select status from bt_patches where patch_number = :patch_number and project_id = :package_id select content from bt_patches where patch_number = :patch_number and project_id = :package_id select bt_patch_actions.action_id, bt_patch_actions.action, as actor_user_id, actor.first_names as actor_first_names, actor.last_name as actor_last_name, as actor_email, bt_patch_actions.action_date, to_char(bt_patch_actions.action_date, 'fmMM/DDfm/YYYY') as action_date_pretty, bt_patch_actions.comment_text, bt_patch_actions.comment_format from bt_patch_actions, cc_users actor where bt_patch_actions.patch_id = :patch_id and actor.user_id = order by action_date update bt_patches set [join $update_exprs ", "] where patch_id = :patch_id insert into bt_patch_actions (action_id, patch_id, action, actor, comment_text, comment_format) values (:action_id, :patch_id, :action, :user_id, :description, :desc_format) select patch_id from bt_patches where patch_number = :patch_number and project_id = :package_id