-- packages/ref-timezones/sql/postgresql/ref-timezones-create.sql -- -- This package provides both the reference data for timezones and an -- API for doing simple operations on timezones. The data provided is -- a combination of the NIH timezone database and the Unix zoneinfo -- database (conversion rules). -- -- @author jon@jongriffin.com -- @creation-date 2001-09-02 -- @cvs-id $Id: ref-timezones-create.sql,v 1.1 2001/09/04 04:41:30 jong Exp $ create sequence timezone_seq; -- Primary table for storing timezone names and standard offsets create table timezones ( tz_id integer constraint timezones_tz_id_pk primary key, -- Unix-style TZ environment variable string, e.g. 'America/Los_Angeles' tz varchar2(100) not null, -- the standard time offset from UTC as (+-)hhmiss gmt_offset char(7) not null ); -- add this table into the reference repository declare v_id integer; begin v_id := acs_reference.new( table_name => 'TIMEZONES', package_name => 'TIMEZONE', source => 'National Institute of Health (USA)', source_url => 'ftp://elsie.nci.nih.gov/pub', last_update => to_date('2000-08-21','YYYY-MM-DD'), effective_date => sysdate ); commit; end; / -- The following table stores the rules for converting between -- local and UTC time. Each rule is specified by timezone, its -- gmt_offset, and the times during which it applies. create table timezone_rules ( -- which timezone does this rule apply to? tz_id integer constraint timezone_rules_tz_id_fk references timezones on delete cascade, -- abbreviation for local time, e.g. EST, EDT abbrev varchar2(10), -- UTC start/end time of this rule utc_start date, utc_end date, -- local start/end time of this rule local_start date, local_end date, -- GMT offset in fractions of day (UTC + gmt_offset = local) gmt_offset number, -- is Daylight Savings Time in effect for this rule? isdst char(1) constraint timezone_rules_isdist_ck check (isdst in ('t','f')) ); create index timezone_rules_idx1 on timezone_rules(tz_id, utc_start, utc_end); create index timezone_rules_idx2 on timezone_rules(tz_id, local_start, local_end); ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TimeZone package ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- create or replace package timezone as procedure new ( tz in timezones.tz%TYPE, gmt_offset in timezones.gmt_offset%type ); procedure delete ( tz_id in timezones.tz_id%TYPE ); function get_id ( -- Gets the ID number of the given timezone tz in timezones.tz%TYPE ) return integer; procedure add_rule ( -- Adds a new conversion rule to the timezone_rules database tz in timezones.tz%TYPE, abbrev in timezone_rules.abbrev%TYPE, isdst in integer, gmt_offset in integer, utc_start in varchar, utc_end in varchar, local_start in varchar, local_end in varchar ); -- The following are the primary time conversion functions function utc_to_local ( -- Returns utc_time converted to local time tz in timezones.tz%TYPE, utc_time in date ) return date; function utc_to_local ( -- Returns utc_time converted to local time tz_id in timezones.tz_id%TYPE, utc_time in date ) return date; function local_to_utc ( tz_id in timezones.tz_id%TYPE, local_time in date ) return date; function local_to_utc ( tz in timezones.tz%TYPE, local_time in date ) return date; -- The following provide access to the current offset information function get_offset ( -- Gets the timezone offset in seconds, for the current date, -- modified in case of DST. tz_id in timezones.tz_id%TYPE, local_time in date default sysdate ) return integer; function get_offset ( tz in timezones.tz%TYPE, local_time in date default sysdate ) return integer; function get_rawoffset ( -- Gets the timezone offset NOT modified for DST tz_id in timezones.tz_id%TYPE, local_time in date default sysdate ) return integer; function get_rawoffset ( -- Gets the timezone offset NOT modified for DST tz in timezones.tz%TYPE, local_time in date default sysdate ) return integer; function get_abbrev ( -- Returns abbreviation for the coversion rule tz_id in timezones.tz_id%TYPE, local_time in date default sysdate ) return varchar; function get_abbrev ( -- Returns abbreviation for the coversion rule tz in timezones.tz%TYPE, local_time in date default sysdate ) return varchar; function get_zone_offset ( -- Returns the relative offset between two zones at a -- particular UTC time. tz_this in timezones.tz%TYPE, tz_other in timezones.tz%TYPE, utc_time in date default sysdate ) return integer; -- Access to flags function isdst_p ( -- Returns 't' if timezone is currently using DST tz_id in timezones.tz_id%TYPE, local_time in date default sysdate ) return char; function isdst_p ( -- Returns 't' if timezone is currently using DST tz in timezones.tz%TYPE, local_time in date default sysdate ) return char; -- Special formatting functions function get_date ( -- Returns a formatted date with timezone info appended tz_id in timezones.tz_id%TYPE, local_time in date, format in varchar default 'yyyy-mm-ss hh24:mi:ss' ) return varchar; function get_date ( -- Returns a formatted date with timezone info appended tz in timezones.tz%TYPE, local_time in date, format in varchar default 'yyyy-mm-ss hh24:mi:ss' ) return varchar; end timezone; / show errors -- -- -- create or replace package body timezone as procedure new ( tz in timezones.tz%TYPE, gmt_offset in timezones.gmt_offset%type ) is begin insert into timezones (tz_id, tz, gmt_offset) values (timezone_seq.nextval, tz, gmt_offset); end; procedure delete ( tz_id in timezones.tz_id%TYPE ) is begin delete from timezone_rules where tz_id = tz_id; delete from timezones where tz_id = tz_id; end; -- private function for looking up timezone id's function get_id ( tz in timezones.tz%TYPE ) return integer is tz_id integer; begin select tz_id into tz_id from timezones where tz = get_id.tz; return tz_id; end; procedure add_rule ( tz in timezones.tz%TYPE, abbrev in timezone_rules.abbrev%TYPE, isdst in integer, gmt_offset in integer, utc_start in varchar, utc_end in varchar, local_start in varchar, local_end in varchar ) is begin insert into timezone_rules (tz_id, abbrev, utc_start, utc_end, local_start, local_end, gmt_offset, isdst) values (get_id(tz), abbrev, to_date(utc_start,'Mon dd hh24:mi:ss yyyy'), to_date(utc_end, 'Mon dd hh24:mi:ss yyyy'), to_date(local_start,'Mon dd hh24:mi:ss yyyy'), to_date(local_end,'Mon dd hh24:mi:ss yyyy'), gmt_offset / 86400, decode(isdst,0,'f',1,'t')); end; function utc_to_local ( tz_id in timezones.tz_id%TYPE, utc_time in date ) return date is local_time date; begin select utc_time + gmt_offset into local_time from timezone_rules where tz_id = utc_to_local.tz_id and utc_time between utc_start and utc_end and rownum = 1; return local_time; exception when no_data_found then return utc_time; end utc_to_local; function utc_to_local ( tz in timezones.tz%TYPE, utc_time in date ) return date is begin return utc_to_local(get_id(tz), utc_time); end; function local_to_utc ( tz_id in timezones.tz_id%TYPE, local_time in date ) return date is utc_time date; begin select local_time - gmt_offset into utc_time from timezone_rules where tz_id = local_to_utc.tz_id and local_time between local_start and local_end and rownum = 1; return utc_time; exception when no_data_found then return local_time; end; function local_to_utc ( tz in timezones.tz%TYPE, local_time in date ) return date is begin return local_to_utc(get_id(tz),local_time); end; function get_offset ( tz_id in timezones.tz_id%TYPE, local_time in date default sysdate ) return integer is v_offset integer; begin select round(gmt_offset*86400,0) into v_offset from timezone_rules where tz_id = get_offset.tz_id and local_time between local_start and local_end and rownum = 1; return v_offset; exception when no_data_found then return 0; end; function get_offset ( tz in timezones.tz%TYPE, local_time in date default sysdate ) return integer is begin return get_offset(get_id(tz),local_time); end; function get_rawoffset ( tz_id in timezones.tz_id%TYPE, local_time in date default sysdate ) return integer is v_offset number; begin select decode (isdst,'t', round(gmt_offset*86400,0) - 3600, 'f', round(gmt_offset*86400,0)) into v_offset from timezone_rules where tz_id = get_rawoffset.tz_id and local_time between local_start and local_end and rownum = 1; return v_offset; exception when no_data_found then return 0; end; function get_rawoffset ( tz in timezones.tz%TYPE, local_time in date default sysdate ) return integer is begin return get_rawoffset(get_id(tz),local_time); end; function get_abbrev ( tz_id in timezones.tz_id%TYPE, local_time in date default sysdate ) return varchar is v_abbrev timezone_rules.abbrev%TYPE; begin select abbrev into v_abbrev from timezone_rules where tz_id = get_abbrev.tz_id and local_time between local_start and local_end; return v_abbrev; exception when no_data_found then return 'GMT'; end; function get_abbrev ( tz in timezones.tz%TYPE, local_time in date default sysdate ) return varchar is begin return get_abbrev(get_id(tz),local_time); end; function get_date ( -- Returns a formatted date with timezone info appended tz_id in timezones.tz_id%TYPE, local_time in date, format in varchar default 'yyyy-mm-ss hh24:mi:ss' ) return varchar is v_date varchar(1000); begin select to_char(local_time,format) || ' ' || abbrev into v_date from timezone_rules where tz_id = get_date.tz_id and local_time between local_start and local_end and rownum = 1; return v_date; exception when no_data_found then select to_char(local_time,format) into v_date from dual; return v_date; end; function get_date ( tz in timezones.tz%TYPE, local_time in date, format in varchar default 'yyyy-mm-ss hh24:mi:ss' ) return varchar is begin return get_date(get_id(tz),local_time,format); end; function isdst_p ( -- Returns 't' if timezone is currently using DST tz_id in timezones.tz_id%TYPE, local_time in date default sysdate ) return char is v_isdst char; begin select isdst into v_isdst from timezone_rules where tz_id = isdst_p.tz_id and local_time between local_start and local_end and rownum = 1; return v_isdst; exception when no_data_found then return 'f'; end; function isdst_p ( tz in timezones.tz%TYPE, local_time in date default sysdate ) return char is begin return isdst_p (get_id(tz),local_time); end; function get_zone_offset ( tz_this in timezones.tz%TYPE, tz_other in timezones.tz%TYPE, utc_time in date default sysdate ) return integer is begin return get_offset(tz_this, utc_to_local(tz_this, utc_time)) - get_offset(tz_other,utc_to_local(tz_other,utc_time)); end; end timezone; / show errors ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- TimeZone data ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /i ref-timezones-data.sql /i ../common/ref-timezone-rules.sql