-- The following procedure is handy for copying existing mail from -- an old webmail account to a new 4.0 account (in a seperate tablespace). -- Note that the new user's account must already have been created. -- This system also uses the old message ids, therefore the migration -- must be done before receiving any new messages into the new tables.. -- After the migration is done, you must start the wm_global_sequence at -- a number greater than the largest msg_id -- (i.e. create sequence wm_global_sequence start with 1000000 ) create or replace procedure wm_migrate_user ( old_user_id in integer, new_user_id in integer) as cursor cur is select name, mailbox_id from oldmail.wm_mailboxes where creation_user=old_user_id; new_mb_id integer; begin for cur_val in cur loop begin select mailbox_id into new_mb_id from wm_mailboxes where user_id=new_user_id and name=cur_val.name; exception when no_data_found then select wm_global_sequence.nextval into new_mb_id from dual; insert into wm_mailboxes (mailbox_id, name, user_id, creation_date) values (new_mb_id, cur_val.name, new_user_id, sysdate); end; insert into wm_messages (msg_id, mailbox_id, body, mime_text, message_id, msg_size, seen_p, answered_p, flagged_p, deleted_p, draft_p, recent_p) select wm.msg_id, new_mb_id, body, mime_text, message_id, 0, seen_p, answered_p, flagged_p,deleted_p,draft_p, recent_p from oldmail.wm_messages wm, oldmail.wm_message_mailbox_map mm where wm.msg_id = mm.msg_id and mm.mailbox_id = cur_val.mailbox_id; insert into wm_headers (msg_id, name, value, sort_order) select wh.msg_id, name, value, sort_order from oldmail.wm_headers wh, oldmail.wm_message_mailbox_map mm where wh.msg_id = mm.msg_id and mm.mailbox_id = cur_val.mailbox_id; update wm_messages m set date_value = (select time_value from oldmail.wm_headers h where h.msg_id=m.msg_id and lower(h.name)='date' and rownum = 1), msg_size = greatest(ceil(dbms_lob.getlength(m.body)/1024), 1) where mailbox_id = new_mb_id and m.msg_size = 0; update wm_messages m set to_value = (select substr(value,0,150) from wm_headers h where h.msg_id=m.msg_id and lower(h.name)='to' and rownum = 1) where mailbox_id =new_mb_id; update wm_messages m set from_value = (select substr(value,0,150) from wm_headers h where h.msg_id=m.msg_id and lower(h.name)='from' and rownum = 1) where mailbox_id =new_mb_id; update wm_messages m set subject_value = (select substr(value,0,150) from wm_headers h where h.msg_id=m.msg_id and lower(h.name)='subject' and rownum = 1) where mailbox_id = new_mb_id; end loop; end; / show errors -- Messages imported from an old webmail installation will have to be -- re-parsed to be displayed correctly. The following function will re-parse -- a user's mail. create or replace procedure wm_reparse_user (new_user_id in integer) as cursor cur is select msg_id from wm_messages where mailbox_id in (select mailbox_id from wm_mailboxes where user_id = new_user_id); begin for cur_val in cur loop webmail.reparse_message_from_db(cur_val.msg_id); end loop; end; / show errors