review protocol Save Answer Create Exam Start Exam Submission File Submission Files Submission Signature Final submission Submitted exams Persons have submitted exam Publish exam (clean test run data on first publish operation) Publish exam again, existing answers are NOT deleted. Go back to start where questions can be selected (existing answers will be deleted). Create a fresh Exam (will delete all answers to this exam) Do you want to try out the exam? Close Exam Open student submission review Open submission review for students of %achievedPoints% of possible %totalPoints% points, %percentage%% %achievedPoints% of possible %totalPoints% points, %percentage%%, grade: %grade% %achievedPoints% of possible %totalPoints% points, %percentage%% (rounded %percentageRounded%%), grade: %grade% %achievedPoints% (rounded %achievedPointsRounded%) of possible %totalPoints% points, %percentage%%, grade: %grade% Participant Participants participants answered this question Please answer Point Points Pool Question Pool Folder Item Types Name Pattern Preview Previous Question Save and go to previous question Print Proctoring Use E-Proctoring for this exam Proctoring Options Options to tailor proctoring behavior Record proctoring Record images and audio files (as requested in proctoring options) of participants Question Question Management Selection of Questions Structure Questions Questions randomization for exam NOT ok ("always" should not be used) randomization for exam ok Randomized Item Order Present question of exam to every student in different order Refresh remaining Ordering Question Ordering Elements Edit Exam Configuration Results Results of Rounding Precision Rounding Scheme precise by percentage by points Single Choice Question Second Seconds Security Configuration Drag and Drop Questions ... Short Text Question Show IP address Show student his own IP address during exam Show Max >Show questions with minutes Show student questions with time budget in minutes during exam Show questions with points Show student achievable points per question during exam Show Results Shuffle Always None Per user Signature Provide a digital finger print of submitted answers as proof of submitted content since published Solution Spellcheck is activated in multi-line text fields Spellcheck is deactivated in multi-line text fields State Sub-Question Sub-Questions Are you sure you want to submit? This step cannot be undone. submitted Submitted Answers Subquestion Synchronized Exam Is the exam duration strictly controlled by the lecturer, or does every student get his working time displayed, independent of the time the lecturer started the exam. Name contains at least one invalid character Test run Text Question Time budget Increase time budget for handicapped students Time Management Total Score 2 columns File Upload Question Value must smaller or equal Value must larger or equal