postgresql7.1 select message_id, sender_id, package_id, sent_date, body, subject, object_id, log_id from acs_mail_log where [template::list::page_where_clause -name messages] [template::list::filter_where_clauses -and -name messages] [template::list::orderby_clause -orderby -name messages] select distinct ml.log_id, sent_date from acs_mail_log ml left outer join acs_mail_log_recipient_map mlrm on (ml.log_id=mlrm.log_id) where 1=1 $recipient_where_clause [template::list::filter_where_clauses -and -name messages] [template::list::orderby_clause -orderby -name messages] select o.object_type as content_type, o.object_id as file_id from acs_data_links r, acs_objects o where r.object_id_one = :log_id and r.object_id_two = o.object_id and o.object_type in ([template::util::tcl_to_sql_list $content_types]) order by o.object_type, o.object_id