select * from acs_sc_contracts where contract_name='dav'
select * from acs_sc_contracts where contract_name='dav_put_type'
select operation_name from acs_sc_operations where contract_name='dav'
select operation_name from acs_sc_operations where
and operation_name='get_type'
select item_id from cr_items where name=:name
and parent_id=:folder_id
select revision_id from cr_revisions
where item_id=:new_item_id
select content from cr_revisions where revision_id=:revision_id
select item_id from cr_items where name=:name
and parent_id=:folder_id
select folder_id from cr_folders where package_id=:package_id
select item_id
from cr_items
where name=:fname
and content_type='content_folder'