postgresql7.3 select cc.curname, cc.codeA from (select coalesce(, c.default_name) as curname, c.codeA from currencies c left outer join currency_names n on (c.codeA = n.codeA and language_code = :language)) cc order by lower(cc.curname) select sum(o.amount_sum - o.amount_total) as open_rebate from iv_offers o, acs_rels r, cr_items co where r.object_id_one in ([join $project_id ,]) and r.object_id_two = co.item_id and r.rel_type = 'application_data_link' and co.latest_revision = o.offer_id select i.invoice_id, i.amount_sum - i.total_amount as given_rebate from acs_rels r, cr_items co, iv_offer_items oi, iv_invoice_items ii, iv_invoices i, cr_items ci where i.invoice_id <> :invoice_rev_id and i.parent_invoice_id is null and ci.latest_revision = i.invoice_id and i.invoice_id in (select ii.invoice_id from iv_invoice_items ii, iv_offer_items oi, cr_items co, acs_rels r where oi.offer_id = co.latest_revision and r.object_id_one in ([join $project_id ,]) and r.object_id_two = co.item_id and r.rel_type = 'application_data_link' and oi.offer_item_id = ii.offer_item_id) select to_char(now(),'YYYY-MM-DD') from dual