Auto Key English French German text_1 text_1_different text_2 text_3 {Sun} {Mon} {Tue} {Wed} {Thu} {Fri} {Sat} {Jan} {Feb} {Mar} {Apr} {May} {Jun} {Jul} {Aug} {Sep} {Oct} {Nov} {Dec} AM $ %m/%d/%y %a %B %d, %Y %r %Z {Sunday} {Monday} {Tuesday} {Wednesday} {Thursday} {Friday} {Saturday} . %B %d, %Y %A %B %d, %Y 0 HH12:MI AM 2 3 3 USD 2 {January} {February} {March} {April} {May} {June} {July} {August} {September} {October} {November} {December} . 3 3 , 1 0 An integer set to 0 if no space separates the currency_symbol or int_curr_symbol from the value for a negative monetary quantity, set to 1 if a space separates the symbol from the value and set to 2 if a space separates the symbol and the sign string, if adjacent. 1 - 1 0 0 means that no space should be printed between the symbol and the value. 1 means that a space should be printed between the symbol and the value. 2 means that a space should be printed between the symbol and the sign string, if adjacent. 1 PM %r %I:%M:%S %p , Spanish