postgresql7.1 select n.object_id from category_object_map m, acs_named_objects n where acs_permission__permission_p(m.object_id, :user_id, 'read') = 't' and m.category_id = :category_id and n.object_id = m.object_id select r.* from (select n.object_id, n.object_name as object_name, o.creation_date, t.pretty_name as package_type, n.package_id, p.instance_name, row_number() over ($order_by_clause) as row_number from acs_objects o, acs_named_objects n, apm_packages p, apm_package_types t, category_object_map m where n.object_id = m.object_id and o.object_id = n.object_id and p.package_id = n.package_id and t.package_key = p.package_key and m.category_id = :category_id and acs_permission__permission_p(m.object_id, :user_id, 'read') = 't' $order_by_clause) r where r.row_number between :first_row and :last_row