-- -- Profile Provider interface definition -- -- @author yon@openforce.net -- @version $Id: profile-provider-contract-create.sql,v 1.1 2002/02/07 03:17:01 yon Exp $ -- declare foo integer; begin -- create the interface foo := acs_sc_contract.new( contract_name => 'profile_provider', contract_desc => 'profile provider interface definition' ); -- create the methods of this interface -- name method foo := acs_sc_msg_type.new( msg_type_name => 'profile_provider.name.InputType', msg_type_spec => '' ); foo := acs_sc_msg_type.new( msg_type_name => 'profile_provider.name.OutputType', msg_type_spec => 'name:string' ); foo := acs_sc_operation.new( contract_name => 'profile_provider', operation_name => 'name', operation_desc => 'return the name of the profile provider', operation_iscachable_p => 't', operation_nargs => 0, operation_inputtype => 'profile_provider.name.InputType', operation_outputtype => 'profile_provider.name.OutputType' ); -- prettyName method foo := acs_sc_msg_type.new( msg_type_name => 'profile_provider.prettyName.InputType', msg_type_spec => '' ); foo := acs_sc_msg_type.new( msg_type_name => 'profile_provider.prettyName.OutputType', msg_type_spec => 'prettyName:string' ); foo := acs_sc_operation.new( contract_name => 'profile_provider', operation_name => 'prettyName', operation_desc => 'return the pretty name of the profile provider', operation_iscachable_p => 't', operation_nargs => 0, operation_inputtype => 'profile_provider.prettyName.InputType', operation_outputtype => 'profile_provider.prettyName.OutputType' ); -- render method foo := acs_sc_msg_type.new( msg_type_name => 'profile_provider.render.InputType', msg_type_spec => '' ); foo := acs_sc_msg_type.new( msg_type_name => 'profile_provider.render.OutputType', msg_type_spec => 'output:string' ); foo := acs_sc_operation.new( contract_name => 'profile_provider', operation_name => 'render', operation_desc => 'output the HTML from this profile provider', operation_iscachable_p => 't', operation_nargs => 0, operation_inputtype => 'profile_provider.render.InputType', operation_outputtype => 'profile_provider.render.OutputType' ); end; / show errors