Accepted Offers Accepted on Add offer project Admin Categories Administration Aggregate invocies from this time of years and beyond. Amount Amount paid Amount sum Total Amount and Apply VAT? Back Back to project Back to %year% Back to Years Between Billable Projects Cancel Cancel and Return Cancelled? Categories Category clear Client Account Manager Continue with Offer Acceptance Continue with Delete Cost Cost cause Cost item Cost number Costs Count Creation Date Credit awarded by projects Credit Empty project to collect credit from other projects Credit CSV Currency Currency paid Customer Date Range: Day Delete Due date Edit Template Number of files Final Amount Finish date Fixed cost? Accepted Offers Invoices Offers Group By Invoice Invoice Item Invoice item number Invoice Item Title Invoice Items Invoice Items Reports Invoice number Invoice reference Invoice Title Invoices Invoices Invoices Items Item ID Cost Costs Add Cost Apply VAT? Cost number Currency Delete Cost Description Edit Cost Number of units New Cost Create New Cost Cost cause Customer Price per unit Title Fixed cost? View Cost Display price list Invoices from the last %last_years% years: Invoice Invoices Invoice "%organization_name%" Add Invoice Rebate Open amount Amount sum Cancellation Add invoice cancellation <html><body><h3>Cancellation</h3>%invoice_text%</html></body> Cancellation # %invoice_nr% Finished on Billed items Total items Created on Created by Credit Add invoice credit <html><body><h3>Credit</h3>%invoice_text%</html></body> Credit # %invoice_nr% New Credit Create New Credit Currency Delete Invoice Description Description on the invoice Invoice date Daten when the invoice is due. Edit Invoice You are not allowed to edit a paid or cancelled invoice <html><body><h3>Invoice</h3>%invoice_text%</html></body> Invoice # %invoice_nr% Invoice number Number of the Invoice. Needs to be unique for accounting purposes. Invoice Item Invoice Items Add Invoice Item Delete Invoice Item Description Edit Invoice Item Invoice Invoice item number Number of units New Invoice Item Create New Invoice Item Parent Item Price per unit Rebate Sort order Title VAT View Invoice Item New Invoice Create New Invoice Customer Client for whom to create the invoice Amount paid Currency paid Invoice reference Pay invoices Payment after .. days Days until the recipient until should have paid. Description Project ID Title Projects not completely billed Rebate Maximum rebate %open_rebate% %currency% Invoice Recipient Invoice recipient of this invoice Save Send Invoice Specialities Invoice specialities to take into account Status Billed Cancelled Unbilled Paid Title Title for the invoice Total amount VAT %VAT Percentage of VAT added in the invoice View Invoice Invoices of %long_month% %year%: Invoices of year %year%: Cost Sheet Cost Sheets Accept Offer Accepted on <html><body><h3>Accepted Offer</h3>%recipient_salutation% %recipient_name%,<p>thank you for your order. We will contact you as soon as possible.</html></body> Offer acceptance # %offer_nr% Thank you for accepting our offer. We will contact you as soon as possible. Cost Sheet for "%organization_name%" Add Cost Sheet Rebate Amount sum Automatically calculated sum from the summation of the offer items Total amount Total sum for the invoice. This might differ from the aggregation of the offer items. Comment Internal comment not shown to the customer Total items Created on Created by Credit percent Credit sum Currency Date Comment: Internal Notes explaining the deadline communicated to the client Delete Cost Sheet Description Description of the cost sheet Edit Cost Sheet You are not allowed to edit an accepted or invoiced cost sheet <html><body><h3>Offer</h3>%offer_text%<p>To accept this offer, click <a href="%accept_link%">here</a>.</html></body> Offer # %offer_nr% Finish on Deadline until which the project has to be delivered to the client Finish time Time of the deadline for the delivery of the project Cost Item Cost Items Add Cost Item Amount Calculated total amount (multiplying units and price per unit) Type Type of work done. Comment Internal comment for the offer/invoice item Delete Cost Item Description Description which is also shown in the offer/invoice Edit Cost Item Number of files Number of files that are relevant for this offer/invoice item files Cost Sheet Number of units Number of units (e.g. hours or lines) New Cost Item Create New Cost Item Cost Item number Position of the offer item Number of pages Number of pages that are relevant for this invoice item. pages Parent Item Price per unit Price per unit. Will be prefilled from the pricelist with the value associated with the type for this offer/invoice item Rebate Rebate given on this offer/invoice item in percent. Sort order Title Title that is shown in the offer/invoice VAT View Cost Item Cost Sheets New Cost Sheet Create New Cost Sheet Offer number Cost sheet number Customer Organization Name Payment after .. days How many days has the customer until the invoice has to be paid Project Contact Description Project Name Project ID Title Send Offer Send confirmation Template des Angebots Title Title of the offer VAT %VAT What is the VAT charged for the customer View Cost Sheet Payment Payments Add Payment Amount Currency Delete Payment Description Edit Payment Invoice New Payment Create New Payment Customer Received on Title View Payment Price Prices Amount Price category Edit Prices Price List Price List Price Lists Add Price List Credit percent Currency Delete Price List Description Edit Price List New Price List Create New Price List Customer Title View Price List View Price Invoice Reports Last Years Link package instances Mapped Month Month New New Clients No None Number of units Cost Sheet Offer Item Offer Item ID Offer item number Offer Item Title Offer Items Offer Items Reports Offer number Offer Title Cost Sheets Cost Sheets Offers Items Number of pages Parent invoice item Parent cost item Payment Payment after .. days Payments Price Price category Price List Price list Price Lists Price per unit Prices Projects Rebate Received on Recipient Sort order Status Table Invoice Invoice cancellation Credit Offer Accepted Offer Total Total amount Total Offers h Unmounted %VAT VAT amount Year Yes