-- -- +++ READ THIS +++ -- -- Sept. 2006 cognovis/nfl -- projects_to_bill changed (and only that one!) -- now it's getting the information about the sum from iv_offers.amount_open -- instead of summing iv_offer_items -- so there is no support if more items will be added and amount_open won't be updated -- and there is no support for credit advices (Gutschriften) -- select sub.project_id, sub.title, sub.description, sub.amount_open, sub.creation_date, sub.name, lower(name) as name2, sub.recipient_id, sub.customer_id as org_id from (select oi.item_id as offer_id, pi.item_id as project_id, pr.title, pr.description, o.creation_date, -- sum(ofi.item_units * ofi.price_per_unit * (1-(ofi.rebate/100))) as amount_open_old, io.amount_total as amount_open, p.customer_id, p.recipient_id, oz.name from cr_items pi, cr_revisions pr, pm_projects p, acs_objects o, acs_data_links r, -- iv_offer_items ofi, cr_items oi, organizations oz, iv_offers io where pi.latest_revision = pr.revision_id and p.project_id = pr.revision_id and o.object_id = p.project_id and r.object_id_one = pi.item_id and r.object_id_two = oi.item_id and p.status_id = :p_closed_id and p.invoice_p = true -- and ofi.offer_id = oi.latest_revision and p.customer_id = oz.organization_id and io.offer_id = oi.latest_revision group by oi.item_id, pi.item_id, pr.title, pr.description, o.creation_date, p.customer_id, oz.name, p.recipient_id, io.amount_total) sub where 1=1 [template::list::filter_where_clauses -and -name projects] [template::list::page_where_clause -and -name projects -key sub.project_id] [template::list::orderby_clause -name projects -orderby] select sub.project_id, sub.title, sub.description, sub.amount_open, sub.creation_date, total.count_total, billed.count_billed, sub.name, lower(name) as name2, sub.recipient_id, sub.customer_id as org_id from ( select oi.item_id as offer_id, pi.item_id as project_id, pr.title, pr.description, o.creation_date, sum(ofi.item_units * ofi.price_per_unit * (1-(ofi.rebate/100))) as amount_open, p.customer_id, p.recipient_id, oz.name from cr_items pi, cr_revisions pr, pm_projects p, acs_objects o, acs_data_links r, iv_offer_items ofi, cr_items oi, organizations oz where pi.latest_revision = pr.revision_id and p.project_id = pr.revision_id and o.object_id = p.project_id and r.object_id_one = pi.item_id and r.object_id_two = oi.item_id and p.status_id = :p_closed_id and p.invoice_p = true and ofi.offer_id = oi.latest_revision and p.customer_id = oz.organization_id group by oi.item_id, pi.item_id, pr.title, pr.description, o.creation_date, p.customer_id, oz.name, p.recipient_id ) sub, ( select count(*) as count_total, oi.item_id from cr_items oi, iv_offer_items ofi where ofi.offer_id = oi.latest_revision group by oi.item_id ) total, ( select count(ci.item_id) as count_billed, oi.item_id from cr_items oi, iv_offer_items ofi left outer join iv_invoice_items ii on (ii.offer_item_id = ofi.offer_item_id) left outer join iv_invoices i on (ii.invoice_id = i.invoice_id and i.cancelled_p = 'f') left outer join cr_items ci on (ci.latest_revision = i.invoice_id) where ofi.offer_id = oi.latest_revision group by oi.item_id ) billed where total.item_id = sub.offer_id and billed.item_id = sub.offer_id [template::list::filter_where_clauses -and -name projects] [template::list::page_where_clause -and -name projects -key sub.project_id] [template::list::orderby_clause -name projects -orderby] select sub.project_id from ( select pi.item_id as project_id, pr.title, pr.description, o.creation_date, p.customer_id, p.recipient_id, oz.name from cr_items pi, cr_revisions pr, pm_projects p, acs_objects o, acs_data_links r, cr_items oi, iv_offer_items ofi, organizations oz where pi.latest_revision = pr.revision_id and p.project_id = pr.revision_id and o.object_id = p.project_id and r.object_id_one = pi.item_id and r.object_id_two = oi.item_id and p.status_id = :p_closed_id and p.invoice_p = true and ofi.offer_id = oi.latest_revision and p.customer_id = oz.organization_id and not exists (select 1 from iv_invoice_items ii, iv_invoices i, cr_items ci where ii.offer_item_id = ofi.offer_item_id and i.invoice_id = ii.invoice_id and ci.latest_revision = i.invoice_id and i.cancelled_p = 'f') group by pi.item_id, pr.title, pr.description, o.creation_date, p.customer_id, oz.name, p.recipient_id ) sub where 1=1 [template::list::filter_where_clauses -and -name projects] [template::list::orderby_clause -name projects -orderby]