Page Configuration Library

Page Configuration Library

Though the Layout Manager package is a service, and not meant to be mounted, configuration of pagesets is something any client of the package will want to implement. Therefore, a set of templates is provided that can easily be included by templates in a package that's a client of the Layout Manager, such as the Layout Subsite Integration package that simplifies the configuration and use of subsite content generated by includelets.


The library is structured much like the set of templates that render a page set, i.e. hierarchically. The pageset-configure template allows one to set pageset specific parameters (i.e. theme, name) and then includes the page-configure template once for each of the pages that make up the pageset. The page-configure template in turn allows one to set page-specific parameters (i.e. page template, theme, name) and includes column-configure for each column that makes up the page. The column configure page includes an admin version of each element in the column, which allows one to move the element to another column or page, to change the theme associated with the element, and its title.

To see it in action, mount and explore the Layout Subsite Integration package.