-- -- Assessment Package -- -- @author nperper@it.uc3m.es -- @creation-date 2004-08-05 -- -- Assessment Sessions: provides the central definition of a given subject's performance of an Assessment. create table as_sessions ( session_id integer constraint as_sessions_session_id_pk primary key constraint as_sessions_session_id_fk references cr_revisions(revision_id) on delete cascade, assessment_id integer constraint as_sessions_assessment_id_fk references as_assessments(assessment_id) on delete cascade, -- References a Subjects entity that we don't define in this package. -- if subjects can't be "persons" then Assessment will have to define an as_subjects table for its own use. subject_id integer constraint as_sessions_subject_id_fk references persons(person_id) on delete cascade, -- references Users if someone is doing the Assessment as a proxy for the real subject staff_id integer constraint as_sessions_staff_id_fk references users(user_id) on delete cascade, -- when the subject should do the Assessment target_datetime timestamptz, -- when the subject initiated the Assessment creation_datetime timestamptz, -- when the subject first sent something back in first_mod_datetime timestamptz, -- the most recent submission last_mod_datetime timestamptz, -- when the final submission produced a complete Assessment completed_datetime timestamptz, session_status varchar(20), assessment_status varchar(20), -- current percentage of the subject achieved so far percent_score integer constraint as_sessions_percent_score_ck check (percent_score <= 100) ); create index as_sessions_assessment_id_idx on as_sessions (assessment_id); create index as_sessions_subject_id_idx on as_sessions (subject_id); --Assessment Section Data: tracks the state of each Section in the Assessment. create table as_section_data ( section_data_id integer constraint as_section_data_section_data_id_pk primary key constraint as_section_data_section_data_id_fk references cr_revisions(revision_id) on delete cascade, session_id integer constraint as_section_data_session_id_fk references as_sessions(session_id) on delete cascade, section_id integer constraint as_section_data_section_id_fk references as_sections(section_id) on delete cascade, -- if subjects can't be "persons" then Assessment will have to define an as_subjects table for its own use. subject_id integer constraint as_section_data_subject_id_fk references persons(person_id) on delete cascade, staff_id integer constraint as_section_data_staff_id_fk references users(user_id) on delete cascade, points float, -- when the subject initiated the section creation_datetime timestamptz, -- when the final submission produced a complete section completed_datetime timestamptz ); create unique index as_section_data_pk2 on as_section_data (session_id, section_id); create unique index as_section_data_pk3 on as_section_data (section_id, session_id); create index as_section_data_subject_id_idx on as_section_data (subject_id); -- Assessment Item Data: is the "long skinny table" where all the primary data go create table as_item_data ( item_data_id integer constraint as_item_data_item_data_id_pk primary key constraint as_item_data_item_data_id_fk references cr_revisions(revision_id) on delete cascade, session_id integer constraint as_item_data_session_id_fk references as_sessions(session_id) on delete cascade, -- if subjects can't be "persons" then Assessment will have to define an as_subjects table for its own use subject_id integer constraint as_item_data_subject_id_fk references persons(person_id) on delete cascade, -- missing foreign key staff_id integer constraint as_item_data_staff_id_fk references users(user_id) on delete cascade, as_item_id integer constraint as_item_data_item_id references as_items(as_item_id) on delete cascade, section_id integer constraint as_item_data_section_id references as_sections(section_id) on delete cascade, is_unknown_p char(1) default 'f' constraint as_item_data_is_unknown_p_ck check (is_unknown_p in ('t','f')), boolean_answer boolean, clob_answer text, numeric_answer numeric, integer_answer integer, -- presumably can store both varchar and text datatypes text_answer varchar(500), timestamp_answer timestamptz, -- references cr_revisions content_answer integer constraint as_item_data_content_answer_fk references cr_revisions on delete cascade, -- This field stores the signed entered data signed_data varchar(500), points float, file_id integer constraint as_item_data_file_id_fk references cr_revisions(revision_id) on delete cascade, as_item_cr_item_id integer, choice_value text -- to do: figure out how attachment answers should be supported; the Attachment package is still in need of considerable help. Can we rely on it here? ); create index as_item_data_pk2 on as_item_data (session_id, section_id, as_item_id); create index as_item_data_pk3 on as_item_data (as_item_id, section_id, session_id); create index as_item_data_subject_id_idx on as_item_data (subject_id); create index as_item_data_as_item_id_idx on as_item_data (as_item_id); create index as_item_data_content_answer_idx on as_item_data(content_answer); create index as_item_data_file_id_idx on as_item_data(file_id); create index as_item_data_section_id_idx on as_item_data(section_id); create index as_item_data_staff_id_idx on as_item_data(staff_id); -- -- procedure as_item_data_ins_trg/0 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION as_item_data_ins_trg( ) RETURNS trigger AS $$ DECLARE v_item_id integer; BEGIN select item_id into v_item_id from cr_revisions where revision_id = NEW.as_item_id; NEW.as_item_cr_item_id = v_item_id; return NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; create trigger as_item_data_ins_trg before insert on as_item_data for each row execute procedure as_item_data_ins_trg(); create table as_session_results ( result_id integer constraint as_session_results_result_id_pk primary key constraint as_session_results_result_id_fk references cr_revisions(revision_id) on delete cascade, target_id integer constraint as_session_results_target_id_fk references cr_revisions(revision_id) on delete cascade, points float ); create index as_session_results_target_idx on as_session_results (target_id); -- here the selected choices are stored create table as_item_data_choices ( item_data_id integer constraint as_item_data_choices_data_id_fk references as_item_data on delete cascade, -- references as_item_choices choice_id integer constraint as_item_data_choices_choice_id_fk references as_item_choices on delete cascade, constraint as_item_data_choices_pk primary key (item_data_id, choice_id) ); create unique index as_item_data_choices_pk2 on as_item_data_choices (choice_id, item_data_id); -- -- procedure as_item_data_choices_ins_trg/0 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION as_item_data_choices_ins_trg( ) RETURNS trigger AS $$ DECLARE v_choice_value text default ''; BEGIN select title into v_choice_value from cr_revisions where revision_id = NEW.choice_id; update as_item_data set choice_value = coalesce(choice_value,'') || ' ' || coalesce(v_choice_value,'') where item_data_id = new.item_data_id; return NEW; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; create trigger as_item_data_choices_ins_trg after insert on as_item_data_choices for each row execute procedure as_item_data_choices_ins_trg(); -- here the order of the displayed sections is stored per session create table as_session_sections ( session_id integer constraint as_session_sections_session_fk references as_sessions on delete cascade, section_id integer constraint as_session_sections_section_fk references as_sections on delete cascade, sort_order integer, constraint as_session_sections_pk primary key (session_id, section_id) ); create unique index as_session_sections_pk2 on as_session_sections (section_id, session_id); -- here the order of the displayed items is stored per session create table as_session_items ( session_id integer constraint as_session_items_session_fk references as_sessions on delete cascade, section_id integer constraint as_session_items_section_fk references as_sections on delete cascade, as_item_id integer constraint as_session_items_item_fk references as_items on delete cascade, sort_order integer, constraint as_session_items_pk primary key (session_id, section_id, as_item_id) ); create unique index as_session_items_pk2 on as_session_items (as_item_id, section_id, session_id); -- here the order of the displayed item choices is stored per session create table as_session_choices ( session_id integer constraint as_session_choices_session_fk references as_sessions, section_id integer constraint as_session_choices_section_fk references as_sections, as_item_id integer constraint as_session_choices_item_fk references as_items, choice_id integer constraint as_session_choices_choice_fk references as_item_choices, sort_order integer, constraint as_session_choices_pk primary key (session_id, section_id, as_item_id, choice_id) ); create unique index as_session_choices_pk2 on as_session_choices (choice_id, as_item_id, section_id, session_id); -- here all references to answers of a session are stored create table as_session_item_map ( session_id integer constraint as_session_item_map_session_fk references as_sessions on delete cascade, item_data_id integer constraint as_session_item_map_item_data_fk references as_item_data on delete cascade, constraint as_session_item_map_pk primary key (session_id, item_data_id) ); create unique index as_session_item_map_pk2 on as_session_item_map (item_data_id, session_id);