Accept Accepted Open freeze release release date %component_name% User Version resolution code to log title Add category Add new version Admin Administration All %Components_name% %bugs_name% you're assigned to %bugs_name% you're participating in %bugs_name% in this project Already Released Versions freeze release release date to Version To to version to Version Assign Assignable Assigned To Before you can get started using the bug-tracker, you need to create at least one component. Bug component maintainer project maintainer bug info *Bug Bug #%bug_number% not found. Bug not found Bug Number Bug status: [ %open_filter% ] Suggestion #%bug_number% - %bug_name% Bug Tracker Bug Type of any Status Error on %bug_pretty_s% ID %one_bug_id%: Skipping due to errors Actions to be performed No permission on #%bug_info.bug_number%: %bug_info.summary% %action_pretty_name% not enabled on #%bug_info.bug_number%: %bug_info.summary% Skipping because you do not have permission to %action_short_name% Will %action_short_name% #%bug_info.bug_number%: %bug_info.summary% Bulk %action_pretty_name% %bug_pretty% By Design resolution code in the case activity log Categories Category Category Type setup Bugs for this Patch Choose setup Close Closed Comment Commented Component component Component_id %component_id% not found components Components: %component_filter% Confirm delete Are you sure you want to delete this related file from this bug? You will not be able to undo this action. Create new Create new category type Creation Date (current) | Current: %current_version_name% Current version: %current_version_name% Custom Default Delete delete Delete related file Deleted Description format Details download Download patch content Duplicate Edit %component_name% Project Project Maintainer Version Edited Email: Filtered %bug_name% list for version for for Bugs Fix for Version Fixed in version Fixed by <a href="patch?patch_number=%patch_number%">patch #%patch_number%</a> Fixed in Version in version Found in Version %function% $object_type_name Future Versions from Version hide user agent How to submit a patch Plain ID In Development Setup Initial project configuration <p> Choose your project's initial configuration. </p> <p> There's nothing that we do here that you can't redo later, if you want to. </p> List Default Category Setup Maintainer: Maintainer Manage Categories Manage your notifications map to %bugs_name% Map patch #%patch_number% "%patch_summary%" to a Bug Message Type Name in shortcut URL Need_Info New New %Bug_name% Patch New Workflow No %bugs_name% No categories of this type. No components No Maintainer %next_bug_num% of %all_bugs% No %patches_name%. You don't have permission to '%action.pretty_name%' on bug #%bug_id% "%bug.summary%" No related files No selected bugs. Couldn't find user in database None You're not logged in. For more options, <a href="%login_url%">log in now</a>. Not Reproducable tag Notifications Notifications for Total # %Component_name% "%component_name%" %Component_name% "%component_name%" Open Bugs Open Opened Page with [ %pagination_filter% ] &nbsp; &nbsp; Show Parameters file # file (leave blank to keep current file): #%patch_number% %patch_pretty_name% %patch_action_pretty_mode% by %bt_user_first_names% %bt_user_last_name% Patch #%patch_number%: %patch_summary% Denied Permission Denied Permissions Plain Planned Freeze Planned Release Please contact a project administrator to get the components set up. Please visit the <a href="admin/">project administration</a> pages to define software components. Postponed Preformatted Pref %pretty_plural% per page 1 - High 3 - Low *2 - Normal Priority Priority codes Name Project administration properties Reassign Reassigned Refuse Refused A related file (%filename%) was deleted from this %bug_pretty%. Description File File is required Filename A file (%filename%) was uploaded to this %bug_pretty%. <br><br> Description:<br> %description% Related file not found Related File Properties A new revision (%filename%) for a file (%old_filename%) was uploaded to this %bug_pretty%. <br><br> Description:<br> %description% Related Files Release Version Release this version Reopen Reopened Request notifications for all activity on this %bug_name% Resolution resolution Resolve Bugs Resolved Resolver resolver Return Search Select one or more of the following %pretty_names.bugs% for patch "%patch_summary%" (you may select more %pretty_names.bugs% later): Error on %bug_pretty_s% ID %one_bug_id%: #%bug_info.bug_number%: %bug_info.summary% Send Summary Email Skipping sending of summary for these emails %bug_pretty% Summary for %package_instance_name% (%subsite_instance_name%) Sending summary for these bugs Recipients A space-separated list of emails to send to %bug_pretty% Summary for %package_instance_name% set Set to current 1 - Critical 2 - Major 4 - Minor *3 - Normal Severity Severity codes show all show only open user agent <b>Note:</b> Categories are sorted by their names. Therefore, it's a good idea to use names of ths form &quot;1 - High&quot;, &quot;2 - Normal&quot;, etc., or &quot;A - Critical&quot;, &quot;B - Major&quot;, etc., thus making the order obvious. State Open Status Stop watching this %bug_name% Submit a new %pretty_names.bug% by Submitter Subscribe to %pretty_name% Summary Support-Center *Error Problem *Question Suggestion Support Type platforms Table The operation you provided looks invalid. Please check your url or contact the webmaster if you think it should work. There are no open %pretty_names.bugs% to map the patch to. Try changing the component filter above. this %bug_name% This is a new project. This project is empty. Suggestion *Todo Ticket-Tracker Ticket Type Unassigned Undecided Unknown type bt_conn: unknown flag $flag Unknown variable %var% unmap Unsubscribe from %pretty_name%" "<# Subscribe to %pretty_name% Unsubscribe to notifications for activity on this %bug_name% Upload new revision of related file (%filename%) upload new version Upload a patch Upload related file Use default setup User Agent Version name Name Version_id %version_id% not found Versions View the %pretty_names.bugs% for this component Watch this %bug_name% Won't fix Workflow Writing a good bug report You can filter by this %component_name% by viisting %filter_url_string% You do not have permission to map this patch to a bug. Only the submitter of the patch and users with write permission on this Bug Tracker project (package instance) may do so. You do not have permission to edit this patch. Only the submitter of the patch and users with write permission on the Bug Tracker project (package instance) may do so. You do not have permission to reopen this refused patch, only users with write permission on the Bug Tracker package instance (project) may do so. You do not have permission to reopen this deleted patch, only users with write permission on the Bug Tracker package instance (project) and the submitter of the patch may do so. do not have permission to cancel this patch - only the submitter of the patch may do so. If you are an administrator you can however refuse the patch. You don't have permission to edit this patch. You do not have permission to unmap a bug from this patch. Only the submitter of the patch and users with write permission on the Bug Tracker package instance (project) may do so. Your Preferences Your version Your version: