-- -- acs-geo-tables/sql/acs-geo-tables-drop.sql -- -- Calls the other SQL files to drop the data models and PL/SQL packages. -- -- @author Jerry Asher jerry@hollyjerry.org -- -- @creation-date 2001-02-17 -- -- @cvs-id $Id: acs-geo-tables-drop.sql,v 1.1 2001/08/20 04:04:09 gilbertw Exp $ -- -- from acs 3.4.8 acs_geo_parents.sql -- counties -- used to be in acs/www/install/counties.dmp (with EDF tablespace) -- data now in counties.ctl DROP TABLE COUNTIES; -- countries -- used to be in acs/www/install/country-codes.dmp (with EDF tablespace) -- data now in country_codes.ctl DROP TABLE COUNTRY_CODES; -- states -- used to be in acs/www/install/states.dmp (with EDF tablespace) -- data now in states.ctl DROP TABLE STATES; -- US EPA regions -- used to be in acs/www/install/epa-regions.dmp (with EDF tablespace) -- data now in bboard_epa_regions.ctl DROP TABLE BBOARD_EPA_REGIONS; -- currency codes -- only the currencies with supported_p equal to t will be shown in the currency widget DROP TABLE CURRENCY_CODES;