<% # user-search.adp -- allow searching for an individual user # # required arguments - the text of what user to look for, # the ultimate page to redirect back to # assumes that it's being invoked as ns_adp_includ -sameframe ... # also assumes that it's the first HTML to be written and that # ns_adp_break will be called afterwards if { [ns_adp_argc] != 6 } { ns_log error "wrong number of arguments passed to user-search.adp. Expected Looking_for text, search token, target page for search results, list for navigation bar, and passthrough values" ns_adp_aabort } ns_adp_bind_args looking_for search_token target nav_list passthrough # emit the page contents ns_puts " [ad_header "Search for $looking_for"] <h2>Search for $looking_for</h2> in [ad_context_bar [list index.tcl Glassroom] $nav_list "Search for $looking_for"] <hr> Locate $looking_for by <form method=get action=\"/user-search.tcl\"> [export_entire_form] <input type=hidden name=passthrough value=\"$passthrough\"> <input type=hidden name=target value=\"$target\"> <input type=hidden name=search_token value=\"$search_token\"> " %> <table border=0> <tr><td>Email address:<td><input type=text name=email size=40></tr> <tr><td colspan=2>or by</tr> <tr><td>Last name:<td><input type=text name=last_name size=40></tr> </table> <p> <center> <input type=submit value="Search"> </center> </form> <%= [glassroom_footer] %>