create table best_friends ( first_names varchar2(40), last_name varchar2(40), age integer, gender char(1) check (gender in ('m', 'f')), address varchar2(300), likes_chocolate_p char(1) check (likes_chocolate_p in ('t','f')), email varchar(100)); insert into best_friends (first_names, last_name, age, gender, address, likes_chocolate_p, email) values ('Antonio', 'Davis', 24, 'm', '452 Hawkins Rd', 'f', ''); insert into best_friends (first_names, last_name, age, gender, address, likes_chocolate_p, email) values ('Matt', 'Carrier', 23, 'm', '345 Crystal City', null, ''); insert into best_friends (first_names, last_name, age, gender, address, likes_chocolate_p, email) values ('Nobuko', 'Asakai', 23, 'f', '401 Boradway', 't', ''); insert into best_friends (first_names, last_name, age, gender, address, likes_chocolate_p, email) values ('Grandma', null, 83, 'f', '1320 Dreiser Ct.', null, ''); create table movies ( title varchar2(100), director varchar2(100), cast varchar2(500), year integer, comments varchar2(2000) ); insert into movies (title, director, cast, year, comments) values ('2001: Space Odyssey', 'Stanley Kubrick', 'A big space fetus', null, 'Neat! This movie had cool spaceships and a crazy computer!'); insert into movies (title, director, cast, year, comments) values ('Dancer in the Dark', 'Lars von Trier', 'Bjork',2000, 'This movie was very sad. It made me cry'); insert into movies (title, director, cast, year, comments) values ('Charlie"s Angel',null, 'Drew Barrymore, Bill Murray', 2000, 'This movie was very sad. It also made me cry'); create table address_book ( -- entry_id integer, first_names varchar2(40), last_name varchar2(40), title varchar2(40), birthday date, gender char(1) check (gender in ('m', 'f')), address varchar2(300), city varchar2(100), state varchar2(40), zip varchar2(10), country varchar2(100), email varchar2(100), relation_types varchar2(400), primary_phone varchar2(40), home_phone varchar2(40), work_phone varchar2(40), cell_phone varchar2(40), pager varchar2(40), fax varchar2(40) );