<% # release-edit.adp -- edit a software release in the glassroom_releases table. # This file is an ADP so that we can ns_adp_include the # entry/editing form set_form_variables # Expects release_id, or all of the requisite form data # # if search_token is set, that means that we've gotten to this page # from a user search. expected token is "manager" validate_integer release_id $release_id if { [ad_read_only_p] } { ad_return_read_only_maintenance_message return } # check for user set user_id [ad_verify_and_get_user_id] if { $user_id == 0 } { ns_returnredirect "/register.tcl?return_url=[ns_urlencode [ns_conn url]]" return } set db [ns_db gethandle] if [info exists search_token] { # means we're on a return-trip from user searching if { $search_token == "manager" } { set manager $user_id_from_search } } else { # snarf the module information set select_sql " select release_name, manager, release_date, anticipated_release_date, module_id from glassroom_releases where release_id=$release_id" set selection [ns_db 1row $db $select_sql] if { [empty_string_p $selection] } { # if it's not there, just redirect them to the index page # (if they hacked the URL, they get what they deserve, if the # the module has been deleted, they can see the list of valid modules) ns_returnredirect index.tcl return } set_variables_after_query if ![empty_string_p $release_date] { set actually_released checked } } # emit the page contents ns_puts "[ad_header "Edit Release \"$release_name\""]" ns_puts "<h2>Edit Release \"$release_name\"</h2> in [ad_context_bar [list index.tcl Glassroom] [list release-view.tcl?[export_url_vars release_id] "View Release"] "Edit Release"] <hr> " # include the shared HTML form ns_adp_include "release-form.adp" "Update Release" "release-edit-2.adp" ns_puts "[glassroom_footer]" %>