postgresql7.1 select notification_id from notifications except select distinct notification_id from notifications inner join notification_requests using (type_id, object_id) inner join acs_objects on (notification_requests.request_id = acs_objects.object_id) left outer join notification_user_map using (notification_id, user_id) where sent_date is null and creation_date <= notif_date select notification_id, notif_subject, notif_text, notif_html, file_ids, user_id, type_id, delivery_method_id, response_id, notif_date, notif_user from notifications inner join notification_requests using (type_id, object_id) inner join acs_objects on (notification_requests.request_id = acs_objects.object_id) left outer join notification_user_map using (notification_id, user_id) where sent_date is null and creation_date <= notif_date and (notif_date is null or notif_date < current_timestamp) and interval_id = :interval_id and acs_permission__permission_p(notification_requests.object_id, notification_requests.user_id, 'read') order by user_id, type_id, notif_date postgresql8.4 select request_id from notification_requests where acs_permission__permission_p(object_id, user_id, 'read') is false;