update t_tasks set status_id = 2, completed_date = now() where task_id = :task_id select pt.closing_action_id, pi.case_id from t_process_tasks pt, t_tasks t, t_process_instances pi where pt.task_id = t.process_task_id and pi.process_instance_id = t.process_instance_id and t.task_id = :task_id update t_tasks set title = :title, description = :description, mime_type = :mime_type, comment = :comment, status_id = :status_id, priority = :priority, due_date = :due_date where task_id = :task_id update acs_objects set modifying_user = :modifying_user, modifying_ip = :modifying_ip, last_modified = now() where object_id = :task_id update t_process_tasks set open_action_id = :open_action_id, party_id = :party_id, object_id = :object_id, title = :title, description = :description, mime_type = :mime_type, comment = :comment, status_id = :status_id, priority = :priority, start = :start, due = :due where task_id = :task_id update acs_objects set modifying_user = :modifying_user, modifying_ip = :modifying_ip, last_modified = now() where object_id = :task_id update t_processes set title = :title, description = :description, mime_type = :mime_type where process_id = :process_id update acs_objects set modifying_user = :modifying_user, modifying_ip = :modifying_ip, last_modified = now() where object_id = :process_id