select f.short_name as forum_name, f.moderated_p from bboard_forums f where f.forum_id = :forum_id select f.forum_id, f.short_name as forum_name, f.moderated_p from bboard_categories c, bboard_forums f where c.category_id = :category_id and c.forum_id = f.forum_id select short_name as category_name from bboard_categories where category_id = :category_id select message_id, title, num_replies, first_names||' '||last_name as full_name from bboard_messages_by_category, persons where category_id = :category_id and person_id = sender and reply_to is null and status = 'unmoderated' select message_id, title, num_replies, first_names||' '||last_name as full_name from bboard_messages_by_category, persons where category_id = :category_id and person_id = sender and reply_to is null and status = 'rejected'