-- acs-mail-nt-create.sql -- -- replicate basic functionality of acs-notifications in acs-mail -- This will make acs-notifications obsolete and aggregate -- all mail and alert functions into acs-mail -- -- @author Vinod Kurup (vkurup@massmed.org) -- -- /** acs_mail_nt__post_request -- * Post a notification request -- * A new CR item will be created and inserted into an acs_mail_body -- * This acs_mail_body will then be queued. -- * When tcl proc 'acs_mail_process_queue' gets run (every 15 min), -- this message will be sent via ns_sendmail -- * original nt.post_request by Stanislav Freidin -- -- @author Vinod Kurup -- @param party_from The id of the sending party -- @param party_to The id of the sending party -- @param expand_group if t, send email to individual members of group -- if f, send email to group's email addr only -- @param subject A one-line subject for the message -- @param message The body of the message -- @param max_retries part of old nt API - no longer supported -- @return The id of the new request -- */ create function acs_mail_nt__post_request(integer,integer,boolean,varchar,text,integer) returns integer as ' declare p_party_from alias for $1; p_party_to alias for $2; p_expand_group alias for $3; -- default ''f'' p_subject alias for $4; p_message alias for $5; p_max_retries alias for $6; -- default 0 v_header_from acs_mail_bodies.header_from%TYPE; v_header_to acs_mail_bodies.header_to%TYPE; v_body_id acs_mail_bodies.body_id%TYPE; v_item_id cr_items.item_id%TYPE; v_revision_id cr_revisions.revision_id%TYPE; v_message_id acs_mail_queue_messages.message_id%TYPE; v_header_to_rec record; begin if p_max_retries <> 0 then raise EXCEPTION '' -20000: max_retries parameter not implemented.''; end if; -- create a mail body with empty content select acs_mail_body__new ( null, -- p_body_id null, -- p_body_reply_to p_party_from, -- p_body_from now(), -- p_body_date null, -- p_header_message_id null, -- p_header_reply_to p_subject, -- p_header_subject null, -- p_header_from null, -- p_header_to null, -- p_content_item_id ''acs_mail_body'', -- p_object_type now(), -- p_creation_date p_party_from, -- p_creation_user null, -- p_creation_ip null -- p_context_id ) into v_body_id; -- create a CR item to stick p_message into select content_item__new( ''acs-mail message'' || v_body_id, -- new__name null, -- new__parent_id p_subject, -- new__title null, -- new__description p_message -- new__text ) into v_item_id; -- content_item__new makes a CR revision. We need to get that revision -- and make it live select content_item__get_latest_revision (v_item_id) into v_revision_id ; perform content_item__set_live_revision ( v_revision_id ); -- set the content of the message perform acs_mail_body__set_content_object( v_body_id, v_item_id ); -- queue the message select acs_mail_queue_message__new ( null, -- p_mail_link_id v_body_id, -- p_body_id null, -- p_context_id now(), -- p_creation_date p_party_from, -- p_creation_user null, -- p_creation_ip ''acs_mail_link'' -- p_object_type ) into v_message_id; -- get the sender email address select email into v_header_from from parties where party_id = p_party_from; -- get the recipient email address select email into v_header_to from parties where party_id = p_party_to; -- now put the message into the outgoing queue -- i know this seems redundant, but that''s the way it was built -- the idea is that you put a generic message into the main queue -- without from or to address, and then insert a copy of the message -- into the outgoing_queue with the specific from and to address if p_expand_group = ''f'' then insert into acs_mail_queue_outgoing ( message_id, envelope_from, envelope_to ) values ( v_message_id, v_header_from, v_header_to ); else -- expand the group -- FIXME: need to check if this is a group and if there are members -- if not, do we need to notify sender? for v_header_to_rec in select email from parties p where party_id in (select member_id from group_approved_member_map where group_id = p_party_to) loop insert into acs_mail_queue_outgoing ( message_id, envelope_from, envelope_to ) valuues ( v_message_id, v_header_from, v_header_to_rec.email ); end loop; end if; return v_message_id; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- /** acs_mail_nt__post_request -- * Overloaded function that -- * only uses the basic params -- -- @author: Vinod Kurup -- @param party_from The id of the sending party -- @param party_to The id of the sending party -- @param subject A one-line subject for the message -- @param message The body of the message -- @return The id of the new request -- create function acs_mail_nt__post_request(integer,integer,varchar,text) returns integer as ' declare p_party_from alias for $1; p_party_to alias for $2; p_subject alias for $3; p_message alias for $4; begin return acs_mail_nt__post_request( p_party_from, -- p_party_from p_party_to, -- p_party_to ''f'', -- p_expand_group p_subject, -- p_subject p_message, -- p_message 0 -- p_max_retries ); end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- /** acs_mail_nt__cancel_request -- * Cancel a notification request -- * Original author: Stanislav Freidin -- -- @author Vinod Kurup -- @param request_id Id of the request to cancel -- */ create function acs_mail_nt__cancel_request (integer) returns integer as ' declare p_message_id alias for $1; begin perform acs_mail_queue_message__delete ( p_message_id ); return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- /** acs_mail_nt__expand_requests -- * This was part of the nt package, but is no longer relevant -- * There is no replacement -- -- @author Vinod Kurup -- */ create function acs_mail_nt__expand_requests () returns integer as ' begin raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: Procedure no longer supported.''; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- /** acs_mail_nt__update_requests -- * This was part of the nt package, but is no longer relevant -- * There is no replacement -- -- @author Vinod Kurup -- */ create function acs_mail_nt__update_requests () returns integer as ' begin raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: Procedure no longer supported.''; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- /** acs_mail_nt__process_queue -- * This was part of the nt package, but is no longer relevant -- * Instead use the tcl proc: acs_mail_process_queue -- -- @author Vinod Kurup -- */ create function acs_mail_nt__process_queue (varchar,integer) returns integer as ' declare p_host alias for $1; p_port alias for $2; -- default 25 begin raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: Procedure no longer supported - see packages/acs-mail/sql/postgresql/acs-mail-nt-create.sql.''; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql'; -- /** acs_mail_nt__schedule_process -- * This was part of the nt package, but is no longer relevant -- * Instead, use ad_schedule_proc to schedule -- the tcl proc acs_mail_process_queue -- * Note: this is already done in a default install -- See packages/acs-mail/tcl/acs-mail-init.tcl -- -- @author Vinod Kurup -- */ create function acs_mail_nt__schedule_process (numeric,varchar,integer) returns integer as ' declare p_interval alias for $1; p_host alias for $2; p_port alias for $3; -- default 25 begin raise EXCEPTION ''-20000: Procedure no longer supported - see packages/acs-mail/sql/postgresql/acs-mail-nt-create.sql. ''; return 0; end;' language 'plpgsql';