&height=[&to=/relative/path/to/newimage.jpg] * relative to the base_dir given in config.inc.php * This is pretty much just thumbs.php with some mods, I'm too lazy to do it properly * @author $Author: gustafn $ * @version $Id: resizer.php,v 1.11 2010/05/23 11:58:33 gustafn Exp $ * @package ImageManager */ require_once('config.inc.php'); require_once('Classes/ImageManager.php'); require_once('Classes/Thumbnail.php'); function js_fail($message) { echo 'alert(\'' . $message . '\'); false'; exit; } function js_success($resultFile) { echo '\'' . $resultFile . '\''; exit; } //check for img parameter in the url if(!isset($_GET['img']) || !isset($_GET['width']) || !isset($_GET['height'])) { js_fail('Missing parameter.'); } if($IMConfig['resize_files'] == FALSE) { js_success($_GET['img']); } $manager = new ImageManager($IMConfig); //get the image and the full path to the image $image = $_GET['img']; $fullpath = Files::makeFile($manager->getImagesDir(),$image); //not a file, so exit if(!is_file($fullpath)) { js_fail("File {$fullpath} does not exist."); } $imgInfo = @getImageSize($fullpath); //Not an image, bail out. if(!is_array($imgInfo)) { js_fail("File {$fullpath} is not an image."); } if(!isset($_GET['to'])) { $resized = $manager->getResizedName($fullpath,$_GET['width'],$_GET['height']); $_GET['to'] = $manager->getResizedName($image,$_GET['width'],$_GET['height'], FALSE); } else { $resized = Files::makeFile($manager->getImagesDir(),$_GET['to']); } // Check to see if it already exists if(is_file($resized)) { // And is newer if(filemtime($resized) >= filemtime($fullpath)) { js_success($_GET['to']); } } // resize (thumbnailer will do this for us just fine) $thumbnailer = new Thumbnail($_GET['width'],$_GET['height']); $thumbnailer->proportional = FALSE; $thumbnailer->createThumbnail($fullpath, $resized); // did it work? if(is_file($resized)) { js_success($_GET['to']); } else { js_fail("Resize Failed."); } ?>