-- -- packages/dotlrn-ecommerce/sql/postgresql/dotlrn-ecommerce-create.sql -- -- @author Roel Canicula (roelmc@pldtdsl.net) -- @creation-date 2005-05-14 -- @arch-tag: 8371aa52-3001-45da-9391-e181130bbedf -- @cvs-id $Id: dotlrn-ecommerce-create.sql,v 1.1 2005/05/31 22:04:53 hamiltonc Exp $ -- --- creating table to add section create table dotlrn_ecommerce_section ( section_id integer primary key, course_id integer references cr_items(item_id), community_id integer references dotlrn_communities_all(community_id), product_id integer references ec_products, section_name varchar(2000), age varchar(2000), date_time_start timestamptz, date_time_end timestamptz, daily_p char(1) check (daily_p in ('t','f')), weekly_p char(1) check (weekly_p in ('t','f')), qualified_age_low integer, qualified_age_high integer, account_code_revenue varchar(100), account_code_expense varchar(100), max_participants integer, waiting_list_p char(1) check (daily_p in ('t','f')), notify_waiting_number integer, member_price_number numeric, non_member_price numeric ); create index dotlrn_ecommerce_community_id_idx ON dotlrn_ecommerce_section (community_id); create index dotlrn_ecommerce_product_id_idx ON dotlrn_ecommerce_section (product_id); create index dotlrn_ecommerce_course_id_idx ON dotlrn_ecommerce_section (course_id); -- Term - comes from site-wide categories -- instructors - come from from instructors group -- asssistants - come from assistants group -- actual dates - comes from the calendar items in the community select acs_rel_type__create_role('as_session_role', 'Assessment Sessions Role', 'Assessment Sessions Role'); select acs_rel_type__create_role('ec_product_role', 'Ecommerce Product Role', 'Ecommerce Product Role');