Table Of Contents


Jin Choi has provided a thorough solution for Web-based email. However, sometimes it is desirable to implement a simpler solution, which could be automated and fully encapsulated with PL/SQL procedures. For instance, imagine a workflow manager module. The module needs to notify a user when someone assigns him/her/it a task, such as "Edit the Little Red Riding Hood article by 9:00 tomorro". It would be nice to issue a one-line PL/SQL call that would automatically notify the user, without placing an undue burden on the calling PL/SQL script. Additionally, when an entire group (such as "Tech Support") needs to be notified, the notification should automatically and transparently be sent to each member of the group.

Available Tools

Oracle provides a low-level package, utl_smtp, which implements the SMTP protocol, with some minor bugs. The new "parties" data model in ACS 4.0 (still in development) provides support for generalized parties, who can be users or groups. Any party may be a member of any other party; thus, the user Bob can be a member of the group Accounting, which in turn is a member of the Acme Corporation. Another package supplied by Oracle, dbms_job, provides the means to schedule some PL/SQL code to run at regular intervals.

Solution Outline

Two packages were developed as the solution to the problem. The low-level package mail encapsulates Oracle's utl_smtp, fixing some minor bugs and providing simplified APIs. The high-level package nt provides a queue of notification requests. This queue is periodically scanned by the package. First, new requests are analyzed and their groups are broken up into individual users. Second, a summary notification is created for each sender/recepient pair; for example, if John has notified Bob three times since the last time the queue was scanned, Bob will receive a single email message with all three notifications in it. Finally, the compiled notifications are sent through SMTP. If the SMTP call fails for some reason, the error code is noted and the notification is deferred until the next processing of the queue. Of course, if the SMTP call continues to fail, the notification module will eventually give up.

The Mail Package

The package follows the SMTP protocol, as described in RFC821. In order to send mail, the user must first open a connection. If the conenction is opened successfully, the user must specify the sender and the recepient of the e-mail message:

create or replace package mail

-- Open the connection and send "helo me"
function open_connection (
  host       IN varchar2,
  port       IN pls_integer,
  mail_conn  OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection
) return utl_smtp.reply;

-- Send the "mail from:" command
function mail_from (
  mail_conn  IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
  email_from IN varchar2
) return utl_smtp.reply;

-- Send the "rcpt to:" command; forward if neccessary
function rcpt_to (
  mail_conn  IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
  email_to   IN varchar2
) return utl_smtp.reply;
After that, the user may write any data he wishes into the connection, terminating the data with a single period at the beggining of a new line. The user may then close the connection, or start a new message:

-- Open up the data connection, prepare for the writing of data
function open_data (
  mail_conn  IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection
) return utl_smtp.reply;

-- Convert a date into email date format (GMT)
function to_email_date (
  ora_date IN date
) return varchar2;

-- Write outgoing headers (date:, to:, from:, subject)
procedure write_data_headers (
  mail_conn  IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
  email_from IN varchar2,
  email_to   IN varchar2,
  subject    IN varchar2,
  date_sent  IN date default sysdate

-- Write a clob into the mail data connection, in chunks
procedure write_data_clob (
  mail_conn IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
  clob_loc  IN OUT NOCOPY clob

-- Write a string into the mail data connection
procedure write_data_string (
  mail_conn IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection,
  text_string    IN varchar2

-- Close the data connection
function close_data (
  mail_conn  IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection
) return utl_smtp.reply;

-- Close the connection, finish mail session
procedure close_connection (
  mail_conn  IN OUT NOCOPY utl_smtp.connection
A simplified function send_mail takes care of all these tasks in one call:

-- A simple procedure to send an entire mail message
-- return 't' on success, 'f' on failure
function send_mail (
  email_from IN varchar2,
  email_to   IN varchar2,
  subject    IN varchar2,
  text       IN varchar2,
  host       IN varchar2,
  port       IN pls_integer := 25
) return char;

The implementation of these functions is fairly straightforward. The mail_from and the rcpt_to functions correct the bug in utl_smtp (a missing ":" after the command); in addition, rcpt_to attempts to parse out a forwarding address if the mail server requestes the client to manually forward the mail to a different address. The write_data_headers procedure writes some common SMTP headers, including the subject line. The simplified function send_mail sends an entire message, keeping track of the error codes, and returns a boolean value to indicate success or failure.

The Notification Package

The Notification package builds on top of the Mail package to provide a notification queue and automatic integration with the ACS 4.0 parties data model.

Quick Start (see below for details)

To quickly start using the notification package, execute the following:

  1. Schedule the processing of the request queue:
    exec nt.process_queue('');
  2. Post a notification request:
      request_id nt_requests.request_id%TYPE;
      request_id := nt.post_request (
        party_from => sending_party_id,
        party_to => recepient_party_id,
        expand_group => 'f',
        subject => 'This is a notification',
        message => 'Hello world !');
    You can reuse the returned request_id later, in case you wish to cancel the request.

User API, in detail

The package uses a data model which consists of two queues: the request queue nt_requests and the message queue nt_queue.

create table nt_requests (
  -- Unique request id
  request_id    integer           constraint nt_request_pk
                                  primary key,
  -- The party to whom this message is being sent
  party_to      integer not null  constraint nt_request_party_to_ref
		                  references parties,
  -- If the target party is a group, do we completely flatten
  -- it, thus sending email to individual users, or do we send the
  -- email to the group if it has an email address ?
  expand_group char(1) default 'f' not null
    constraint nt_request_expand_chk check(expand_group in ('t', 'f')),
  -- The party who is sending this message
  -- Doesn't really have to have an email field... ?
  party_from    integer not null  constraint nt_request_party_from_ref
		                  references parties,
  -- The message that will be sent
  message       clob,
  -- One line of subject text for the message
  subject       varchar2(1000),
  -- The date on which the posting to the queue was made
  request_date  date              default sysdate,
  -- The date on which the request was fulfilled
  fulfill_date  date,
  -- The status of the request
  -- pending: no attempt made to send it yet
  -- sent:    sent successfully
  -- sending: an attempt to send the request has been made, but not all of
  --          the users in the target group have been reached
  -- partial_failure: some of the messages went through, others we gave up on
  -- failed:  check the error_code and error_message columns
  -- cancelled: request was aborted
  status        varchar2(20)      default 'pending'
                                  constraint nt_request_status_chk
  check(status in ('pending', 'sent', 'sending', 'partial_failure', 'failed', 'cancelled')),
  -- How many times will we try to send this message ?
  max_retries integer default 3   not null

create sequence nt_request_seq start with 1000;

-- The table that holds all the neccessary SMTP information for individual
-- users

create table nt_queue (
  -- Request id
  request_id    integer           constraint nt_queue_request_ref
		                  references nt_requests,
  -- The individual user to whom email is being sent
  -- Not neccessarily the same as nt_requests.party_id
  party_to      integer           constraint nt_queue_party_to_ref
                                  references parties,
  -- Composite primary key
  primary key(request_id, party_to),
  -- SMTP reply code (250 means ok)
  smtp_reply_code integer,
  -- SMTP text reply message
  smtp_reply_message varchar2(4000),
  -- How many times have we already tried to send this message ?
  retry_count   integer default 0 not null,
  -- Did we succeed in sending this message ?
  -- This is really just syntactic sugar, since we can just look at the
  -- smtp_reply_code
  is_successful char(1) default 'f' not null
    constraint nt_queue_is_successful_chk
    check (is_successful in ('t', 'f'))

Requests are posted to the nt_requests queue by the user, with the status of "pending". Eventually, each request is expanded; that is, an entry in the nt_queue table is generated for each intended recepient of the notification. For example, if John decides to send a memo to Accounting, a group which has 5 members, only one entry will be generated in the nt_requests table, but 5 entries will be generated in the nt_queue table. John may, however, choose to set the expand_group flag in the nt_requests table to false, in which case only one entry will be generated in the nt_queue table, and the notification will be sent to "", or something similar. The status of the request is then changed to "sending". Eventually, the status will be changed to "sent", if everyone in Accounting has received John's message, or to "partial_failure", if some members of Accounting could not receive the message. In the rare event of a total failure (for example, this can happen if the mail server goes down), the status will be changed to "failed".

To simplify the posting of requests, the package provides the following functions:

-- Post a new request, return its id
function post_request (
  party_from   IN nt_requests.party_from%TYPE,
  party_to     IN nt_requests.party_to%TYPE,
  expand_group IN nt_requests.expand_group%TYPE,
  subject      IN nt_requests.subject%TYPE,
  message      IN varchar2,
  max_retries  IN nt_requests.max_retries%TYPE
) return nt_requests.request_id%TYPE;

-- Cancel a request, marking all messages in the queue as failed
procedure cancel_request (
  request_id IN nt_requests.request_id%TYPE
These functions simply encapsulate an insert statement and an update statement, respectively.

Inner Workings

The procedure process_queue takes care of fulfilling the requests on the nt_requests queue. It must be scheduled to run at regular time intervals (for example, every hour) using the schedule_process call:

-- This procedure will be run periodically by DBMS_JOB.
-- It will collect the pending requests, expand them if neccessary, and
-- then email them to the parties.
procedure process_queue (
  host IN varchar2,
  port IN pls_integer default 25

-- Schedule the queue to be processed at a regular interval
-- The interval is the number of minutes between each job run
-- If the interval is null, cancels the job.
procedure schedule_process (
  interval_in IN number,
  host IN varchar2,
  port IN integer default 25
The job id returned by dbms_job package is saved in a special table, to make sure that the job is not accidentally scheduled to run twice:

-- This table keeps track of the job id for scheduling the queue
-- processing, and some miscellaneous statistics
create table nt_job (
  job_id        integer,
  last_run_date date

insert into nt_job (job_id, last_run_date) values (null, null);

-- Make sure that only one value can exist in the nt_job table
create or replace trigger nt_job_tr
before insert or delete on nt_job
    'Table nt_job must have exactly one row.'
show errors

The process_queue procedure

At the heart of the procedure is a cursor loop, which loops through each message on the nt_queue table which still has a hope of being sent out. Messages being sent to parties who have no emails are simply ignored, since there isn't a practical way of ever delivering them; messages which belong to cancelled or failed requests are also ignored (at this point they are merely parts of an audit trail). Similarly, messages which have been retried too many times are also ignored.

procedure process_queue (
  host IN varchar2,
  port IN pls_integer default 25
  v_mail_conn utl_smtp.connection;
  v_mail_reply utl_smtp.reply;

  -- Cursor that loops through individual messages, processing them
  -- Only look at the messages which still have a chance of being sent out
  cursor c_queue_cur is
      q.party_to, q.retry_count, q.is_successful,
      r.party_from, r.message, r.subject, r.request_date,
      mail.to_email_date(r.request_date) as pretty_request_date,
      r.max_retries, r.request_id,
      acs.get_object_pretty_name(q.party_to) name_to, as email_to,
      acs.get_object_pretty_name(r.party_from) name_from, as email_from
      nt_queue q, nt_requests r, parties pto, parties pfrom
      q.is_successful <> 't'
      q.request_id = r.request_id
      pfrom.party_id = r.party_from
      pto.party_id = q.party_to
    and is not null
      q.retry_count < r.max_retries
      r.status = 'sending'
    order by
      r.party_from, q.party_to;

  c_queue_row c_queue_cur%ROWTYPE;

  v_old_party_from parties.party_id%TYPE := -1;
  v_old_party_to parties.party_id%TYPE := -1;
  v_ready_for_data char(1) := 'f';
  v_newline varchar2(10) := '

  message_failed exception;
  v_num_requests integer;



The procedure sorts nt_queue by sender and recepient; this ensures that all messages from the same sender to the same recepient will appear consecutively. For example, if John repeatedly notifies Alice, Bob and Cindy, the procedure will extract messages in the following order:
After the messages have been arranged in such blocks, the program only needs to keep track of the current sender and recepient. As long as none of them change, the program keeps appending to its e-mail data. When the sender or the recepient changes, the program closes the data, initializes a new e-mail message, and repeats the process.


  for c_queue_row in c_queue_cur loop

      if v_ready_for_data = 't' and 
         (c_queue_row.party_from <> v_old_party_from or 
	  c_queue_row.party_to <> v_old_party_to) then
	  -- Close old connection, if any
	  v_mail_reply := mail.close_data(v_mail_conn);
	  v_ready_for_data := 'f';
      end if;

      -- Prepare to send data, if neccessary
      if v_ready_for_data <> 't' then

	-- Set up the sender
        if c_queue_row.email_from is not null then              
          v_mail_reply := mail.mail_from(v_mail_conn, c_queue_row.email_from);
          v_mail_reply := mail.mail_from(v_mail_conn, '');
        end if;
	if v_mail_reply.code <> 250 then
          raise message_failed;
	end if;
	-- Set up the recepient
	v_mail_reply := mail.rcpt_to(v_mail_conn, c_queue_row.email_to);
	if v_mail_reply.code not in (250, 251) then
          raise message_failed;
	end if;
	-- Prepare to write data
	v_mail_reply := mail.open_data(v_mail_conn);

	-- Write headers
	mail.write_data_headers (
	  c_queue_row.email_from, c_queue_row.email_to, 
	  c_queue_row.subject, c_queue_row.request_date

	v_ready_for_data := 't';

      end if;

      -- Once we have a working connection, write into it
        v_newline ||'Message sent on ' || c_queue_row.pretty_request_date || 
        ' regarding ' || c_queue_row.subject || v_newline);

      mail.write_data_clob(v_mail_conn, c_queue_row.message);

      -- Success: mark this entry and go on to the next one
      update nt_queue set 
	is_successful = 't'
	request_id = c_queue_row.request_id
	party_to = c_queue_row.party_to;

If a failure occurs, the program stores the error code in the nt_queue table, and goes on to the next message. Ideally, it should determine if the mail connection is still intact and reopen the connection if neccessary; however, this is not done at this time.

      when utl_smtp.transient_error or 
           utl_smtp.permanent_error or 

      -- Error sending mail: register that an error has occurred, go on to the next message
      update nt_queue set
        is_successful = 'f', retry_count = retry_count + 1,
        smtp_reply_code = v_mail_reply.code,
        smtp_reply_message = v_mail_reply.text
	request_id = c_queue_row.request_id
	party_to = c_queue_row.party_to;

      -- Just in case, close the data connection
      if v_ready_for_data = 't' then
        v_mail_reply := mail.close_data(v_mail_conn);
        v_ready_for_data := 'f';
      end if;



The expand_requests Procedure

This procedure recursively expands the recepient parties, generating a row in the nt_queue table for each end user in the party. For example, if the org-chart for the Accounting department looks as following,

then a request addressed to Accounting will be expanded into 4 messages, to Alice, Bob, Cindy and Donovan.

This is accomplished by running a connect by query on the parties data model, and applying the insert DML statement only to the leaves in the tree.

The update_requests Procedure

This procedure scans the nt_queue table to determine the new status of a request in progress (i.e., a request whose status is "sending"), in the following order:

Future Work

The mail package needs to be made smarter so that it could deal with various SMTP errors and send HTML-formatted messages. The notification package needs to be optimized so that it updates requests in a faster manner and recovers from errors more gracefully.


The mail package provides a quick-and dirty solution for sending mail from Oracle, with a single PL/SQL call to send_mail. The notification package builds on top of the mail package to provide support for queued notifications which can be sent to their recepients in a batch, and in the background.