-- packages/ref-timezones/sql/postgresql/ref-timezones-create.sql -- -- This package provides both the reference data for timezones and an -- API for doing simple operations on timezones. The data provided is -- a combination of the NIH timezone database and the Unix zoneinfo -- database (conversion rules). -- -- @author jon@jongriffin.com, dhogaza@pacifier.com -- @creation-date 2001-09-02 -- @cvs-id $Id: ref-timezones-create.sql,v 1.13 2017/08/07 23:48:14 gustafn Exp $ -- DRB: PostgreSQL has its own ideas about timezones and input/output conversions. -- It natively supports a subset of the Unix timezone database, and external -- representations are always in server-local time unless overridden by explicit -- time zone information on input or converted to varchar with an "at timezone" -- suffix in a select statement. -- While useful for applications that can live with the restrictions, it's not -- quite general enough for our usage. This package provides the generality -- we need in a style that's very close to that of its Oracle equivalent. -- PG stores all dates shifted to UTC and does all computations in Julian -- dates. This package provides some very simple utilities: -- timezone__convert_to_utc(timezone, input_string) returns timestamptz -- Takes an input string (which must NOT have any explicit timezone -- information embedded) and converts it to a timestamptz, shifting it -- to UTC using the timezone information. In other words, input_string -- is a date/time local to the given timezone while the returned timestamptz -- is the same date/time shifted to UTC *if* you ignore the timezone information -- by for instance extracting the information with to_char(). -- timezone__get_date(timezone, timestamptz, format string) returns varchar -- Converts the timestamptz to a pretty date in the given timezone using "to_char" -- and appends the timezone abbreviation. -- timezone__get_offset(timezone, timestamptz) returns interval -- Returns a PostgreSQL interval (which can be added or subtracted from -- a UTC timestamp) for the timestamp in the given timezone. -- timezone__get_rawoffset(timezone, timestamptz) returns interval -- Returns the raw (i.e. not adjusted for daylight savings time) offset -- for the timestamp in the timezone (those reading the code for the first -- time may think these definitions are backwards, but they're not) -- Currently if timezone can't be found UTC is assumed. Server local time -- might make more sense but the Oracle version assumes UTC so we'll use that -- for now... -- DRB: Additional note ... -- As of version 7.3, PostgreSQL's default timestamp type no longer includes timezone -- information. If we were starting from scratch, these functions could be simplified -- but ... we have existing OpenACS 4.x installations running PG 7.2. pg_dump dumps -- the old timestamp type as timestamp with time zone explicitly, and the values include -- timezone information, so we're pretty much stuck using timestamptz indefinitely it -- appears. create sequence timezone_seq; -- Primary table for storing timezone names and standard offsets create table timezones ( tz_id integer constraint timezones_tz_id_pk primary key, -- Unix-style TZ environment variable string, e.g. 'America/Los_Angeles' tz varchar(100) not null, -- the standard time offset from UTC as (+-)hhmiss gmt_offset text not null ); -- add this table into the reference repository select acs_reference__new( 'TIMEZONES', '2000-08-21', 'National Institute of Health (USA)', 'ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub', now() ); -- The following table stores the rules for converting between -- local and UTC time. Each rule is specified by timezone, its -- gmt_offset, and the times during which it applies. create table timezone_rules ( -- which timezone does this rule apply to? tz_id integer constraint timezone_rules_tz_id_fk references timezones on delete cascade, -- abbreviation for local time, e.g. EST, EDT abbrev varchar(10) not null, -- UTC start/end time of this rule utc_start timestamptz not null, utc_end timestamptz not null, -- local start/end time of this rule local_start timestamptz not null, local_end timestamptz not null, -- GMT offset in seconds gmt_offset text not null, -- is Daylight Savings Time in effect for this rule? isdst_p boolean ); create index timezone_rules_idx1 on timezone_rules(tz_id, utc_start, utc_end); create index timezone_rules_idx2 on timezone_rules(tz_id, local_start, local_end); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TimeZone package ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- added select define_function_args('rdbms_date','raw_date'); -- -- procedure rdbms_date/1 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION rdbms_date( p_raw_date varchar ) RETURNS timestamptz AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN return "timestamptz" (p_raw_date || '+00'); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql stable strict; -- added select define_function_args('timezone__new','tz,gmt_offset'); -- -- procedure timezone__new/2 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION timezone__new( p_tz varchar, p_gmt_offset varchar ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN insert into timezones (tz_id, tz, gmt_offset) values (nextval('timezone_seq'), p_tz, gmt_offset); return 0; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- added select define_function_args('timezone__delete','tz_id'); -- -- procedure timezone__delete/1 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION timezone__delete( p_tz_id integer ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN delete from timezone_rules where tz_id = p_tz_id; delete from timezones where tz_id = p_tz_id; return 0; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- private function for looking up timezone id's -- added select define_function_args('timezone__get_id','tz'); -- -- procedure timezone__get_id/1 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION timezone__get_id( p_tz varchar ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE v_tz_id integer; BEGIN return tz_id from timezones where tz = p_tz; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql stable strict; -- added select define_function_args('timezone__add_rule','tz,abbrev,isdst_p,gmt_offset,utc_start,utc_end,local_start,local_end'); -- -- procedure timezone__add_rule/8 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION timezone__add_rule( p_tz varchar, p_abbrev varchar, p_isdst_p integer, p_gmt_offset varchar, p_utc_start varchar, p_utc_end varchar, p_local_start varchar, p_local_end varchar ) RETURNS integer AS $$ DECLARE BEGIN insert into timezone_rules (tz_id, abbrev, utc_start, utc_end, local_start, local_end, gmt_offset, isdst_p) select timezone__get_id(p_tz), p_abbrev, rdbms_date(p_utc_start), rdbms_date(p_utc_end), rdbms_date(p_local_start), to_date(p_local_end), p_gmt_offset, case p_isdst_p when 0 then 'f' else 't'end; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- added select define_function_args('timezone__convert_to_utc','tz_id,local_varchar'); -- -- procedure timezone__convert_to_utc/2 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION timezone__convert_to_utc( p_tz_id integer, p_local_varchar varchar ) RETURNS timestamptz AS $$ DECLARE v_base_time timestamptz; BEGIN select "timestamptz" (p_local_varchar || substr(gmt_offset,1,5)) into v_base_time from timezones where tz_id = p_tz_id; if not found then return "timestamptz" (p_local_varchar || '+00'); end if; return "timestamptz" (p_local_varchar) - "interval" (gmt_offset || 'seconds') from timezone_rules where tz_id = p_tz_id and v_base_time between utc_start and utc_end; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql; -- added select define_function_args('timezone__convert_to_local','tz_id,utc_varchar'); -- -- procedure timezone__convert_to_local/2 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION timezone__convert_to_local( p_tz_id integer, p_utc_varchar varchar ) RETURNS timestamptz AS $$ DECLARE v_base_time timestamptz; BEGIN select "timestamptz" (p_utc_varchar || substr(gmt_offset,1,5)) into v_base_time from timezones where tz_id = p_tz_id; if not found then return "timestamptz" (p_utc_varchar || '+00'); end if; return "timestamptz" (p_utc_varchar) + "interval" (gmt_offset || 'seconds') from timezone_rules where tz_id = p_tz_id and v_base_time between utc_start and utc_end; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql stable; -- added select define_function_args('timezone__get_offset','tz_id,time'); -- -- procedure timezone__get_offset/2 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION timezone__get_offset( p_tz_id integer, p_time timestamptz ) RETURNS interval AS $$ DECLARE v_offset integer; BEGIN v_offset := '0'; select gmt_offset into v_offset from timezone_rules where tz_id = p_tz_id and p_time between utc_start and utc_end; return "interval" (v_offset || 'seconds'); END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql stable; -- added select define_function_args('timezone__get_rawoffset','tz_id,time'); -- -- procedure timezone__get_rawoffset/2 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION timezone__get_rawoffset( p_tz_id integer, p_time timestamptz ) RETURNS interval AS $$ DECLARE v_offset varchar; BEGIN v_offset := '0'; select case isdst_p when 't' then "interval" (gmt_offset || 'seconds') - '3600 seconds' else "interval" (gmt_offset || 'seconds') end into v_offset from timezone_rules where tz_id = p_tz_id and p_time between utc_start and utc_end; return v_offset; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql stable; -- added select define_function_args('timezone__get_abbrev','tz_id,time'); -- -- procedure timezone__get_abbrev/2 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION timezone__get_abbrev( p_tz_id integer, p_time timestamptz ) RETURNS varchar AS $$ DECLARE v_abbrev timezone_rules.abbrev%TYPE; BEGIN v_abbrev := 'GMT'; select abbrev into v_abbrev from timezone_rules where tz_id = p_tz_id and p_time between local_start and local_end; return v_abbrev; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql stable; -- Returns a formatted date with timezone info appended -- added select define_function_args('timezone__get_date','tz_id,timestamp,format,append_timezone_p'); -- -- procedure timezone__get_date/4 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION timezone__get_date( p_tz_id integer, p_timestamp timestamptz, p_format varchar, p_append_timezone_p boolean ) RETURNS varchar AS $$ DECLARE v_timestamp timestamptz; v_abbrev text; v_date text; BEGIN v_abbrev := ''; if p_append_timezone_p then select abbrev into v_abbrev from timezone_rules where tz_id = p_tz_id and p_timestamp between utc_start and utc_end; end if; select to_char(p_timestamp + "interval" ( (extract(timezone_hour from p_timestamp) * 3600 + extract(timezone_minute from p_timestamp) * 60) || 'seconds') + "interval" (gmt_offset || 'seconds'), p_format) || ' ' || v_abbrev into v_date from timezone_rules where tz_id = p_tz_id and p_timestamp between utc_start and utc_end; if not found then select to_char(p_timestamp + "interval" ((extract(timezone_hour from p_timestamp) * 3600 + extract(timezone_minute from p_timestamp) * 60) || 'seconds'), p_format) into v_date; end if; return v_date; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql stable; -- Returns 't' if timezone is currently using DST -- added select define_function_args('timezone__isdst_p','tz_id,time'); -- -- procedure timezone__isdst_p/2 -- CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION timezone__isdst_p( p_tz_id integer, p_time timestamptz ) RETURNS boolean AS $$ DECLARE v_isdst_p boolean; BEGIN v_isdst_p := 'f'; select isdst_p into v_isdst_p from timezone_rules where tz_id = p_tz_id and p_time between local_start and local_end; return v_isdst_p; END; $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql stable;