-- The data source (portlet) contract -- copyright 2001, OpenForce, Inc. -- distributed under the GNU GPL v2 -- -- for Oracle 8/8i. (We're guessing 9i works, too). -- -- arjun@openforce.net -- started November, 2001 -- select acs_sc_contract__new ( /* contract_name */ 'portal_datasource', /* contract_desc */ 'Portal Datasource interface' ); -- Get my name - not to be confused with the pretty_name select acs_sc_msg_type__new ( /* msg_type_name */ 'portal_element.MyName.InputType', /* msg_type_spec */ '' ); select acs_sc_msg_type__new ( /* msg_type_name */ 'portal_element.MyName.OutputType', /* msg_type_spec */ 'my_name:string' ); select acs_sc_operation__new ( 'portal_element', 'MyName', 'Get the name', 't', -- not cacheable 0, -- n_args 'portal_element.MyName.InputType', 'portal_element.MyName.OutputType' ); -- Get a pretty name select acs_sc_msg_type__new ( /* msg_type_name */ 'portal_element.GetPrettyName.InputType', /* msg_type_spec */ '' ); select acs_sc_msg_type__new ( /* msg_type_name */ 'portal_element.GetPrettyName.OutputType', /* msg_type_spec */ 'pretty_name:string' ); select acs_sc_operation__new ( 'portal_element', 'GetPrettyName', 'Get the pretty name', 't', -- not cacheable 0, -- n_args 'portal_element.GetPrettyName.InputType', 'portal_element.GetPrettyName.OutputType' ); -- Tell the portal element to add itself to a portal page -- add_self_to_page -- The "args" string is an ns_set of extra arguments select acs_sc_msg_type__new( /* msg_type_name */ 'portal_element.AddSelfToPage.InputType', /* msg_type_spec */ 'page_id:integer,instance_id:integer,args:string' ); select acs_sc_msg_type__new( /* msg_type_name */ 'portal_element.AddSelfToPage.OutputType', /* msg_type_spec */ 'element_id:integer' ); select acs_sc_operation__new ( 'portal_element', 'AddSelfToPage', 'Tells the given portal element to add itself to the given page', 'f', -- not cacheable 3, -- n_args 'portal_element.AddSelfToPage.InputType', 'portal_element.AddSelfToPage.OutputType' ); -- Show: the portal element's display proc select acs_sc_msg_type__new( /* msg_type_name */ 'portal_element.Show.InputType', /* msg_type_spec */ 'cf:string' ); select acs_sc_msg_type__new( /* msg_type_name */ 'portal_element.Show.OutputType', /* msg_type_spec */ 'output:string' ); select acs_sc_operation__new ( 'portal_element', 'Show', 'Render the portal element returning a chunk of HTML', 'f', -- not cacheable 1, -- n_args 'portal_element.Show.InputType', 'portal_element.Show.OutputType' ); -- Tell the PE to remove itself from a page -- remove_self_from_page select acs_sc_msg_type__new( /* msg_type_name */ 'portal_element.RemoveSelfFromPage.InputType', /* msg_type_spec */ 'page_id:integer,instance_id:integer' ); select acs_sc_msg_type__new( /* msg_type_name */ 'portal_element.RemoveSelfFromPage.OutputType', /* msg_type_spec */ '' ); select acs_sc_operation__new ( 'portal_element', 'RemoveSelfFromPage', 'Tells the given portal element to remove itself from the given page', 'f', -- not cacheable 2, -- n_args 'portal_element.RemoveSelfFromPage.InputType', 'portal_element.RemoveSelfFromPage.OutputType' ); -- Make self available select acs_sc_msg_type__new( /* msg_type_name */ 'portal_element.MakeSelfAvailable.InputType', /* msg_type_spec */ 'portal_id:integer' ); select acs_sc_msg_type__new( /* msg_type_name */ 'portal_element.MakeSelfAvailable.OutputType', /* msg_type_spec */ '' ); select acs_sc_operation__new ( 'portal_element', 'MakeSelfAvailable', 'Makes this PE available to this portal page', 'f', -- not cacheable 1, -- n_args 'portal_element.MakeSelfAvailable.InputType', 'portal_element.MakeSelfAvailable.OutputType' ); -- Make self unavailable select acs_sc_msg_type__new( /* msg_type_name */ 'portal_element.MakeSelfUnavailable.InputType', /* msg_type_spec */ 'portal_id:integer' ); select acs_sc_msg_type__new( /* msg_type_name */ 'portal_element.MakeSelfUnavailable.OutputType', /* msg_type_spec */ '' ); select acs_sc_operation__new ( 'portal_element', 'MakeSelfUnavailable', 'Makes this PE UNavailable to this portal page', 'f', -- not cacheable 1, -- n_args 'portal_element.MakeSelfAvailable.InputType', 'portal_element.MakeSelfAvailable.OutputType' );