-- @author joel@collaboraid.net -- @creation-date 2003-10-12 -- @cvs-id $Id: simulation-tables-create.sql,v 1.18 2003/12/19 09:24:27 lars Exp $ create table sim_simulations ( simulation_id integer constraint sim_simulations_fk references workflows on delete cascade constraint sim_simulation_pk primary key, suggested_duration interval, sim_type varchar(20) constraint sim_simulations_type_ck check (sim_type in ('dev_template','ready_template','dev_sim','casting_sim','live_sim')), enroll_type varchar(20) constraint sim_simulations_enroll_type_ck check (enroll_type in ('closed','open')), casting_type varchar(20) constraint sim_simulations_casting_type_ck check (casting_type in ('auto','group','open')), enroll_start timestamptz, enroll_end timestamptz, constraint sim_simulations_enroll_end_after_start_end_ck check (enroll_end >= enroll_start), case_start timestamptz, case_end timestamptz, send_start_note_date timestamptz, constraint sim_simulations_case_end_after_start_ck check (case_end >= case_start) ); select acs_object_type__create_type ( 'simulation', -- object_type 'Simulation', -- pretty_name 'Simulations', -- pretty_plural 'workflow_lite', -- supertype 'sim_simulations', -- table_name 'simulation_id', -- id_column null, -- package_name 'f', -- abstract_p null, -- type_extension_table 'sim_simulation__name' -- name_method ); comment on table sim_simulations is 'Each record is an instantiation of a simulation template, and the parent of zero to many simulation cases.'; create table sim_roles ( role_id integer constraint sim_roles_ri_fk references workflow_roles(role_id) on delete cascade constraint sim_roles_pk primary key, character_id integer constraint sim_roles_character_fk references cr_items on delete cascade, users_per_case integer default 1 ); comment on table sim_roles is 'Each record is a role within a simulation template to be played by one or more users or a computer agent when the template is instantiated into cases.'; create table sim_role_party_map ( role_id integer constraint sim_role_party_map_ri_fk references workflow_roles(role_id) on delete cascade, party_id integer constraint sim_role_party_map_party_fk references parties on delete cascade, constraint sim_role_party_map_pk primary key(role_id, party_id) ); comment on table sim_role_party_map is 'Each record defines a group of users to be cast into a role in groups of group_size'; create table sim_tasks ( task_id integer constraint sim_tasks_fk references workflow_actions on delete cascade constraint sim_tasks_pk primary key, recipient integer constraint sim_tasks_recipient_fk references workflow_roles on delete cascade, attachment_num integer default 0 ); comment on table sim_tasks is 'A 1-1 extension of workflow_actions. Each record is a task that a role must perform, possibly upon another role.'; create table sim_task_object_map ( task_id integer constraint stom_fk references workflow_actions on delete cascade, object_id integer constraint stom_object_fk references acs_objects on delete cascade, relation_tag varchar(100), order_n integer, constraint stom_pk primary key (task_id, object_id, relation_tag, order_n) ); comment on table sim_task_object_map is 'A mapping table to show which tasks use which props. Each record is one prop for one task.'; create table sim_party_sim_map ( simulation_id integer constraint sim_party_sim_map_sim_fk references sim_simulations on delete cascade, party_id integer constraint sim_party_sim_map_party_fk references parties on delete cascade, type varchar(20) constraint sim_party_sim_map_type_ck check (type in ('enrolled', 'invited', 'auto-enroll')), constraint sim_party_sim_map_pk primary key (simulation_id, party_id) ); comment on table sim_party_sim_map is 'Each record is an invitation to a party to participate in a simulation.'; create table sim_case_task_object_map ( task_id integer constraint sctom_fk references workflow_actions on delete cascade, object_id integer constraint sctom_object_fk references acs_objects on delete cascade, case_id integer constraint sctom_case_fk references workflow_cases on delete cascade, order_n integer, relation_tag varchar(100), constraint sctom_pk primary key (task_id, object_id, case_id, relation_tag) ); comment on table sim_case_task_object_map is 'A mapping table to show which tasks use which props in a case. Each record is one prop for one task, in a case.'; create table sim_case_role_object_map ( role_id integer constraint scrom_fk references workflow_roles on delete cascade, object_id integer constraint scrom_object_fk references acs_objects on delete cascade, case_id integer constraint scrom_case_fk references workflow_cases on delete cascade, order_n integer, relation_tag varchar(100), constraint scrom_pk primary key (role_id, object_id, case_id, relation_tag) ); comment on table sim_case_role_object_map is 'The portfolio of sim_props for a role in a case.'; ---------------------------------------------------------------------- -- sim_case ---------------------------------------------------------------------- select acs_object_type__create_type ( 'sim_case', -- object_type 'Simulation Case', -- pretty_name 'Simulation Cases', -- pretty_plural 'acs_object', -- supertype 'sim_cases', -- table_name 'sim_case_id' , -- id_column null, -- package_name 'f', -- abstract_p null, -- type_extension_table 'acs_object__name' -- name_method ); create table sim_cases ( sim_case_id integer constraint sim_case_fk references acs_objects constraint sim_case_pk primary key, workflow_id integer constraint sim_case_workflow_fk references workflows, sort_order integer, constraint sim_case_workflow_sort_order_un unique (workflow_id, sort_order) ); comment on table sim_cases is 'The object behind a simulation case.';