#!/usr/bin/perl -w # # Check that a catalog file has a consistent path and that package_key, locale, and # charset info in the xml is consistent with info embedded in the filename. # # @author Peter Marklund my $usage = "catalog-file-name.pl catalog_file_path"; use strict; # Get arguments my $file_path = shift or die "usage: $usage"; # Parse information from the file path $file_path =~ m#(?i)([a-z-]+)/catalog/\1\.([a-z]{2}_[a-z]{2})\.(.*)\.xml$# or die "catalog file path $file_path is not on format package_key/catalog/package_key.locale.charset.xml"; my ($file_package, $file_locale, $file_charset) = ($1, $2, $3, $4); # Get the same info from the xml of the catalog file open(FILE_INPUT, "< $file_path"); # Undefine the record separator to read the whole file in one go undef $/; my $file_contents = ; $file_contents =~ m## or die "catalog file $file_path does not have a root xml node on parsable format"; my ($xml_package, $xml_locale, $xml_charset) = ($1, $2, $3); # Assert that info in filename and xml be the same if ( $file_package ne $xml_package || $file_locale ne $xml_locale || $file_charset ne $xml_charset) { die "FAILURE: $file_path does not pass check since info in file path ($file_package, $file_locale, $file_charset) does not match info in xml ($xml_package, $xml_locale, $xml_charset)\n"; }