ad_page_contract { This is the main page for the package. It displays all entries provides links to create, edit and delete these @author Gustaf Neumann ( @creation-date Oct 23, 2005 @cvs-id $Id: index.vuh,v 1.1 2006/01/24 03:54:40 daveb Exp $ @param object_type show objects of this class and its subclasses } -query { object_type:optional folder_id:optional } set context [list] set supertype ::xowiki::Page # if object_type is specified, only list entries of this type; # otherwise show types and subtypes of $supertype if {![info exists object_type]} { set object_types [$supertype object_types] set page_title "List of all kind of [$supertype set pretty_plural]" set with_subtypes true set object_type $supertype } else { set object_types [list $object_type] set page_title "Index of [$object_type set pretty_plural]" set with_subtypes false } if {![info exists folder_id]} { set folder_id [$object_type require_folder -name xowiki] } #ns_log notice "-- folder_id = $folder_id" set path [ad_conn path_info] ns_log notice "-- path=<$path>" if {$path ne ""} { if {![regexp {^..:} $path]} { set path [string range [lang::conn::locale] 0 1]:$path } set item_id [::Generic::CrItem lookup \ -title $path -parent_id $folder_id] ns_log notice "-- path=<$path> item_id=$item_id" if {$item_id != 0} { rp_form_put item_id $item_id rp_form_put folder_id $folder_id rp_internal_redirect "/packages/xowiki/www/view" # ad_returnredirect [export_vars -base ../view {item_id folder_id}] # ad_abort_script } } # set up categories set package_id [ad_conn package_id] set category_map_url [export_vars -base \ [site_node::get_package_url -package_key categories]cadmin/one-object \ { { object_id $package_id } }] set actions "" foreach type $object_types { append actions [subst { Action new \ -label "[_ xotcl-core.add [list type [$type pretty_name]]]" \ -url [export_vars -base edit {{object_type $type} folder_id}] \ -tooltip "[_ xotcl-core.add_long [list type [$type pretty_name]]]" }] } TableWidget t1 -volatile \ -actions $actions \ -columns { ImageField_EditIcon edit -label "" ImageField_ViewIcon view -label "" Field title -label [_ xowiki.page_title] Field object_type -label [_ xowiki.page_type] ImageField_DeleteIcon delete -label "" } ns_log notice "-- path=<$path> fetching " set order_clause "order by cr.title" # -page_size 10 # -page_number 1 db_foreach instance_select \ [$object_type instance_select_query \ -folder_id $folder_id \ -select_attributes title \ -with_subtypes $with_subtypes \ -order_clause $order_clause \ ] { ns_log notice "-- path=<$path> fetch item_id=$item_id" t1 add \ -title $title \ -object_type $object_type \ -view.href [export_vars -base view {item_id}] \ -edit.href [export_vars -base edit {item_id}] \ -delete.href [export_vars -base delete {item_id}] } set t1 [t1 asHTML]