-- -- ecommerce-create.sql -- -- by eveander@arsdigita.com, April 1999 -- and ported by Jerry Asher (jerry@theashergroup.com) -- and Walter McGinnis (wtem@olywa.net) -- -- ported to OpenACS by Gilbert wong (gwong@orchardlabs.com) -- July 2001 -- Besides the tables defined here, you also need to import -- zip_codes, which contains the following columns: -- ZIP_CODE NOT NULL VARCHAR2(10) -- STATE_CODE CHAR(2) -- CITY_NAME VARCHAR2(32) -- COUNTY_NAME VARCHAR2(32) -- LONGITUDE NUMBER(9,6) -- LATITUDE NUMBER(9,6) -- Each table in ecommerce has a column for user_id, ip_address, -- creation_date and last_modified to assist in auditing user -- inserts, updates, and deletes. -- Audit tables store information about entries in the main ec_ tables. -- They have an column for each column of the main table, plus -- a column for marking when a logged entry was for a deleted row. -- gilbertw: acs-references is not complete yet. use old acs-geo-tables until -- acs-references is done \i acs-geo-tables-create.sql -- product display templates create sequence ec_template_id_seq start 2; create view ec_template_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_template_id_seq') as nextval; -- Helper stuff (ben@adida.net) -- gilbertw - I pulled this from OpenACS 3.2.5 -- there are a few calls to the Oracle least function create function least(numeric,numeric) returns numeric as ' DECLARE first alias for $1; second alias for $2; BEGIN if first < second then return first; else return second; end if; END; ' language 'plpgsql'; -- gilbertw -- timespan_days taken from OpenACS 3.2.5 -- can't cast numeric to varchar/text so I made the input varchar create function timespan_days(float) returns interval as ' DECLARE n_days alias for $1; BEGIN return (n_days::text || '' days'')::interval; END; ' language 'plpgsql'; -- I should have named this product_templates because now we -- have other kinds of templates. create table ec_templates ( template_id integer not null primary key, template_name varchar(200), template varchar(4000), last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null ); create table ec_templates_audit ( template_id integer, template_name varchar(200), template varchar(4000), last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); -- A trigger is used to move information from the main table to -- the audit table create function ec_templates_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_templates_audit ( template_id, template_name, template, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.template_id, old.template_name, old.template, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_templates_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_templates for each row execute procedure ec_templates_audit_tr (); -- this is where the ec_templates insert was -- product categories and subcategories and subsubcategories create sequence ec_category_id_seq; create view ec_category_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_category_id_seq') as nextval; create table ec_categories ( category_id integer not null primary key, -- pretty, human-readable category_name varchar(100), sort_key numeric, last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null ); create index ec_categories_sort_idx on ec_categories (sort_key); create table ec_categories_audit ( category_id integer, category_name varchar(100), sort_key numeric, last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); create function ec_categories_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_categories_audit ( category_id, category_name, sort_key, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.category_id, old.category_name, old.sort_key, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_categories_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_categories for each row execute procedure ec_categories_audit_tr (); create sequence ec_subcategory_id_seq; create view ec_subcategory_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_subcategory_id_seq') as nextval; create table ec_subcategories ( subcategory_id integer not null primary key, category_id integer not null references ec_categories, -- pretty, human-readable subcategory_name varchar(100), sort_key numeric, last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null ); create index ec_subcategories_idx on ec_subcategories (category_id); create index ec_subcategories_idx2 on ec_subcategories (sort_key); create table ec_subcategories_audit ( subcategory_id integer, category_id integer, subcategory_name varchar(100), sort_key numeric, last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); create function ec_subcategories_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_subcategories_audit ( subcategory_id, category_id, subcategory_name, sort_key, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.subcategory_id, old.category_id, old.subcategory_name, old.sort_key, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_subcategories_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_subcategories for each row execute procedure ec_subcategories_audit_tr (); -- a view with category_name also create view ec_subcategories_augmented as select subs.*, cats.category_name from ec_subcategories subs, ec_categories cats where subs.category_id = cats.category_id; create sequence ec_subsubcategory_id_seq; create view ec_subsubcategory_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_subsubcategory_id_seq') as nextval; create table ec_subsubcategories ( subsubcategory_id integer not null primary key, subcategory_id integer not null references ec_subcategories, -- pretty, human-readable subsubcategory_name varchar(100), sort_key numeric, last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null ); create index ec_subsubcategories_idx on ec_subsubcategories (subcategory_id); create index ec_subsubcategories_idx2 on ec_subsubcategories (sort_key); create table ec_subsubcategories_audit ( subsubcategory_id integer, subcategory_id integer, subsubcategory_name varchar(100), sort_key numeric, last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); create function ec_subsubcategories_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_subsubcategories_audit ( subsubcategory_id, subcategory_id, subsubcategory_name, sort_key, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.subsubcategory_id, old.subcategory_id, old.subsubcategory_name, old.sort_key, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_subsubcategories_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_subsubcategories for each row execute procedure ec_subsubcategories_audit_tr (); -- a view with full subcategory and category info as well create view ec_subsubcategories_augmented as select subsubs.*, subs.subcategory_name, cats.category_id, cats.category_name from ec_subsubcategories subsubs, ec_subcategories subs, ec_categories cats where subsubs.subcategory_id = subs.subcategory_id and subs.category_id = cats.category_id; -- this should be replaced by the object_id sequence -- grep for it in files... -- create sequence ec_product_id_sequence start 1; -- This table contains the products and also the product series. -- A product series has the same fields as a product (it actually -- *is* a product, since it's for sale, has its own price, etc.). -- The only difference is that it has other products associated -- with it (that are part of it). So information about the -- whole series is kept in this table and the product_series_map -- table below keeps track of which products are inside each -- series. -- wtem@olywa.net, 2001-03-24 -- begin -- acs_object_type__create_type ( -- supertype => 'acs_object', -- object_type => 'ec_product', -- pretty_name => 'Product', -- pretty_plural => 'Products', -- table_name => 'EC_PRODUCTS', -- id_column => 'PRODUCT_ID', -- package_name => 'ECOMMERCE' -- ); -- end; -- / -- show errors; create function inline_0 () returns integer as ' begin PERFORM acs_object_type__create_type ( ''ec_product'', ''Product'', ''Products'', ''acs_object'', ''ec_products'', ''product_id'', ''ecommerce'', ''f'', null, null ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; select inline_0 (); drop function inline_0 (); -- wtem@olywa.net, 2001-03-24 -- we aren't going to bother to define all the attributes of an ec_product type -- for now, because we are just using it for site-wide-search anyway -- we have a corresponding pl/sql package for the ec_product object_type -- it can be found at ecommerce/sql/ec-product-package-create.sql -- and is called at the end of this script create table ec_products ( product_id integer constraint ec_products_product_id_fk references acs_objects(object_id) on delete cascade constraint ec_products_product_id_pk primary key, -- above changed by wtem@olywa.net, 2001-03-24 -- integer not null primary key, sku varchar(100), product_name varchar(200), creation_date timestamp default now() not null, one_line_description varchar(400), detailed_description varchar(4000), search_keywords varchar(4000), -- this is the regular price for the product. If user -- classes are charged a different price, it should be -- specified in ec_product_user_class_prices price numeric, -- for stuff that can't be shipped like services no_shipping_avail_p boolean default 'f', -- leave this blank if shipping is calculated using -- one of the more complicated methods available shipping numeric, -- fill this in if shipping is calculated by: above price -- for first item (with this product_id), and the below -- price for additional items (with this product_id) shipping_additional numeric, -- fill this in if shipping is calculated using weight -- use whatever units you want (lbs/kg), just be consistent -- and make your shipping algorithm take the units into -- account weight numeric, -- holds pictures, sample chapters, etc. dirname varchar(200), -- whether this item should show up in searches (e.g., if it's -- a volume of a series, you might not want it to) present_p boolean default 't', -- whether the item should show up at all in the user pages active_p boolean default 't', -- the date the product becomes available for sale (it can be listed -- before then, it's just not buyable) available_date timestamp default now() not null, announcements varchar(4000), announcements_expire timestamp, -- if there's a web site with more info about the product url varchar(300), template_id integer references ec_templates, -- o = out of stock, q = ships quickly, m = ships -- moderately quickly, s = ships slowly, i = in stock -- with no message about the speed of the shipment (shipping -- messages are in parameters .ini file) stock_status char(1) check (stock_status in ('o','q','m','s','i')), -- comma-separated lists of available colors, sizes, and styles for the user -- to choose upon ordering color_list varchar(4000), size_list varchar(4000), style_list varchar(4000), -- email this list on purchase email_on_purchase_list varchar(4000), -- the user ID and IP address of the creator of the product last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null ); create view ec_products_displayable as select * from ec_products where active_p='t'; create view ec_products_searchable as select * from ec_products where active_p='t' and present_p='t'; create table ec_products_audit ( product_id integer, product_name varchar(200), creation_date timestamp, one_line_description varchar(400), detailed_description varchar(4000), search_keywords varchar(4000), price numeric, shipping numeric, shipping_additional numeric, weight numeric, dirname varchar(200), present_p boolean default 't', active_p boolean default 't', available_date timestamp, announcements varchar(4000), announcements_expire timestamp, url varchar(300), template_id integer, stock_status char(1) check (stock_status in ('o','q','m','s','i')), last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); create function ec_products_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_products_audit ( product_id, product_name, creation_date, one_line_description, detailed_description, search_keywords, shipping, shipping_additional, weight, dirname, present_p, active_p, available_date, announcements, announcements_expire, url, template_id, stock_status, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.product_id, old.product_name, old.creation_date, old.one_line_description, old.detailed_description, old.search_keywords, old.shipping, old.shipping_additional, old.weight, old.dirname, old.present_p, old.active_p, old.available_date, old.announcements, old.announcements_expire, old.url, old.template_id, old.stock_status, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_products_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_products for each row execute procedure ec_products_audit_tr (); -- people who bought product_id also bought products 0 through -- 4, where product_0 is the most frequently purchased, 1 is next, -- etc. create table ec_product_purchase_comb ( product_id integer not null primary key references ec_products, product_0 integer references ec_products, product_1 integer references ec_products, product_2 integer references ec_products, product_3 integer references ec_products, product_4 integer references ec_products ); create index ec_product_purchase_comb_idx0 on ec_product_purchase_comb(product_0); create index ec_product_purchase_comb_idx1 on ec_product_purchase_comb(product_1); create index ec_product_purchase_comb_idx2 on ec_product_purchase_comb(product_2); create index ec_product_purchase_comb_idx3 on ec_product_purchase_comb(product_3); create index ec_product_purchase_comb_idx4 on ec_product_purchase_comb(product_4); create sequence ec_sale_price_id_seq start 1; create view ec_sale_price_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_sale_price_id_seq') as nextval; create table ec_sale_prices ( sale_price_id integer not null primary key, product_id integer not null references ec_products, sale_price numeric, sale_begins timestamp not null, sale_ends timestamp not null, -- like Introductory Price or Sale Price or Special Offer sale_name varchar(30), -- if non-null, the user has to know this code to get the sale price offer_code varchar(20), last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null ); create index ec_sale_prices_by_product_idx on ec_sale_prices(product_id); create view ec_sale_prices_current as select * from ec_sale_prices where now() >= sale_begins and now() <= sale_ends; create table ec_sale_prices_audit ( sale_price_id integer, product_id integer, sale_price numeric, sale_begins timestamp, sale_ends timestamp, sale_name varchar(30), offer_code varchar(20), last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); create function ec_sale_prices_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_sale_prices_audit ( sale_price_id, product_id, sale_price, sale_begins, sale_ends, sale_name, offer_code, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.sale_price_id, old.product_id, old.sale_price, old.sale_begins, old.sale_ends, old.sale_name, old.offer_code, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_sale_prices_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_sale_prices for each row execute procedure ec_sale_prices_audit_tr (); create table ec_product_series_map ( -- this is the product_id of a product that happens to be -- a series series_id integer not null references ec_products, -- this is the product_id of a product that is one of the -- components of the above series component_id integer not null references ec_products, primary key (series_id, component_id), last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null ); create index ec_product_series_map_idx2 on ec_product_series_map(component_id); create table ec_product_series_map_audit ( series_id integer, component_id integer, last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); create function ec_product_series_map_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_product_series_map_audit ( series_id, component_id, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.series_id, old.component_id, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_product_series_map_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_product_series_map for each row execute procedure ec_product_series_map_audit_tr (); create sequence ec_address_id_seq start 1; create view ec_address_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_address_id_seq') as nextval; create table ec_addresses ( address_id integer not null primary key, user_id integer not null references users, address_type varchar(20) not null, -- e.g., billing attn varchar(100), line1 varchar(100), line2 varchar(100), city varchar(100), -- state -- Jerry, we'll need to creat the states table as part of this usps_abbrev char(2) references us_states(abbrev), -- big enough to hold zip+4 with dash zip_code varchar(10), phone varchar(30), -- for international addresses -- Jerry, same for country_codes country_code char(2) references countries(iso), -- this can be the province or region for an international address full_state_name varchar(30), -- D for day, E for evening phone_time varchar(10) ); create index ec_addresses_by_user_idx on ec_addresses (user_id); create sequence ec_creditcard_id_seq start 1; create view ec_creditcard_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_creditcard_id_seq') as nextval; create table ec_creditcards ( creditcard_id integer not null primary key, user_id integer not null references users, -- Cybercash does not ask for this but we'll store it anyway creditcard_type char(1), -- no spaces; always 16 digits (oops; except for AMEX, which is 15) -- depending on admin settings, after we get success from Cybercash, -- we may bash this to NULL -- we make this a VARCHAR so it doesn't get padded by Oracle creditcard_number varchar(16), -- just the last four digits for subsequent UI creditcard_last_four char(4), -- ##/## creditcard_expire char(5), billing_zip_code varchar(80), -- if it ever failed (conclusively), set this to 't' so we -- won't give them the option of using it again failed_p boolean default 'f' ); create index ec_creditcards_by_user_idx on ec_creditcards (user_id); create sequence ec_user_class_id_seq start 1; create view ec_user_class_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_user_class_id_seq') as nextval; create table ec_user_classes ( user_class_id integer not null primary key, -- human-readable user_class_name varchar(200), -- e.g., student last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null ); create table ec_user_classes_audit ( user_class_id integer, user_class_name varchar(200), -- e.g., student last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); create function ec_user_classes_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_user_classes_audit ( user_class_id, user_class_name, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.user_class_id, old.user_class_name, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_user_classes_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_user_classes for each row execute procedure ec_user_classes_audit_tr (); create table ec_product_user_class_prices ( product_id integer not null references ec_products, user_class_id integer not null references ec_user_classes, price numeric, last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null, primary key (product_id, user_class_id) ); create index ec_product_user_class_idx on ec_product_user_class_prices(user_class_id); -- ec_product_user_class_prices_audit abbreviated as -- ec_product_u_c_prices_audit create table ec_product_u_c_prices_audit ( product_id integer, user_class_id integer, price numeric, last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); create function ec_product_u_c_prices_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_product_u_c_prices_audit ( product_id, user_class_id, price, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.product_id, old.user_class_id, old.price, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_product_u_c_prices_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_product_user_class_prices for each row execute procedure ec_product_u_c_prices_audit_tr (); create sequence ec_recommendation_id_seq start 1; create view ec_recommendation_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_recommendation_id_seq') as nextval; create table ec_product_recommendations ( recommendation_id integer not null primary key, product_id integer not null references ec_products, -- might be null if the product is recommended for everyone user_class_id integer references ec_user_classes, -- html format recommendation_text varchar(4000), active_p boolean default 't', -- where it's displayed (top level if all three are blank): category_id integer references ec_categories, subcategory_id integer references ec_subcategories, subsubcategory_id integer references ec_subsubcategories, last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null ); create index ec_product_recommendation_idx on ec_product_recommendations(category_id); create index ec_product_recommendation_idx2 on ec_product_recommendations(subcategory_id); create index ec_product_recommendation_idx3 on ec_product_recommendations(subsubcategory_id); create index ec_product_recommendation_idx4 on ec_product_recommendations(user_class_id); create index ec_product_recommendation_idx5 on ec_product_recommendations(active_p); create table ec_product_recommend_audit ( recommendation_id integer, product_id integer, user_class_id integer, recommendation_text varchar(4000), active_p boolean default 't', category_id integer, subcategory_id integer, subsubcategory_id integer, last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); create function ec_product_recommend_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_product_recommend_audit ( recommendation_id, product_id, user_class_id, recommendation_text, active_p, category_id, subcategory_id, subsubcategory_id, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.recommendation_id, old.product_id, old.user_class_id, old.recommendation_text, old.active_p, old.category_id, old.subcategory_id, old.subsubcategory_id, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_product_recommend_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_product_recommendations for each row execute procedure ec_product_recommend_audit_tr (); create view ec_recommendations_cats_view as select recs.*, coalesce(cats.category_id,subs.category_id,subsubs.category_id) as the_category_id, coalesce(cats.category_name,subs.category_name,subsubs.category_name) as the_category_name, coalesce(subs.subcategory_id,subsubs.subcategory_id) as the_subcategory_id, coalesce(subs.subcategory_name,subsubs.subcategory_name) as the_subcategory_name, subsubs.subsubcategory_id as the_subsubcategory_id, subsubs.subsubcategory_name as the_subsubcategory_name from ec_product_recommendations recs LEFT JOIN ec_categories cats using (category_id) LEFT JOIN ec_subcategories_augmented subs using (subcategory_id) LEFT JOIN ec_subsubcategories_augmented subsubs on (recs.subsubcategory_id = subsubs.subcategory_id); -- ec_categories cats, -- ec_subcategories_augmented subs, -- ec_subsubcategories_augmented subsubs -- where -- recs.category_id = cats.category_id(+) -- and -- recs.subcategory_id = subs.subcategory_id(+) -- and -- recs.subsubcategory_id = subsubs.subcategory_id(+); -- one row per customer-user; all the extra info that the ecommerce -- system needs create table ec_user_class_user_map ( user_id integer not null references users, user_class_id integer not null references ec_user_classes, primary key (user_id, user_class_id), user_class_approved_p boolean, last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null ); create index ec_user_class_user_map_idx on ec_user_class_user_map (user_class_id); create index ec_user_class_user_map_idx2 on ec_user_class_user_map (user_class_approved_p); create table ec_user_class_user_map_audit ( user_id integer, user_class_id integer, user_class_approved_p boolean, last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); create function ec_user_class_user_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_user_class_user_map_audit ( user_id, user_class_id, user_class_approved_p, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.user_id, old.user_class_id, old.user_class_approved_p, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_user_class_user_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_user_class_user_map for each row execute procedure ec_user_class_user_audit_tr (); -- this specifies that product_a links to product_b on the display page for product_a create table ec_product_links ( product_a integer not null references ec_products, product_b integer not null references ec_products, last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null, primary key (product_a, product_b) ); create index ec_product_links_idx on ec_product_links (product_b); create table ec_product_links_audit ( product_a integer, product_b integer, last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); create function ec_product_links_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_product_links_audit ( product_a, product_b, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.product_a, old.product_b, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_product_links_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_product_links for each row execute procedure ec_product_links_audit_tr (); create sequence ec_product_comment_id_seq start 1; create view ec_product_comment_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_product_comment_id_seq') as nextval; -- comments made by users on the products create table ec_product_comments ( comment_id integer not null primary key, product_id integer not null references ec_products, user_id integer not null references users, user_comment varchar(4000), one_line_summary varchar(300), rating numeric, -- in some systems, the administrator will have to approve comments first approved_p boolean, comment_date timestamp, last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null ); create index ec_product_comments_idx on ec_product_comments(product_id); create index ec_product_comments_idx2 on ec_product_comments(user_id); create index ec_product_comments_idx3 on ec_product_comments(approved_p); create table ec_product_comments_audit ( comment_id integer, product_id integer, user_id integer, user_comment varchar(4000), one_line_summary varchar(300), rating numeric, approved_p boolean, last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); create function ec_product_comments_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_product_comments_audit ( comment_id, product_id, user_id, user_comment, one_line_summary, rating, approved_p, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.comment_id, old.product_id, old.user_id, old.user_comment, old.one_line_summary, old.rating, old.approved_p, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_product_comments_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_product_comments for each row execute procedure ec_product_comments_audit_tr (); create sequence ec_product_review_id_seq start 1; create view ec_product_review_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_product_review_id_seq') as nextval; -- reviews made by professionals of the products create table ec_product_reviews ( review_id integer not null primary key, product_id integer not null references ec_products, author_name varchar(100), publication varchar(100), review_date timestamp, -- in HTML format review text, display_p boolean, last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null ); create index ec_product_reviews_idx on ec_product_reviews (product_id); create index ec_product_reviews_idx2 on ec_product_reviews (display_p); create table ec_product_reviews_audit ( review_id integer, product_id integer, author_name varchar(100), publication varchar(100), review_date timestamp, -- in HTML format review text, display_p boolean, last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); create function ec_product_reviews_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_product_reviews_audit ( review_id, product_id, author_name, publication, review_date, review, display_p, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.review_id, old.product_id, old.author_name, old.publication, old.review_date, old.review, old.display_p, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_product_reviews_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_product_reviews for each row execute procedure ec_product_reviews_audit_tr (); -- a product can be in more than one category create table ec_category_product_map ( product_id integer not null references ec_products, category_id integer not null references ec_categories, publisher_favorite_p boolean, last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null, primary key (product_id, category_id) ); create index ec_category_product_map_idx on ec_category_product_map (category_id); create index ec_category_product_map_idx2 on ec_category_product_map (publisher_favorite_p); create table ec_category_product_map_audit ( product_id integer, category_id integer, publisher_favorite_p boolean, last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); -- ec_category_product_map_audit_tr abbreviated as -- ec_cat_prod_map_audit_tr create function ec_cat_prod_map_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_category_product_map_audit ( product_id, category_id, publisher_favorite_p, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.product_id, old.category_id, old.publisher_favorite_p, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_cat_prod_map_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_category_product_map for each row execute procedure ec_cat_prod_map_audit_tr (); create table ec_subcategory_product_map ( product_id integer not null references ec_products, subcategory_id integer not null references ec_subcategories, publisher_favorite_p boolean, last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null, primary key (product_id, subcategory_id) ); create index ec_subcat_product_map_idx on ec_subcategory_product_map (subcategory_id); create index ec_subcat_product_map_idx2 on ec_subcategory_product_map (publisher_favorite_p); -- ec_subcategory_product_map_audit abbreviated as create table ec_subcat_prod_map_audit ( product_id integer, subcategory_id integer, publisher_favorite_p boolean, last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); -- ec_subcat_prod_map_audit_tr create function ec_subcat_prod_map_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_subcat_prod_map_audit ( product_id, subcategory_id, publisher_favorite_p, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.product_id, old.subcategory_id, old.publisher_favorite_p, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_subcat_prod_map_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_subcategory_product_map for each row execute procedure ec_subcat_prod_map_audit_tr (); create table ec_subsubcategory_product_map ( product_id integer not null references ec_products, subsubcategory_id integer not null references ec_subsubcategories, publisher_favorite_p boolean, last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null, primary key (product_id, subsubcategory_id) ); create index ec_subsubcat_prod_map_idx on ec_subsubcategory_product_map (subsubcategory_id); create index ec_subsubcat_prod_map_idx2 on ec_subsubcategory_product_map (publisher_favorite_p); create table ec_subsubcat_prod_map_audit ( product_id integer, subsubcategory_id integer, publisher_favorite_p boolean, last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); create function ec_subsubcat_prod_map_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_subsubcat_prod_map_audit ( product_id, subsubcategory_id, publisher_favorite_p, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.product_id, old.subsubcategory_id, old.publisher_favorite_p, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_subsubcat_prod_map_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_subsubcategory_product_map for each row execute procedure ec_subsubcat_prod_map_audit_tr (); -- A template can have more than 1 category associated -- with it, but a category can have at most one template. -- When a product is added in a given category, its template -- will default to the one associated with its category (if -- the product is in more than 1 category, it'll get the -- template associated with one of its categories), although -- the admin can always associate a product with any category -- they want. create table ec_category_template_map ( category_id integer not null primary key references ec_categories, template_id integer not null references ec_templates ); create index ec_category_template_map_idx on ec_category_template_map (template_id); -- I could in theory make some hairy system that lets them specify -- what kind of form element each field will have, does -- error checking, etc., but I don't think it's necessary since it's -- just the site administrator using it. So here's a very simple -- table to store the custom product fields: create table ec_custom_product_fields ( field_identifier varchar(100) not null primary key, field_name varchar(100), default_value varchar(100), -- column type for oracle (i.e. text, varchar(50), integer, ...) column_type varchar(100), creation_date timestamp, active_p boolean default 't', last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null ); create table ec_custom_product_fields_audit ( field_identifier varchar(100), field_name varchar(100), default_value varchar(100), column_type varchar(100), creation_date timestamp, active_p boolean default 't', last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); create function ec_custom_prod_fields_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_custom_product_fields_audit ( field_identifier, field_name, default_value, column_type, creation_date, active_p, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.field_identifier, old.field_name, old.default_value, old.column_type, old.creation_date, old.active_p, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_custom_prod_fields_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_custom_product_fields for each row execute procedure ec_custom_prod_fields_audit_tr (); -- more columns are added to this table (by Tcl scripts) when the -- administrator adds custom product fields -- the columns in this table have the name of the field_identifiers -- in ec_custom_product_fields -- this table stores the values create table ec_custom_product_field_values ( product_id integer not null primary key references ec_products, last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null ); create table ec_custom_p_field_values_audit ( product_id integer, last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); create function ec_custom_p_f_values_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_custom_p_field_values_audit ( product_id, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.product_id, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_custom_p_f_values_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_custom_product_field_values for each row execute procedure ec_custom_p_f_values_audit_tr(); create sequence ec_user_session_seq; create view ec_user_session_sequence as select nextval('ec_user_session_seq') as nextval; create table ec_user_sessions ( user_session_id integer not null constraint ec_session_id_pk primary key, -- often will not be known user_id integer references users, ip_address varchar(20) not null, start_time timestamp, http_user_agent varchar(4000) ); create index ec_user_sessions_idx on ec_user_sessions(user_id); create table ec_user_session_info ( user_session_id integer not null references ec_user_sessions, product_id integer references ec_products, category_id integer references ec_categories, search_text varchar(200) ); create index ec_user_session_info_idx on ec_user_session_info (user_session_id); create index ec_user_session_info_idx2 on ec_user_session_info (product_id); create index ec_user_session_info_idx3 on ec_user_session_info (category_id); -- If a user comes to product.tcl with an offer_code in the url, -- I'm going to shove it into this table and then check this -- table each time I try to determine the price for the users' -- products. The alternative is to store the offer_codes in a -- cookie and look at that each time I try to determine the price -- for a product. But I think this will be a little faster. create table ec_user_session_offer_codes ( user_session_id integer not null references ec_user_sessions, product_id integer not null references ec_products, offer_code varchar(20) not null, primary key (user_session_id, product_id) ); -- create some indices create index ec_u_s_offer_codes_by_u_s_id on ec_user_session_offer_codes(user_session_id); create index ec_u_s_offer_codes_by_p_id on ec_user_session_offer_codes(product_id); create sequence ec_order_id_seq start 3000000; create view ec_order_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_order_id_seq') as nextval; create table ec_orders ( order_id integer not null primary key, -- can be null, until they've checked out or saved their basket user_id integer references users, user_session_id integer references ec_user_sessions, order_state varchar(50) default 'in_basket' not null, tax_exempt_p boolean default 'f', shipping_method varchar(20), -- express or standard or pickup or 'no shipping' shipping_address integer references ec_addresses(address_id), -- store credit card info in a different table creditcard_id integer references ec_creditcards(creditcard_id), -- information recorded upon FSM state changes -- we need this to figure out if order is stale -- and should be offered up for removal in_basket_date timestamp, confirmed_date timestamp, authorized_date timestamp, voided_date timestamp, expired_date timestamp, -- base shipping, which is added to the amount charged for each item shipping_charged numeric, shipping_refunded numeric, shipping_tax_charged numeric, shipping_tax_refunded numeric, -- entered by customer service cs_comments varchar(4000), reason_for_void varchar(4000), voided_by integer references users, -- if the user chooses to save their shopping cart saved_p boolean check (user_id is not null or user_session_id is not null) ); create index ec_orders_by_user_idx on ec_orders (user_id); create index ec_orders_by_user_sess_idx on ec_orders (user_session_id); create index ec_orders_by_credit_idx on ec_orders (creditcard_id); create index ec_orders_by_addr_idx on ec_orders (shipping_address); create index ec_orders_by_conf_idx on ec_orders (confirmed_date); create index ec_orders_by_state_idx on ec_orders (order_state); -- note that an order could essentially become uninteresting for financial -- accounting if all the items underneath it are individually voided or returned create view ec_orders_reportable as select * from ec_orders where order_state <> 'in_basket' and order_state <> 'void'; -- orders that have items which still need to be shipped create view ec_orders_shippable as select * from ec_orders where order_state in ('authorized_plus_avs','authorized_minus_avs','partially_fulfilled'); -- this is needed because orders might be only partially shipped create sequence ec_shipment_id_seq; create view ec_shipment_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_shipment_id_seq') as nextval; create table ec_shipments ( shipment_id integer not null primary key, order_id integer not null references ec_orders, -- usually, but not necessarily, the same as the shipping_address -- in ec_orders because a customer may change their address between -- shipments. -- a trigger fills address_id in automatically if it's null address_id integer not null references ec_addresses, shipment_date timestamp not null, expected_arrival_date timestamp, carrier varchar(50), -- e.g., 'fedex' tracking_number varchar(24), -- only if we get confirmation from carrier that the goods -- arrived on a specific date actual_arrival_date timestamp, -- arbitrary info from carrier, e.g., 'Joe Smith signed for it' actual_arrival_detail varchar(4000), -- for things that aren't really shipped like services shippable_p boolean default 't', last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20) ); create index ec_shipments_by_order_id on ec_shipments(order_id); create index ec_shipments_by_shipment_date on ec_shipments(shipment_date); -- fills address_id into ec_shipments if it's missing -- (using the shipping_address associated with the order) create function ec_shipment_address_update_tr () returns opaque as ' declare v_address_id ec_addresses.address_id%TYPE; begin select into v_address_id shipping_address from ec_orders where order_id=new.order_id; IF new.address_id is null THEN new.address_id := v_address_id; END IF; return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_shipment_address_update_tr before insert on ec_shipments for each row execute procedure ec_shipment_address_update_tr (); create table ec_shipments_audit ( shipment_id integer, order_id integer, address_id integer, shipment_date timestamp, expected_arrival_date timestamp, carrier varchar(50), tracking_number varchar(24), actual_arrival_date timestamp, actual_arrival_detail varchar(4000), last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); create function ec_shipments_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_shipments_audit ( shipment_id, order_id, address_id, shipment_date, expected_arrival_date, carrier, tracking_number, actual_arrival_date, actual_arrival_detail, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.shipment_id, old.order_id, old.address_id, old.shipment_date, old.expected_arrival_date, old.carrier, old.tracking_number, old.actual_arrival_date, old.actual_arrival_detail, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_shipments_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_shipments for each row execute procedure ec_shipments_audit_tr (); create sequence refund_id_seq; create view refund_id_sequence as select nextval('refund_id_seq') as nextval; create table ec_refunds ( refund_id integer not null primary key, order_id integer not null references ec_orders, -- not really necessary because it's in ec_financial_transactions refund_amount numeric not null, refund_date timestamp not null, refunded_by integer not null references users, refund_reasons varchar(4000) ); create index ec_refunds_by_order_idx on ec_refunds (order_id); -- these are the items that make up each order create sequence ec_item_id_seq start 1; create view ec_item_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_item_id_seq') as nextval; create table ec_items ( item_id integer not null primary key, order_id integer not null references ec_orders, product_id integer not null references ec_products, color_choice varchar(4000), size_choice varchar(4000), style_choice varchar(4000), shipment_id integer references ec_shipments, -- this is the date that user put this item into their shopping basket in_cart_date timestamp, voided_date timestamp, voided_by integer references users, expired_date timestamp, item_state varchar(50) default 'in_basket', -- NULL if not received back received_back_date timestamp, -- columns for reporting (e.g., what was done, what was made) price_charged numeric, price_refunded numeric, shipping_charged numeric, shipping_refunded numeric, price_tax_charged numeric, price_tax_refunded numeric, shipping_tax_charged numeric, shipping_tax_refunded numeric, -- like Our Price or Sale Price or Introductory Price price_name varchar(30), -- did we go through a merchant-initiated refund? refund_id integer references ec_refunds, -- comments entered by customer service (CS) cs_comments varchar(4000) ); create index ec_items_by_product on ec_items(product_id); create index ec_items_by_order on ec_items(order_id); create index ec_items_by_shipment on ec_items(shipment_id); create view ec_items_reportable as select * from ec_items where item_state in ('to_be_shipped', 'shipped', 'arrived'); create view ec_items_refundable as select * from ec_items where item_state in ('shipped','arrived') and refund_id is null; create view ec_items_shippable as select * from ec_items where item_state in ('to_be_shipped'); -- This view displays: -- order_id -- shipment_date -- bal_price_charged sum(price_charged - price_refunded) for all items in the shipment -- bal_shipping_charged -- bal_tax_charged -- The purpose: payment is recognized when an item ships so this sums the various -- parts of payment (price, shipping, tax) for all the items in each shipment -- gilbertw - there is a note in OpenACS 3.2.5 from DRB: -- DRB: this view is never used and blows out Postgres, which thinks -- it's too large even with a block size of (gulp) 16384! -- gilbertw - this view is used now. create view ec_items_money_view as select i.shipment_id, i.order_id, s.shipment_date, coalesce(sum(i.price_charged),0) - coalesce(sum(i.price_refunded),0) as bal_price_charged, coalesce(sum(i.shipping_charged),0) - coalesce(sum(i.shipping_refunded),0) as bal_shipping_charged, coalesce(sum(i.price_tax_charged),0) - coalesce(sum(i.price_tax_refunded),0) + coalesce(sum(i.shipping_tax_charged),0) - coalesce(sum(i.shipping_tax_refunded),0) as bal_tax_charged from ec_items i, ec_shipments s where i.shipment_id=s.shipment_id and i.item_state <> 'void' group by i.order_id, i.shipment_id, s.shipment_date; -- a set of triggers to update order_state based on what happens -- to the items in the order -- partially_fulfilled: some but not all non-void items have shipped -- fulfilled: all non-void items have shipped -- returned: all non-void items received_back -- void: all items void -- We're not interested in partial returns. -- this is hellish because you can't select a count of the items -- in a given item_state from ec_items when you're updating ec_items, -- so we have to do a horrid "trio" (temporary table, row level trigger, -- system level trigger) as discussed in -- http://photo.net/doc/site-wide-search.html (we use a temporary -- table instead of a package because they're better) -- I. temporary table to hold the order_ids that have to have their -- state updated as a result of the item_state changes -- gilbertw - this table is not needed in PostgreSQL --create global temporary table ec_state_change_order_ids ( -- order_id integer --); -- gilbertw - this trigger is not needed -- II. row-level trigger which updates ec_state_change_order_ids -- so we know which rows to update in ec_orders -- create function ec_order_state_before_tr () -- returns opaque as ' -- begin -- insert into ec_state_change_order_ids (order_id) values (new.order_id); -- return new; -- end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- create trigger ec_order_state_before_tr -- before update on ec_items -- for each row execute procedure ec_order_state_before_tr (); -- III. System level trigger to update all the rows that were changed -- in the before trigger. -- gilbertw - I took the trigger procedure from OpenACS 3.2.5. create function ec_order_state_after_tr () returns opaque as ' declare -- v_order_id integer; n_items integer; n_shipped_items integer; n_received_back_items integer; n_void_items integer; n_nonvoid_items integer; begin select count(*) into n_items from ec_items where order_id=NEW.order_id; select count(*) into n_shipped_items from ec_items where order_id=NEW.order_id and item_state=''shipped'' or item_state=''arrived''; select count(*) into n_received_back_items from ec_items where order_id=NEW.order_id and item_state=''received_back''; select count(*) into n_void_items from ec_items where order_id=NEW.order_id and item_state=''void''; IF n_items = n_void_items THEN update ec_orders set order_state=''void'', voided_date=now() where order_id=NEW.order_id; ELSE n_nonvoid_items := n_items - n_void_items; IF n_nonvoid_items = n_received_back_items THEN update ec_orders set order_state=''returned'' where order_id=NEW.order_id; ELSE IF n_nonvoid_items = n_received_back_items + n_shipped_items THEN update ec_orders set order_state=''fulfilled'' where order_id=NEW.order_id; ELSE IF n_shipped_items >= 1 or n_received_back_items >=1 THEN update ec_orders set order_state=''partially_fulfilled'' where order_id=NEW.order_id; END IF; END IF; END IF; END IF; return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_order_state_after_tr after update on ec_items for each row execute procedure ec_order_state_after_tr (); -- this is a 1-row table -- it contains all settings that the admin can change from the admin pages -- most of the configuration is done using the parameters .ini file -- wtem@olywa.net 03-10-2001 -- the following two tables probably need an additional column to support subsites -- in which case it will have multiple rows, one for each instance of ecommerce -- since these are really parameters for the instance of ecommerce, -- it might be better to move them to ad_parameters create table ec_admin_settings ( -- this is here just so that the insert statement (a page or -- so down) can't be executed twice admin_setting_id integer not null primary key, -- the following columns are related to shipping costs base_shipping_cost numeric, default_shipping_per_item numeric, weight_shipping_cost numeric, add_exp_base_shipping_cost numeric, add_exp_amount_per_item numeric, add_exp_amount_by_weight numeric, -- default template to use if the product isn't assigned to one -- (until the admin changes it, it will be 1, which will be -- the preloaded template) default_template integer default 1 not null references ec_templates, last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null ); create table ec_admin_settings_audit ( admin_setting_id integer, base_shipping_cost numeric, default_shipping_per_item numeric, weight_shipping_cost numeric, add_exp_base_shipping_cost numeric, add_exp_amount_per_item numeric, add_exp_amount_by_weight numeric, default_template integer, last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); create function ec_admin_settings_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_admin_settings_audit ( admin_setting_id, base_shipping_cost, default_shipping_per_item, weight_shipping_cost, add_exp_base_shipping_cost, add_exp_amount_per_item, add_exp_amount_by_weight, default_template, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.admin_setting_id, old.base_shipping_cost, old.default_shipping_per_item, old.weight_shipping_cost, old.add_exp_base_shipping_cost, old.add_exp_amount_per_item, old.add_exp_amount_by_weight, old.default_template, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_admin_settings_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_admin_settings for each row execute procedure ec_admin_settings_audit_tr (); -- this is where the ec_amdin_settings insert was -- this is populated by the rules the administrator sets in packages/ecommerce/www/admin]/sales-tax.tcl create table ec_sales_tax_by_state ( -- Jerry usps_abbrev char(2) not null primary key references us_states(abbrev), -- this a decimal number equal to the percentage tax divided by 100 tax_rate numeric not null, -- charge tax on shipping? shipping_p boolean not null, last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null ); create table ec_sales_tax_by_state_audit ( usps_abbrev char(2), tax_rate numeric, shipping_p boolean, last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); -- Jerry - I removed usps_abbrev and/or state here create function ec_sales_tax_by_state_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_sales_tax_by_state_audit ( usps_abbrev, tax_rate, shipping_p, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.usps_abbrev, old.tax_rate, old.shipping_p, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_sales_tax_by_state_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_sales_tax_by_state for each row execute procedure ec_sales_tax_by_state_audit_tr (); -- these tables are used if MultipleRetailersPerProductP is 1 in the -- parameters .ini file create sequence ec_retailer_seq start 1; create view ec_retailer_sequence as select nextval('ec_retailer_seq') as nextval; create table ec_retailers ( retailer_id integer not null primary key, retailer_name varchar(300), primary_contact_name varchar(100), secondary_contact_name varchar(100), primary_contact_info varchar(4000), secondary_contact_info varchar(4000), line1 varchar(100), line2 varchar(100), city varchar(100), -- state -- Jerry usps_abbrev char(2) references us_states(abbrev), -- big enough to hold zip+4 with dash zip_code varchar(10), phone varchar(30), fax varchar(30), -- for international addresses -- Jerry country_code char(2) references countries(iso), --national, local, international reach varchar(15) check (reach in ('national','local','international','regional','web')), url varchar(200), -- space-separated list of states in which tax must be collected nexus_states varchar(200), financing_policy varchar(4000), return_policy varchar(4000), price_guarantee_policy varchar(4000), delivery_policy varchar(4000), installation_policy varchar(4000), last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null ); create table ec_retailers_audit ( retailer_id integer, retailer_name varchar(300), primary_contact_name varchar(100), secondary_contact_name varchar(100), primary_contact_info varchar(4000), secondary_contact_info varchar(4000), line1 varchar(100), line2 varchar(100), city varchar(100), usps_abbrev char(2), zip_code varchar(10), phone varchar(30), fax varchar(30), country_code char(2), reach varchar(15) check (reach in ('national','local','international','regional','web')), url varchar(200), nexus_states varchar(200), financing_policy varchar(4000), return_policy varchar(4000), price_guarantee_policy varchar(4000), delivery_policy varchar(4000), installation_policy varchar(4000), last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); -- Jerry - I removed usps_abbrev and/or state here create function ec_retailers_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_retailers_audit ( retailer_id, retailer_name, primary_contact_name, secondary_contact_name, primary_contact_info, secondary_contact_info, line1, line2, city, usps_abbrev, zip_code, phone, fax, country_code, reach, url, nexus_states, financing_policy, return_policy, price_guarantee_policy, delivery_policy, installation_policy, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.retailer_id, old.retailer_name, old.primary_contact_name, old.secondary_contact_name, old.primary_contact_info, old.secondary_contact_info, old.line1, old.line2, old.city, old.usps_abbrev, old.zip_code, old.phone, old.fax, old.country_code, old.reach, old.url, old.nexus_states, old.financing_policy, old.return_policy, old.price_guarantee_policy, old.delivery_policy, old.installation_policy, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_retailers_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_retailers for each row execute procedure ec_retailers_audit_tr (); create sequence ec_retailer_location_seq start 1; create view ec_retailer_location_sequence as select nextval('ec_retailer_location_seq') as nextval; create table ec_retailer_locations ( retailer_location_id integer not null primary key, retailer_id integer not null references ec_retailers, location_name varchar(300), primary_contact_name varchar(100), secondary_contact_name varchar(100), primary_contact_info varchar(4000), secondary_contact_info varchar(4000), line1 varchar(100), line2 varchar(100), city varchar(100), -- state -- Jerry -- usps_abbrev reinstated by wtem@olywa.net usps_abbrev char(2) references us_states(abbrev), -- big enough 0to hold zip+4 with dash zip_code varchar(10), phone varchar(30), fax varchar(30), -- for international addresses -- Jerry -- country_code reinstated by wtem@olywa.net country_code char(2) references countries(iso), url varchar(200), financing_policy varchar(4000), return_policy varchar(4000), price_guarantee_policy varchar(4000), delivery_policy varchar(4000), installation_policy varchar(4000), last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null ); create table ec_retailer_locations_audit ( retailer_location_id integer, retailer_id integer, location_name varchar(300), primary_contact_name varchar(100), secondary_contact_name varchar(100), primary_contact_info varchar(4000), secondary_contact_info varchar(4000), line1 varchar(100), line2 varchar(100), city varchar(100), usps_abbrev char(2), zip_code varchar(10), phone varchar(30), fax varchar(30), country_code char(2), url varchar(200), financing_policy varchar(4000), return_policy varchar(4000), price_guarantee_policy varchar(4000), delivery_policy varchar(4000), installation_policy varchar(4000), last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); -- Jerry - I removed usps_abbrev and/or state here create function ec_retailer_locations_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_retailer_locations_audit ( retailer_location_id, retailer_id, location_name, primary_contact_name, secondary_contact_name, primary_contact_info, secondary_contact_info, line1, line2, city, usps_abbrev, zip_code, phone, fax, country_code, url, financing_policy, return_policy, price_guarantee_policy, delivery_policy, installation_policy, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.retailer_location_id, old.retailer_id, old.location_name, old.primary_contact_name, old.secondary_contact_name, old.primary_contact_info, old.secondary_contact_info, old.line1, old.line2, old.city, old.usps_abbrev, old.zip_code, old.phone, old.fax, old.country_code, old.url, old.financing_policy, old.return_policy, old.price_guarantee_policy, old.delivery_policy, old.installation_policy, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_retailer_locations_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_retailer_locations for each row execute procedure ec_retailer_locations_audit_tr (); create sequence ec_offer_seq start 1; create view ec_offer_sequence as select nextval('ec_offer_seq') as nextval; create table ec_offers ( offer_id integer not null primary key, product_id integer not null references ec_products, retailer_location_id integer not null references ec_retailer_locations, store_sku integer, retailer_premiums varchar(500), price numeric not null, shipping numeric, shipping_unavailable_p boolean, -- o = out of stock, q = ships quickly, m = ships -- moderately quickly, s = ships slowly, i = in stock -- with no message about the speed of the shipment (shipping -- messages are in parameters .ini file) stock_status char(1) check (stock_status in ('o','q','m','s','i')), special_offer_p boolean, special_offer_html varchar(500), offer_begins timestamp not null, offer_ends timestamp not null, deleted_p boolean default 'f', last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null ); create view ec_offers_current as select * from ec_offers where deleted_p='f' and now() >= offer_begins and now() <= offer_ends; create table ec_offers_audit ( offer_id integer, product_id integer, retailer_location_id integer, store_sku integer, retailer_premiums varchar(500), price numeric, shipping numeric, shipping_unavailable_p boolean, stock_status char(1) check (stock_status in ('o','q','m','s','i')), special_offer_p boolean, special_offer_html varchar(500), offer_begins timestamp, offer_ends timestamp, deleted_p boolean default 'f', last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), -- This differs from the deleted_p column! -- deleted_p refers to the user request to stop offering -- delete_p indicates the row has been deleted from the main offers table delete_p boolean default 'f' ); create function ec_offers_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_offers_audit ( offer_id, product_id, retailer_location_id, store_sku, retailer_premiums, price, shipping, shipping_unavailable_p, stock_status, special_offer_p, special_offer_html, offer_begins, offer_ends, deleted_p, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.offer_id, old.product_id, old.retailer_location_id, old.store_sku, old.retailer_premiums, old.price, old.shipping, old.shipping_unavailable_p, old.stock_status, old.special_offer_p, old.special_offer_html, old.offer_begins, old.offer_ends, old.deleted_p, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_offers_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_offers for each row execute procedure ec_offers_audit_tr (); -- Gift certificate stuff ---- ------------------------------ create sequence ec_gift_cert_id_seq start 1000000; create view ec_gift_cert_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_gift_cert_id_seq') as nextval; create table ec_gift_certificates ( gift_certificate_id integer primary key, gift_certificate_state varchar(50) not null, amount numeric not null, -- a trigger will update this to f if the -- entire amount is used up (to speed up -- queries) amount_remaining_p boolean default 't', issue_date timestamp, authorized_date timestamp, claimed_date timestamp, -- customer service rep who issued it issued_by integer references users, -- customer who purchased it purchased_by integer references users, expires timestamp, user_id integer references users, -- if it's unclaimed, claim_check will be filled in, -- and user_id won't be filled in -- claim check should be unique (one way to do this -- is to always begin it with "$gift_certificate_id-") claim_check varchar(50), certificate_message varchar(200), certificate_to varchar(100), certificate_from varchar(100), recipient_email varchar(100), voided_date timestamp, voided_by integer references users, reason_for_void varchar(4000), last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null, check (user_id is not null or claim_check is not null) ); create index ec_gc_by_state on ec_gift_certificates(gift_certificate_state); create index ec_gc_by_amount_remaining on ec_gift_certificates(amount_remaining_p); create index ec_gc_by_user on ec_gift_certificates(user_id); create index ec_gc_by_claim_check on ec_gift_certificates(claim_check); -- note: there's a trigger in ecommerce-plsql.sql which updates amount_remaining_p -- when a gift certificate is used -- note2: there's a 1-1 correspondence between user-purchased gift certificates -- and financial transactions. ec_financial_transactions stores the corresponding -- gift_certificate_id. create view ec_gift_certificates_approved as select * from ec_gift_certificates where gift_certificate_state in ('authorized','authorized_plus_avs','authorized_minus_avs'); create view ec_gift_certificates_purchased as select * from ec_gift_certificates where gift_certificate_state in ('authorized_plus_avs','authorized_minus_avs'); create view ec_gift_certificates_issued as select * from ec_gift_certificates where gift_certificate_state in ('authorized') and issued_by is not null; create table ec_gift_certificates_audit ( gift_certificate_id integer, gift_certificate_state varchar(50), amount numeric, issue_date timestamp, authorized_date timestamp, issued_by integer, purchased_by integer, expires timestamp, user_id integer, claim_check varchar(50), certificate_message varchar(200), certificate_to varchar(100), certificate_from varchar(100), recipient_email varchar(100), voided_date timestamp, voided_by integer, reason_for_void varchar(4000), last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); create function ec_gift_certificates_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_gift_certificates_audit ( gift_certificate_id, amount, issue_date, authorized_date, issued_by, purchased_by, expires, user_id, claim_check, certificate_message, certificate_to, certificate_from, recipient_email, voided_date, voided_by, reason_for_void, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.gift_certificate_id, old.amount, old.issue_date, old.authorized_date, old.issued_by, old.purchased_by, old.expires, old.user_id, old.claim_check, old.certificate_message, old.certificate_to, old.certificate_from, old.recipient_email, old.voided_date, old.voided_by, old.reason_for_void, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_gift_certificates_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_gift_certificates for each row execute procedure ec_gift_certificates_audit_tr (); create table ec_gift_certificate_usage ( gift_certificate_id integer not null references ec_gift_certificates, order_id integer references ec_orders, amount_used numeric, used_date timestamp, amount_reinstated numeric, reinstated_date timestamp ); create index ec_gift_cert_by_id on ec_gift_certificate_usage (gift_certificate_id); --------- customer service -------------------- create sequence ec_issue_id_seq; create view ec_issue_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_issue_id_seq') as nextval; create sequence ec_action_id_seq; create view ec_action_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_action_id_seq') as nextval; create sequence ec_interaction_id_seq; create view ec_interaction_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_interaction_id_seq') as nextval; create sequence ec_user_ident_id_seq; create view ec_user_ident_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_user_ident_id_seq') as nextval; -- this contains the bits of info a cs rep uses to identify -- a user -- often user_id is not known and the customer service rep -- will have to get other info in order to identify the user create table ec_user_identification ( user_identification_id integer not null primary key, date_added timestamp, user_id integer references users, email varchar(100), first_names varchar(100), last_name varchar(100), -- this is varchar(80) in community-core.sql, so I'll be consistent postal_code varchar(80), other_id_info varchar(2000) ); -- should index everything because this all columns may potentially -- be searched through every time a new interaction is recorded create index ec_user_ident_by_user_id on ec_user_identification(user_id); create index ec_user_ident_by_email on ec_user_identification(email); create index ec_user_ident_by_first_names on ec_user_identification(first_names); create index ec_user_ident_by_last_name on ec_user_identification(last_name); create index ec_user_ident_by_postal_code on ec_user_identification(postal_code); -- puts date_added into ec_user_identification if it's missing create function ec_user_identificate_date_tr () returns opaque as ' begin IF new.date_added is null THEN new.date_added := now(); END IF; return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_user_identificate_date_tr after insert on ec_user_identification for each row execute procedure ec_user_identificate_date_tr (); create table ec_customer_serv_interactions ( interaction_id integer not null primary key, customer_service_rep integer references users, user_identification_id integer not null references ec_user_identification, interaction_date timestamp, interaction_originator varchar(20) not null, -- e.g. customer, customer-service-rep, automatic interaction_type varchar(30) not null, -- e.g. email, phone_call -- will be filled in if the customer-originated interaction is -- an email interaction_headers varchar(4000) ); create index ec_csin_by_user_ident_id on ec_customer_serv_interactions(user_identification_id); -- gilbertw - used the code in OpenACS 3.2.5 as a reference create function ec_cs_interaction_inserts () returns opaque as ' begin IF new.interaction_date is null THEN new.interaction_date := now(); END IF; return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_cs_interaction_inserts after insert on ec_customer_serv_interactions for each row execute procedure ec_cs_interaction_inserts (); create view ec_customer_service_reps as select * from cc_users where user_id in (select customer_service_rep from ec_customer_serv_interactions) or user_id in (select issued_by from ec_gift_certificates_issued); create table ec_customer_service_issues ( issue_id integer not null primary key, user_identification_id integer not null references ec_user_identification, -- may be null if this issue isn't associated with an order order_id integer references ec_orders, -- may be null if this issue isn't associated with a gift certificate gift_certificate_id integer references ec_gift_certificates, open_date timestamp not null, close_date timestamp, -- customer service reps who closed the issue closed_by integer references users, -- we never really delete issues deleted_p boolean default 'f' ); create index ec_csi_by_user_ident_id on ec_customer_service_issues(user_identification_id); create index ec_csi_by_open_date on ec_customer_service_issues(open_date); -- because an issue can have more than one issue_type create table ec_cs_issue_type_map ( issue_id integer not null references ec_customer_service_issues, issue_type varchar(40) not null -- e.g. billing, web site ); create index ec_csitm_by_issue_id on ec_cs_issue_type_map(issue_id); create index ec_csitm_by_issue_type on ec_cs_issue_type_map(issue_type); -- gilbertw - used code OpenACS 3.2.5 as a reference -- removed INSERTING create function ec_cs_issue_inserts () returns opaque as ' begin IF new.open_date is null THEN new.open_date := now(); END IF; return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_cs_issue_inserts after insert on ec_customer_service_issues for each row execute procedure ec_cs_issue_inserts (); create table ec_customer_service_actions ( action_id integer not null primary key, issue_id integer not null references ec_customer_service_issues, interaction_id integer not null references ec_customer_serv_interactions, action_details varchar(4000), follow_up_required varchar(4000) ); create index ec_csa_by_issue on ec_customer_service_actions(issue_id); create table ec_cs_action_info_used_map ( action_id integer not null references ec_customer_service_actions, info_used varchar(100) not null ); create index ec_csaium_by_action_id on ec_cs_action_info_used_map(action_id); create index ec_csaium_by_info_used on ec_cs_action_info_used_map(info_used); -- this table contains picklist choices for the customer service data -- entry people create sequence ec_picklist_item_id_seq; create view ec_picklist_item_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_picklist_item_id_seq') as nextval; create table ec_picklist_items ( picklist_item_id integer not null primary key, -- pretty, human-readable picklist_item varchar(100), -- which picklist this item is in picklist_name varchar(100), sort_key numeric, last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null ); create table ec_picklist_items_audit ( picklist_item_id integer, picklist_item varchar(100), picklist_name varchar(100), sort_key numeric, last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); create function ec_picklist_items_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_picklist_items_audit ( picklist_item_id, picklist_item, picklist_name, sort_key, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.picklist_item_id, old.picklist_item, old.picklist_name, old.sort_key, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_picklist_items_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_picklist_items for each row execute procedure ec_picklist_items_audit_tr (); -- Canned responses for customer support create sequence ec_canned_response_id_seq; create view ec_canned_response_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_canned_response_id_seq') as nextval; create table ec_canned_responses ( response_id integer not null primary key, one_line varchar(100) not null, response_text varchar(4000) not null ); ----------------------------------------------- -- templates 1-6 are pre-defined (see the insert statements in -- ecommerce-defaults.sql) -- the wording of each can be changed at [ec_url_concat [ec_url] /admin]/email-templates/ create sequence ec_email_template_id_seq start 7; create view ec_email_template_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_email_template_id_seq') as nextval; create table ec_email_templates ( email_template_id integer not null primary key, title varchar(100), subject varchar(200), message varchar(4000), -- this lists the variable names that customer service can -- use in this particular email -- for their info only variables varchar(1000), -- for informational purposes only, when the email is -- sent when_sent varchar(1000), -- for customer service issues, this is a tcl list of all -- the issue_types that should be inserted into -- ec_cs_issue_type_map for the issue that will be created -- when the message is sent issue_type_list varchar(100), last_modified timestamp not null, last_modifying_user integer not null references users, modified_ip_address varchar(20) not null ); create table ec_email_templates_audit ( email_template_id integer, title varchar(100), subject varchar(200), message varchar(4000), variables varchar(1000), when_sent varchar(1000), issue_type_list varchar(100), last_modified timestamp, last_modifying_user integer, modified_ip_address varchar(20), delete_p boolean default 'f' ); create function ec_email_templates_audit_tr () returns opaque as ' begin insert into ec_email_templates_audit ( email_template_id, title, subject, message, variables, when_sent, issue_type_list, last_modified, last_modifying_user, modified_ip_address ) values ( old.email_template_id, old.title, old.subject, old.message, old.variables, old.when_sent, old.issue_type_list, old.last_modified, old.last_modifying_user, old.modified_ip_address ); return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_email_templates_audit_tr after update or delete on ec_email_templates for each row execute procedure ec_email_templates_audit_tr (); -- 6 default templates are predefined ecommerce-defaults. -- The templates are -- used in procedures which send out the email, so the template_ids -- shouldn t be changed, although the text can be edited at -- [ec_url_concat [ec_url] /admin]/email-templates/ -- -- email_template_id used for -- ----------------- --------- -- 1 new order -- 2 order shipped -- 3 delayed credit denied -- 4 new gift certificate order -- 5 gift certificate recipient -- 6 gift certificate order failure -- users can sign up for mailing lists based on category, subcategory, -- or subsubcategory (the appropriate level of categorization on which -- to base mailing lists depends on how the site administrator has -- set up their system) -- when the user is signed up for a subsubcategory list, the subcategory_id -- and category_id are also filled in (which makes it easier to refer -- to the mailing list later). -- cat stands for categorization create table ec_cat_mailing_lists ( user_id integer not null references users, category_id integer references ec_categories, subcategory_id integer references ec_subcategories, subsubcategory_id integer references ec_subsubcategories ); create index ec_cat_mailing_list_idx on ec_cat_mailing_lists(user_id); create index ec_cat_mailing_list_idx2 on ec_cat_mailing_lists(category_id); create index ec_cat_mailing_list_idx3 on ec_cat_mailing_lists(subcategory_id); create index ec_cat_mailing_list_idx4 on ec_cat_mailing_lists(subsubcategory_id); create sequence ec_spam_id_seq; create view ec_spam_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_spam_id_seq') as nextval; create table ec_spam_log ( spam_id integer not null primary key, spam_date timestamp, spam_text varchar(4000), -- the following are all criteria used in choosing the users to be spammed mailing_list_category_id integer references ec_categories, mailing_list_subcategory_id integer references ec_subcategories, mailing_list_subsubcategory_id integer references ec_subsubcategories, user_class_id integer references ec_user_classes, product_id integer references ec_products, last_visit_start_date timestamp, last_visit_end_date timestamp ); create index ec_spam_log_by_cat_mail_idx on ec_spam_log (mailing_list_category_id); create index ec_spam_log_by_cat_mail_idx2 on ec_spam_log (mailing_list_subcategory_id); create index ec_spam_log_by_cat_mail_idx3 on ec_spam_log (mailing_list_subsubcategory_id); create index ec_spam_log_by_user_cls_idx on ec_spam_log (user_class_id); create index ec_spam_log_by_product_idx on ec_spam_log (product_id); -- CREDIT CARD STUFF ------------------------ --------------------------------------------- create sequence ec_transaction_id_seq start 4000000; create view ec_transaction_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_transaction_id_seq') as nextval; create table ec_financial_transactions ( transaction_id integer not null primary key, -- order_id or gift_certificate_id must be filled in order_id integer references ec_orders, -- The following two rows were added 1999-08-11. They re -- not actually needed by the system right now, but -- they might be useful in the future (I can envision them -- being useful as factory functions are automated). shipment_id integer references ec_shipments, refund_id integer references ec_refunds, -- this refers to the purchase of a gift certificate, not the use of one gift_certificate_id integer references ec_gift_certificates, -- creditcard_id is in here even though order_id has a creditcard_id associated with -- it in case a different credit card is used for a refund or a partial shipment. -- a trigger fills the creditcard_id in if it s not specified creditcard_id integer not null references ec_creditcards, transaction_amount numeric not null, -- charge doesn t imply that a charge will actually occur; it s just -- an authorization to charge -- in the case of a refund, theres no such thing as an authorization -- to refund, so the refund really will occur transaction_type varchar(6) not null check (transaction_type in ('charge','refund')), -- it starts out null, becomes t when we want to capture it, or becomes -- f it is known that we don't want to capture the transaction (although -- the f is mainly just for reassurance; we only capture ones with t) -- There's no need to set this for refunds. Refunds are always to be captured. to_be_captured_p boolean, inserted_date timestamp not null, authorized_date timestamp, -- set when to_be_captured_p becomes 't'; used in cron jobs to_be_captured_date timestamp, marked_date timestamp, settled_date timestamp, refunded_date timestamp, refund_settled_date timestamp, -- generated by us talking to Cybercash disputed_p boolean, -- date on which we discovered the dispute dispute_discovery_date timestamp, -- if the consumer's bank got his money back from us forcibly charged_back_p boolean, -- if the transaction failed, this will keep the cron jobs from continuing -- to retry it failed_p boolean default 'f', check (order_id is not null or gift_certificate_id is not null) ); create index ec_finan_trans_by_order_idx on ec_financial_transactions (order_id); create index ec_finan_trans_by_cc_idx on ec_financial_transactions (creditcard_id); create index ec_finan_trans_by_gc_idx on ec_financial_transactions (gift_certificate_id); -- reportable transactions: those which have not failed which are to -- be captured (note: refunds are always to be captured) create view ec_fin_transactions_reportable as select * from ec_financial_transactions where (transaction_type='charge' and to_be_captured_p='t' and failed_p='f') or (transaction_type='refund' and failed_p='f'); -- fills creditcard_id into ec_financial_transactions if it's missing -- (using the credit card associated with the order) create function fin_trans_ccard_update_tr () returns opaque as ' declare v_creditcard_id ec_creditcards.creditcard_id%TYPE; begin IF new.order_id is not null THEN select into v_creditcard_id creditcard_id from ec_orders where order_id=new.order_id; IF new.creditcard_id is null THEN new.creditcard_id := v_creditcard_id; END IF; END IF; return new; end;' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger fin_trans_ccard_update_tr before insert on ec_financial_transactions for each row execute procedure fin_trans_ccard_update_tr (); create table ec_cybercash_log ( transaction_id integer not null references ec_financial_transactions, -- The types of transactions that will be logged here are -- mauthonly, postauth, return, void, retry, query txn_attempted_type varchar(25), txn_attempted_time timestamp, -- Everything below this line is returned by CyberCash. Note -- that not all columns will have values (for instance, cc_time -- is only returned when doing a query, aux_msg is not returned -- when doing a query, ref-code never seems to be returned, -- batch-id is only returned when querying for settled or setlret). -- Note: when doing a non-query, there is no txn_type returned -- by CyberCash, so this value will be inserted by talk_to_cybercash -- procedure. The reason for doing this is consistency; for -- example the attempted transaction type may be mauthonly, but later -- when querying for this authorization, the txn_type is auth. So, -- auth will be inserted into txn_type when doing an mauthonly. txn_type varchar(25), -- we take the time returned by CyberCash and chop off the -- sub-second precision cc_time timestamp, merch_txn varchar(25), cust_txn varchar(25), origin char(1), txn_status varchar(25), errloc varchar(25), errmsg varchar(200), aux_msg varchar(200), auth_code varchar(25), action_code varchar(25), avs_code varchar(3), ref_code varchar(25), batch_id varchar(25), amount numeric ); -- END CREDIT CARD STUFF ---------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------- -- this is to record any problems that may have occurred so that the site administrator -- can be alerted on the admin pages create sequence ec_problem_id_seq; create view ec_problem_id_sequence as select nextval('ec_problem_id_seq') as nextval; create table ec_problems_log ( problem_id integer not null primary key, problem_date timestamp, problem_details varchar(4000), -- if it's related to an order order_id integer references ec_orders, -- if it's related to a gift certificate gift_certificate_id integer references ec_gift_certificates, resolved_date timestamp, resolved_by integer references users ); -- keeps track of automatic emails (based on templates) that are sent out create table ec_automatic_email_log ( user_identification_id integer not null references ec_user_identification, email_template_id integer not null references ec_email_templates, order_id integer references ec_orders, shipment_id integer references ec_shipments, gift_certificate_id integer references ec_gift_certificates, date_sent timestamp ); create index ec_auto_email_by_usr_id_idx on ec_automatic_email_log (user_identification_id); create index ec_auto_email_by_temp_idx on ec_automatic_email_log (email_template_id); create index ec_auto_email_by_order_idx on ec_automatic_email_log (order_id); create index ec_auto_email_by_shipment_idx on ec_automatic_email_log (shipment_id); create index ec_auto_email_by_gc_idx on ec_automatic_email_log (gift_certificate_id); -- -- ecommerce-plsql.sql -- -- by eveander@arsdigita.com, April 1999 -- --------------- price calculations ------------------- ------------------------------------------------------- -- just the price of an order, not shipping, tax, or gift certificates -- this is actually price_charged minus price_refunded create function ec_total_price (integer) returns numeric as ' DECLARE v_order_id alias for $1; price numeric; BEGIN select into price coalesce(sum(price_charged),0) - coalesce(sum(price_refunded),0) FROM ec_items WHERE order_id=v_order_id and item_state <> ''void''; return price; END;' language 'plpgsql'; -- just the shipping of an order, not price, tax, or gift certificates -- this is actually total shipping minus total shipping refunded create function ec_total_shipping (integer) returns numeric as ' DECLARE v_order_id alias for $1; order_shipping numeric; item_shipping numeric; BEGIN select into order_shipping coalesce(shipping_charged,0) - coalesce(shipping_refunded,0) FROM ec_orders WHERE order_id=v_order_id; select into item_shipping coalesce(sum(shipping_charged),0) - coalesce(sum(shipping_refunded),0) FROM ec_items WHERE order_id=v_order_id and item_state <> ''void''; return order_shipping + item_shipping; END;' language 'plpgsql'; -- OK -- just the tax of an order, not price, shipping, or gift certificates -- this is tax minus tax refunded create function ec_total_tax (integer) returns numeric as ' DECLARE v_order_id alias for $1; order_tax numeric; item_price_tax numeric; item_shipping_tax numeric; BEGIN select into order_tax coalesce(shipping_tax_charged,0) - coalesce(shipping_tax_refunded,0) FROM ec_orders WHERE order_id=v_order_id; select into item_price_tax coalesce(sum(price_tax_charged),0) - coalesce(sum(price_tax_refunded),0) FROM ec_items WHERE order_id=v_order_id and item_state <> ''void''; select into item_shipping_tax coalesce(sum(shipping_tax_charged),0) - coalesce(sum(shipping_tax_refunded),0) FROM ec_items WHERE order_id=v_order_id; return order_tax + item_price_tax + item_shipping_tax; END;' language 'plpgsql'; -- OK -- just the price of a shipment, not shipping, tax, or gift certificates -- this is the price charged minus the price refunded of the shipment create function ec_shipment_price (integer) returns numeric as ' DECLARE v_shipment_id alias for $1; shipment_price numeric; BEGIN SELECT into shipment_price coalesce(sum(price_charged),0) - coalesce(sum(price_refunded),0) FROM ec_items WHERE shipment_id=v_shipment_id and item_state <> ''void''; RETURN shipment_price; END;' language 'plpgsql'; -- OK -- just the shipping charges of a shipment, not price, tax, or gift certificates -- note: the base shipping charge is always applied to the first shipment in an order. -- this is the shipping charged minus the shipping refunded create function ec_shipment_shipping (integer) returns numeric as ' DECLARE v_shipment_id alias for $1; item_shipping numeric; base_shipping numeric; v_order_id ec_orders.order_id%TYPE; min_shipment_id ec_shipments.shipment_id%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT into v_order_id order_id FROM ec_shipments where shipment_id=v_shipment_id; SELECT into min_shipment_id min(shipment_id) FROM ec_shipments where order_id=v_order_id; IF v_shipment_id=min_shipment_id THEN SELECT into base_shipping coalesce(shipping_charged,0) - coalesce(shipping_refunded,0) FROM ec_orders where order_id=v_order_id; ELSE base_shipping := 0; END IF; SELECT into item_shipping coalesce(sum(shipping_charged),0) - coalesce(sum(shipping_refunded),0) FROM ec_items where shipment_id=v_shipment_id and item_state <> ''void''; RETURN item_shipping + base_shipping; END;' language 'plpgsql'; -- OK -- just the tax of a shipment, not price, shipping, or gift certificates -- note: the base shipping tax charge is always applied to the first shipment in an order. -- this is the tax charged minus the tax refunded create function ec_shipment_tax (integer) returns numeric as ' DECLARE v_shipment_id alias for $1; item_price_tax numeric; item_shipping_tax numeric; base_shipping_tax numeric; v_order_id ec_orders.order_id%TYPE; min_shipment_id ec_shipments.shipment_id%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT into v_order_id order_id FROM ec_shipments where shipment_id=v_shipment_id; SELECT into min_shipment_id min(shipment_id) FROM ec_shipments where order_id=v_order_id; IF v_shipment_id=min_shipment_id THEN SELECT into base_shipping_tax coalesce(shipping_tax_charged,0) - coalesce(shipping_tax_refunded,0) FROM ec_orders where order_id=v_order_id; ELSE base_shipping_tax := 0; END IF; SELECT into item_price_tax coalesce(sum(price_tax_charged),0) - coalesce(sum(price_tax_refunded),0) FROM ec_items where shipment_id=v_shipment_id and item_state <> ''void''; SELECT into item_shipping_tax coalesce(sum(shipping_tax_charged),0) - coalesce(sum(shipping_tax_refunded),0) FROM ec_items where shipment_id=v_shipment_id and item_state <> ''void''; RETURN item_price_tax + item_shipping_tax + base_shipping_tax; END;' language 'plpgsql'; -- OK -- the gift certificate amount used on one order create function ec_order_gift_cert_amount (integer) returns numeric as ' DECLARE v_order_id alias for $1; gift_cert_amount numeric; BEGIN select into gift_cert_amount coalesce(sum(amount_used),0) - coalesce(sum(amount_reinstated),0) FROM ec_gift_certificate_usage WHERE order_id=v_order_id; return gift_cert_amount; END;' language 'plpgsql'; -- OK -- tells how much of the gift certificate amount used on the order is to be applied -- to a shipment (it's applied chronologically) create function ec_shipment_gift_certificate (integer) returns numeric as ' DECLARE v_shipment_id alias for $1; v_order_id ec_orders.order_id%TYPE; gift_cert_amount numeric; past_ship_amount numeric; BEGIN SELECT into v_order_id order_id FROM ec_shipments WHERE shipment_id=v_shipment_id; gift_cert_amount := ec_order_gift_cert_amount(v_order_id); SELECT into past_ship_amount coalesce(sum(ec_shipment_price(shipment_id)) + sum(ec_shipment_shipping(shipment_id))+sum(ec_shipment_tax(shipment_id)),0) FROM ec_shipments WHERE order_id = v_order_id and shipment_id <> v_shipment_id; IF past_ship_amount > gift_cert_amount THEN return 0; ELSE return least(gift_cert_amount - past_ship_amount, coalesce(ec_shipment_price(v_shipment_id) + ec_shipment_shipping(v_shipment_id) + ec_shipment_tax(v_shipment_id),0)); END IF; END;' language 'plpgsql'; --CHECK OUTER JOIN BELOW -- OK -- this can be used for either an item or order -- given price and shipping, computes tax that needs to be charged (or refunded) -- order_id is an argument so that we can get the usps_abbrev (and thus the tax rate), create function ec_tax (numeric, numeric, integer) returns numeric as ' DECLARE v_price alias for $1; v_shipping alias for $2; v_order_id alias for $3; taxes ec_sales_tax_by_state%ROWTYPE; tax_exempt_p ec_orders.tax_exempt_p%TYPE; BEGIN SELECT into tax_exempt_p tax_exempt_p FROM ec_orders WHERE order_id = v_order_id; IF tax_exempt_p = ''t'' THEN return 0; END IF; --SELECT t.* into taxes --FROM ec_orders o, ec_addresses a, ec_sales_tax_by_state t --WHERE o.shipping_address=a.address_id --AND a.usps_abbrev=t.usps_abbrev(+) --AND o.order_id=v_order_id; SELECT into taxes t.* FROM ec_orders o JOIN ec_addresses a on (o.shipping_address=a.address_id) LEFT JOIN ec_sales_tax_by_state t using (usps_abbrev) WHERE o.order_id=v_order_id; IF coalesce(taxes.shipping_p,''f'') = ''f'' THEN return coalesce(taxes.tax_rate,0) * v_price; ELSE return coalesce(taxes.tax_rate,0) * (v_price + v_shipping); END IF; END;' language 'plpgsql'; -- OK -- total order cost (price + shipping + tax - gift certificate) -- this should be equal to the amount that the order was authorized for -- (if no refunds have been made) create function ec_order_cost (integer) returns numeric as ' DECLARE v_order_id alias for $1; v_price numeric; v_shipping numeric; v_tax numeric; v_certificate numeric; BEGIN v_price := ec_total_price(v_order_id); v_shipping := ec_total_shipping(v_order_id); v_tax := ec_total_tax(v_order_id); v_certificate := ec_order_gift_cert_amount(v_order_id); return v_price + v_shipping + v_tax - v_certificate; END;' language 'plpgsql'; -- OK -- total shipment cost (price + shipping + tax - gift certificate) create function ec_shipment_cost (integer) returns numeric as ' DECLARE v_shipment_id alias for $1; v_price numeric; v_shipping numeric; v_certificate numeric; v_tax numeric; BEGIN v_price := ec_shipment_price(v_shipment_id); v_shipping := ec_shipment_shipping(v_shipment_id); v_tax := ec_shipment_tax(v_shipment_id); v_certificate := ec_shipment_gift_certificate(v_shipment_id); return v_price + v_shipping - v_certificate + v_tax; END;' language 'plpgsql'; -- OK -- total amount refunded on an order so far create function ec_total_refund (integer) returns numeric as ' DECLARE v_order_id alias for $1; v_order_refund numeric; v_items_refund numeric; BEGIN select into v_order_refund coalesce(shipping_refunded,0) + coalesce(shipping_tax_refunded,0) from ec_orders where order_id=v_order_id; select into v_items_refund sum(coalesce(price_refunded,0)) + sum(coalesce(shipping_refunded,0)) + sum(coalesce(price_tax_refunded,0)) + sum(coalesce(shipping_tax_refunded,0)) from ec_items where order_id=v_order_id; return v_order_refund + v_items_refund; END;' language 'plpgsql'; -------------- end price calculations ----------------- ------------------------------------------------------- ----------- gift certificate procedures --------------- ------------------------------------------------------- -- gilbertw - removed global temporary table ec_gift_cert_usage_ids -- copied code from openacs 3.2.5 -- -- BMA (PGsql port) -- Postgres is way cooler than Oracle with MVCC, which allows it -- to have triggers updating the same table. Thus, we get rid of this -- trio crap and we have a simple trigger for everything. create function trig_ec_cert_amount_remains() returns opaque as ' DECLARE bal_amount_used numeric; original_amount numeric; BEGIN select amount into original_amount from ec_gift_certificates where gift_certificate_id= NEW.certificate_id for update; select coalesce(sum(amount_used), 0) - coalesce(sum(amount_reinstated), 0) into bal_amount_used from ec_gift_certificate_usage where gift_certificate_id= NEW.gift_certificate_id; UPDATE ec_gift_certificates SET amount_remaining_p = case when amount > bal_amount_used then ''t'' else ''f'' end WHERE gift_certificate_id = gift_certificate_rec.gift_certificate_id; return new; END; ' language 'plpgsql'; create trigger ec_cert_amount_remains after update on ec_gift_certificate_usage for each row execute procedure trig_ec_cert_amount_remains(); -- OK -- calculates how much a user has in their gift certificate account create function ec_gift_certificate_balance (integer) returns numeric as ' DECLARE v_user_id alias for $1; original_amount numeric; total_amount_used numeric; -- these only look at unexpired gift certificates -- where amount_remaining_p is t, -- hence the word subset in their names BEGIN SELECT coalesce(sum(amount),0) into original_amount FROM ec_gift_certificates_approved WHERE user_id=v_user_id AND amount_remaining_p=''t'' AND expires > now(); SELECT coalesce(sum(u.amount_used),0) - coalesce(sum(u.amount_reinstated),0) into total_amount_used FROM ec_gift_certificates_approved c, ec_gift_certificate_usage u WHERE c.gift_certificate_id=u.gift_certificate_id AND c.user_id=v_user_id AND c.amount_remaining_p=''t'' AND c.expires > now(); RETURN original_amount - total_amount_used; END;' language 'plpgsql'; -- OK -- Returns price + shipping + tax - gift certificate amount applied -- for one order. -- Requirement: ec_orders.shipping_charged, ec_orders.shipping_tax_charged, -- ec_items.price_charged, ec_items.shipping_charged, ec_items.price_tax_chaged, -- and ec_items.shipping_tax_charged should already be filled in. create function ec_order_amount_owed (integer) returns numeric as ' DECLARE v_order_id alias for $1; pre_gc_amount_owed numeric; gc_amount numeric; BEGIN pre_gc_amount_owed := ec_total_price(v_order_id) + ec_total_shipping(v_order_id) + ec_total_tax(v_order_id); gc_amount := ec_order_gift_cert_amount(v_order_id); RETURN pre_gc_amount_owed - gc_amount; END;' language 'plpgsql'; -- OK -- the amount remaining in an individual gift certificate create function gift_certificate_amount_left (integer) returns numeric as ' DECLARE v_gift_certificate_id alias for $1; original_amount numeric; amount_used numeric; BEGIN SELECT coalesce(sum(amount_used),0) - coalesce(sum(amount_reinstated),0) into amount_used FROM ec_gift_certificate_usage WHERE gift_certificate_id = v_gift_certificate_id; SELECT amount into original_amount FROM ec_gift_certificates WHERE gift_certificate_id = v_gift_certificate_id; RETURN original_amount - amount_used; END;' language 'plpgsql'; -- I DON'T USE THIS PROCEDURE ANYMORE BECAUSE THERE'S A MORE -- FAULT-TOLERANT TCL VERSION -- This applies gift certificate balance to an entire order -- by iteratively applying unused/unexpired gift certificates -- to the order until the order is completely paid for or -- the gift certificates run out. -- Requirement: ec_orders.shipping_charged, ec_orders.shipping_tax_charged, -- ec_items.price_charged, ec_items.shipping_charged, ec_items.price_tax_charged, -- ec_items.shipping_tax_charged should already be filled in. -- Call this within a transaction. --create or replace procedure ec_apply_gift_cert_balance (v_order_id IN integer, v_user_id IN integer) --IS -- CURSOR gift_certificate_to_use_cursor IS -- SELECT * -- FROM ec_gift_certificates_approved -- WHERE user_id = v_user_id -- AND (expires is null or now() < expires ) -- AND amount_remaining_p = ''t'' -- ORDER BY expires; -- amount_owed number; -- gift_certificate_balance number; -- certificate ec_gift_certificates_approved%ROWTYPE; --BEGIN -- gift_certificate_balance := ec_gift_certificate_balance(v_user_id); -- amount_owed := ec_order_amount_owed(v_order_id); -- -- OPEN gift_certificate_to_use_cursor; -- WHILE amount_owed > 0 and gift_certificate_balance > 0 -- LOOP -- FETCH gift_certificate_to_use_cursor INTO certificate; -- -- INSERT into ec_gift_certificate_usage -- (gift_certificate_id, order_id, amount_used, used_date) -- VALUES -- (certificate.gift_certificate_id, v_order_id, least(gift_certificate_amount_left(certificate.gift_certificate_id), amount_owed), now()); -- -- gift_certificate_balance := ec_gift_certificate_balance(v_user_id); -- amount_owed := ec_order_amount_owed(v_order_id); -- END LOOP; -- CLOSE gift_certificate_to_use_cursor; --END ec_apply_gift_cert_balance; --/ --show errors -- OK -- reinstates all gift certificates used on an order (as opposed to -- individual items), e.g. if the order was voided or an auth failed create function ec_reinst_gift_cert_on_order (integer) returns integer as ' DECLARE v_order_id alias for $1; BEGIN insert into ec_gift_certificate_usage (gift_certificate_id, order_id, amount_reinstated, reinstated_date) select gift_certificate_id, v_order_id, coalesce(sum(amount_used),0)-coalesce(sum(amount_reinstated),0), now() from ec_gift_certificate_usage where order_id=v_order_id group by gift_certificate_id; return 0; END;' language 'plpgsql'; -- Given an amount to refund to an order, this tells -- you how much of that is to be refunded in cash (as opposed to -- reinstated in gift certificates). Then you know you have to -- go and reinstate v_amount minus (what this function returns) -- in gift certificates. -- (when I say cash I'm really talking about credit card -- payment -- as opposed to gift certificates) -- Call this before inserting the amounts that are being refunded -- into the database. create function ec_cash_amount_to_refund (numeric, integer) returns numeric as ' DECLARE v_amount alias for $1; v_order_id alias for $2; amount_paid numeric; items_amount_paid numeric; order_amount_paid numeric; amount_refunded numeric; curr_gc_amount numeric; max_cash_refundable numeric; cash_to_refund numeric; BEGIN -- the maximum amount of cash refundable is equal to -- the amount paid (in cash + certificates) for shipped items only (since -- money is not paid until an item actually ships) -- minus the amount refunded (in cash + certificates) (only occurs for shipped items) -- minus the current gift certificate amount applied to this order -- or 0 if the result is negative select sum(coalesce(price_charged,0)) + sum(coalesce(shipping_charged,0)) + sum(coalesce(price_tax_charged,0)) + sum(coalesce(shipping_tax_charged,0)) into items_amount_paid from ec_items where order_id=v_order_id and shipment_id is not null and item_state <> ''void''; select coalesce(shipping_charged,0) + coalesce(shipping_tax_charged,0) into order_amount_paid from ec_orders where order_id=v_order_id; amount_paid := items_amount_paid + order_amount_paid; amount_refunded := ec_total_refund(v_order_id); curr_gc_amount := ec_order_gift_cert_amount(v_order_id); max_cash_refundable := amount_paid - amount_refunded - curr_gc_amount; cash_to_refund := least(max_cash_refundable, v_amount); RETURN cash_to_refund; END;' language 'plpgsql'; -- The amount of a given gift certificate used on a given order. -- This is a helper function for ec_gift_cert_unshipped_amount. create function ec_one_gift_cert_on_one_order (integer, integer) returns numeric as ' DECLARE v_gift_certificate_id alias for $1; v_order_id alias for $2; bal_amount_used numeric; BEGIN select coalesce(sum(amount_used),0)-coalesce(sum(amount_reinstated),0) into bal_amount_used from ec_gift_certificate_usage where order_id=v_order_id and gift_certificate_id=v_gift_certificate_id; RETURN bal_amount_used; END;' language 'plpgsql'; -- The amount of all gift certificates used on a given order that -- expire before* a given gift certificate (*in the event that two -- expire at precisely the same time, the one with a higher -- gift_certificate_id is defined to expire last). -- This is a helper function for ec_gift_cert_unshipped_amount. create function ec_earlier_certs_on_one_order (integer, integer) returns numeric as ' DECLARE v_gift_certificate_id alias for $1; v_order_id alias for $2; bal_amount_used numeric; BEGIN select coalesce(sum(u.amount_used),0)-coalesce(sum(u.amount_reinstated),0) into bal_amount_used from ec_gift_certificate_usage u, ec_gift_certificates g, ec_gift_certificates g2 where u.gift_certificate_id=g.gift_certificate_id and g2.gift_certificate_id=v_gift_certificate_id and u.order_id=v_order_id and (g.expires < g2.expires or (g.expires = g2.expires and g.gift_certificate_id < g2.gift_certificate_id)); return bal_amount_used; END;' language 'plpgsql'; -- The amount of a gift certificate that is applied to the upshipped portion of an order. -- This is a helper function for ec_gift_cert_unshipped_amount. create function ec_cert_unshipped_one_order (integer, integer) returns numeric as ' DECLARE v_gift_certificate_id alias for $1; v_order_id alias for $2; total_shipment_cost numeric; earlier_certs numeric; total_tied_amount numeric; BEGIN select coalesce(sum(coalesce(ec_shipment_price(shipment_id),0) + coalesce(ec_shipment_shipping(shipment_id),0) + coalesce(ec_shipment_tax(shipment_id),0)),0) into total_shipment_cost from ec_shipments where order_id=v_order_id; earlier_certs := ec_earlier_certs_on_one_order(v_gift_certificate_id, v_order_id); IF total_shipment_cost <= earlier_certs THEN total_tied_amount := ec_one_gift_cert_on_one_order(v_gift_certificate_id, v_order_id); ELSE IF total_shipment_cost > earlier_certs + ec_one_gift_cert_on_one_order(v_gift_certificate_id, v_order_id) THEN total_tied_amount := 0; ELSE total_tied_amount := ec_one_gift_cert_on_one_order(v_gift_certificate_id, v_order_id) - (total_shipment_cost - earlier_certs); END IF; END IF; RETURN total_tied_amount; END;' language 'plpgsql'; --HERE -- Returns the amount of a gift certificate that is applied to the unshipped portions of orders -- (this amount is still considered outstanding since revenue, and thus gift certificate usage, -- isnt recognized until the items ship). create function ec_gift_cert_unshipped_amount (integer) returns numeric as ' DECLARE v_gift_certificate_id alias for $1; tied_but_unshipped_amount numeric; BEGIN select coalesce(sum(ec_cert_unshipped_one_order(v_gift_certificate_id,order_id)),0) into tied_but_unshipped_amount from ec_orders where order_id in (select distinct order_id from ec_gift_certificate_usage where gift_certificate_id=v_gift_certificate_id); return tied_but_unshipped_amount; END;' language 'plpgsql'; ---------- end gift certificate procedures ------------ ------------------------------------------------------- \i pl-sql-utilities.sql \i ec-product-package-create.sql \i ecommerce-defaults.sql