-- -- The Notifications Package -- -- ben@openforce.net -- Copyright (C) 2000 MIT -- -- GNU GPL v2 -- -- -- The queue of messages coming back -- create table notification_replies ( reply_id integer not null constraint notif_repl_repl_id_fk references acs_objects(object_id) constraint notif_repl_repl_id_pk primary key, object_id integer not null constraint notif_repl_obj_id_fk references acs_objects(object_id), type_id integer not null constraint notif_repl_type_id_fk references notification_types(type_id), from_user integer not null constraint notif_repl_from_fk references users(user_id), subject varchar(100), content text, reply_date timestamptz ); -- RI indexes create index notif_repl_from_user_idx ON notification_replies(from_user); create index notif_repl_type_id_idx ON notification_replies(type_id); create index notif_repl_object_id_idx ON notification_replies(object_id); select acs_object_type__create_type ( 'notification_reply', 'Notification Reply', 'Notification Replies', 'acs_object', 'notification_replies', 'reply_id', 'notification_reply', 'f', NULL, NULL );