Congratulations @focus@

You have successfully installed the OpenACS Community System version @acs_version@ at @system_name@.

Thank you for using our software. Please write to us at the OpenACS forums to let us know of your experience with installing and using OpenACS.

You are currently logged in as @name@ (change login). Start by logging in in the box on the right, using the email address and password that you have just specified for the administrator.

Here are the packages currently available on your system:

System Services

Installed Packages

If you like, you can go directly to @name@'s @home_url_name@.

How to Customize Your Site

If you want to customize the look of your website, the easiest way to start is to edit the template that gets wrapped around every page. The master template is the file @acs_root_dir@/www/default-master.adp. An ADP file is almost like HTML, except with a few extra bells and whistles (learn more).

You almost certainly also want to customize this page, your front page. To do that, edit the files @acs_root_dir@/www/index.adp and @acs_root_dir@/www/index.tcl.

How to Add Functionality to Your Site

To download application packages that you can install on your system, visit the OpenACS Software Page. To make them available to users of your site, use the Sitemap.

To manage the packages on your system, visit the Package Manager on your own server.

Should you develop an OpenACS package that you want to share with the rest of the community, upload it to OpenACS Repository and we will evaluate it and publish it.

For more administrative options, visit OpenACS-Administration pages for packages and users, or Main site admin pages for groups and sitemap.

How to Learn More

Your OpenACS installation comes with documentation. When you start programming, you will also find the API documentation useful.

Should you ever get stuck, or if you just want to hang out with other OpenACS users, visit the discussion forums on, in particular the OpenACS forum. The home of the OpenACS community is at

If you find bugs or have feature requests, post them in our Bug Tracker. If you have bugfixes or patches yourself, post them there as well.

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