select lorsm_student_track__new (:user_id, :community_id, :course_id); select lorsm_student_track__exit (:track_id); select * from lorsm_student_track where track_id=:track_id select track_id from lorsm_student_track where community_id=:community_id and user_id=:user_id select istrackable from ims_cp_manifest_class where man_id = :course_id and lorsm_instance_id = :package_id select to_char(v.last_viewed,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as last_viewed from views_views v, ims_cp_items i, ims_cp_organizations o, lorsm_student_track t where t.track_id = :track_id and v.viewer_id = t.user_id and v.object_id = i.ims_item_id and i.org_id = o.org_id and o.man_id = t.course_id order by v.last_viewed desc limit 1 update lorsm_student_track set elapsed_seconds = coalesce(elapsed_seconds,0) + :elapsed_seconds where track_id = :track_id