create table as_item_rels ( item_rev_id integer constraint as_item_rels_item_fk references acs_objects, target_rev_id integer constraint as_item_rels_target_fk references acs_objects, rel_type varchar(20), constraint as_item_rels_pk primary key (item_rev_id, rel_type, target_rev_id) ); insert into as_item_rels (select i1.latest_revision as item_rev_id, i2.latest_revision as target_rev_id, relation_tag as rel_type from cr_item_rels r, cr_items i1, cr_items i2 where i1.item_id = r.item_id and i2.item_id = r.related_object_id and relation_tag in ('as_item_type_rel', 'as_item_display_rel')); -- Selectbox display type create table as_item_display_sb ( as_item_display_id integer constraint as_item_display_sb_as_item_display_id_pk primary key constraint as_item_display_sb_as_item_display_id_fk references cr_revisions(revision_id), -- field to specify other stuff like textarea dimensions html_display_options varchar(50), -- if multiple answers are allowed multiple_p char(1) default 'f' constraint as_item_type_sb_multiple_p_ck check (multiple_p in ('t','f')), -- how shall the label be positioned in relation to the choice (top, left, right, buttom). choice_label_orientation varchar(20), -- order in which the choices will appear (numerical, alphabetic, randomized or by order of entry) sort_order_type varchar(20), -- the orientation between the "question part" of the Item (the title/subtext) and the "answer part" (beside-left, beside-right, bellow, above) item_answer_alignment varchar(20) );