--- --- ADD COLUMN IF NOT EXISTS was added in PostgreSQL 9.6 --- DO was added in 9.0, so we can use this already --- DECLARE v_column_exists number := 0; BEGIN SELECT count(*) into v_column_exists from user_tab_cols where column_name = 'ACS_EVENTS' and table_name = 'LOCATION'; IF (v_column_exists = 0) then execute immediate 'ALTER TABLE acs_events ADD COLUMN location varchar2(255)'; END IF; END; / -- -- create acs_attribute -- DECLARE attr_id acs_attributes.attribute_id%TYPE; BEGIN attr_id := acs_attribute.create_attribute ( object_type => 'acs_event', attribute_name => 'location', pretty_name => 'Location', pretty_plural => 'Locations', datatype => 'string' ); END; / -- -- regnerate the view, since e.* will return an additional attribute -- DROP view acs_events_dates; create or replace view acs_events_dates as select e.*, start_date, end_date from acs_events e, timespans s, time_intervals t where e.timespan_id = s.timespan_id and s.interval_id = t.interval_id; -- -- regnerate the view, since e.* will return an additional attribute -- create or replace view acs_events_activities as select event_id, nvl(e.name, a.name) as name, nvl(e.description, a.description) as description, nvl(e.html_p, a.html_p) as html_p, nvl(e.status_summary, a.status_summary) as status_summary, e.activity_id, timespan_id, recurrence_id, location from acs_events e, acs_activities a where e.activity_id = a.activity_id; -- -- replace the Oracle package 'acs_event' with updated .new() and -- .new_instance() functions -- create or replace package body acs_event as function new ( event_id in acs_events.event_id%TYPE default null, name in acs_events.name%TYPE default null, description in acs_events.description%TYPE default null, html_p in acs_events.html_p%TYPE default null, status_summary in acs_events.status_summary%TYPE default null, timespan_id in acs_events.timespan_id%TYPE default null, activity_id in acs_events.activity_id%TYPE default null, recurrence_id in acs_events.recurrence_id%TYPE default null, object_type in acs_object_types.object_type%TYPE default 'acs_event', creation_date in acs_objects.creation_date%TYPE default sysdate, creation_user in acs_objects.creation_user%TYPE default null, creation_ip in acs_objects.creation_ip%TYPE default null, context_id in acs_objects.context_id%TYPE default null, package_id in acs_objects.package_id%TYPE default null, location in acs_objects.location%TYPE default null ) return acs_events.event_id%TYPE is new_event_id acs_events.event_id%TYPE; begin new_event_id := acs_object.new( object_id => event_id, object_type => object_type, title => name, creation_date => creation_date, creation_user => creation_user, creation_ip => creation_ip, context_id => context_id, package_id => package_id ); insert into acs_events (event_id, name, description, html_p, status_summary, activity_id, timespan_id, recurrence_id, location) values (new_event_id, name, description, html_p, status_summary, activity_id, timespan_id, recurrence_id, location); return new_event_id; end new; procedure del ( event_id in acs_events.event_id%TYPE ) is recurrence_id acs_events.recurrence_id%TYPE; begin select recurrence_id into recurrence_id from acs_events where event_id = acs_event.del.event_id; -- acs_events and acs_event_party_map deleted via on delete cascade acs_object.del(event_id); -- Check for no more instances and delete recurrence if exists if instances_exist_p(recurrence_id) = 'f' then recurrence.del(recurrence_id); end if; end del; procedure delete_all ( event_id in acs_events.event_id%TYPE ) is recurrence_id acs_events.recurrence_id%TYPE; begin select recurrence_id into recurrence_id from acs_events where event_id = delete_all.event_id; delete_all_recurrences(recurrence_id); end delete_all; procedure delete_all_recurrences ( recurrence_id in recurrences.recurrence_id%TYPE default null ) is cursor event_id_cursor is select event_id from acs_events where recurrence_id = delete_all_recurrences.recurrence_id; event_id event_id_cursor%ROWTYPE; begin if recurrence_id is not null then for event_id in event_id_cursor loop acs_event.del(event_id.event_id); end loop; end if; end delete_all_recurrences; -- Equivalent functionality to get_name and get_description provided by -- acs_event_activity view function get_name ( event_id in acs_events.event_id%TYPE ) return acs_events.name%TYPE is name acs_events.name%TYPE; begin select nvl(e.name, a.name) into name from acs_events e, acs_activities a where event_id = get_name.event_id and e.activity_id = a.activity_id(+); return name; end get_name; function get_description ( event_id in acs_events.event_id%TYPE ) return acs_events.description%TYPE is description acs_events.description%TYPE; begin select nvl(e.description, a.description) into description from acs_events e, acs_activities a where event_id = get_description.event_id and e.activity_id = a.activity_id(+); return description; end get_description; function get_html_p ( event_id in acs_events.event_id%TYPE ) return acs_events.html_p%TYPE is html_p acs_events.html_p%TYPE; begin select nvl(e.html_p, a.html_p) into html_p from acs_events e, acs_activities a where event_id = get_html_p.event_id and e.activity_id = a.activity_id(+); return html_p; end get_html_p; function get_status_summary ( event_id in acs_events.event_id%TYPE ) return acs_events.status_summary%TYPE is status_summary acs_events.status_summary%TYPE; begin select nvl(e.status_summary, a.status_summary) into status_summary from acs_events e, acs_activities a where event_id = get_status_summary.event_id and e.activity_id = a.activity_id(+); return status_summary; end get_status_summary; procedure timespan_set ( event_id in acs_events.event_id%TYPE, timespan_id in timespans.timespan_id%TYPE ) is begin update acs_events set timespan_id = timespan_set.timespan_id where event_id = timespan_set.event_id; end timespan_set; procedure recurrence_timespan_edit ( event_id in acs_events.event_id%TYPE, start_date in time_intervals.start_date%TYPE, end_date in time_intervals.end_date%TYPE, edit_past_events in char default 't' ) is v_timespan timespans%ROWTYPE; v_one_start_date time_intervals.start_date%TYPE; v_one_end_date time_intervals.end_date%TYPE; begin -- get the initial offsets select start_date, end_date into v_one_start_date, v_one_end_date from time_intervals, timespans, acs_events where time_intervals.interval_id = timespans.interval_id and timespans.timespan_id = acs_events.timespan_id and event_id= recurrence_timespan_edit.event_id; for v_timespan in (select * from time_intervals where interval_id in (select interval_id from timespans where timespan_id in (select timespan_id from acs_events where recurrence_id = (select recurrence_id from acs_events where event_id = recurrence_timespan_edit.event_id))) and (edit_past_events = 't' or start_date >= to_date(v_one_start_date,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') )) LOOP time_interval.edit(v_timespan.interval_id, v_timespan.start_date + (start_date - v_one_start_date), v_timespan.end_date + (end_date - v_one_end_date)); END LOOP; end recurrence_timespan_edit; procedure activity_set ( event_id in acs_events.event_id%TYPE, activity_id in acs_activities.activity_id%TYPE ) as begin update acs_events set activity_id = activity_set.activity_id where event_id = activity_set.event_id; end activity_set; procedure party_map ( event_id in acs_events.event_id%TYPE, party_id in parties.party_id%TYPE ) is begin insert into acs_event_party_map (event_id, party_id) values (event_id, party_id); end party_map; procedure party_unmap ( event_id in acs_events.event_id%TYPE, party_id in parties.party_id%TYPE ) is begin delete from acs_event_party_map where event_id = party_unmap.event_id and party_id = party_unmap.party_id; end party_unmap; function recurs_p ( event_id in acs_events.event_id%TYPE ) return char is result char; begin select decode(recurrence_id, null, 'f', 't') into result from acs_events where event_id = recurs_p.event_id; return result; end recurs_p; function instances_exist_p ( recurrence_id in acs_events.recurrence_id%TYPE ) return char is result char; begin -- Only need to check if any rows exist. select count(*) into result from dual where exists (select recurrence_id from acs_events where recurrence_id = instances_exist_p.recurrence_id); if result = 0 then return 'f'; else return 't'; end if; end instances_exist_p; -- This function is used internally by insert_instances function get_value ( parameter_name in apm_parameters.parameter_name%TYPE ) return apm_parameter_values.attr_value%TYPE is package_id apm_packages.package_id%TYPE; begin select package_id into package_id from apm_packages where package_key = 'acs-events'; return apm.get_value(package_id, parameter_name); end get_value; -- This function is used internally by insert_instances function new_instance ( event_id in acs_events.event_id%TYPE, date_offset in integer ) return acs_events.event_id%TYPE is event acs_events%ROWTYPE; object acs_objects%ROWTYPE; new_event_id acs_events.event_id%TYPE; new_timespan_id acs_events.timespan_id%TYPE; begin select * into event from acs_events where event_id = new_instance.event_id; select * into object from acs_objects where object_id = event_id; new_timespan_id := timespan.copy(event.timespan_id, date_offset); new_event_id := new( name => event.name, description => event.description, html_p => event.html_p, status_summary => event.status_summary, timespan_id => new_timespan_id, activity_id => event.activity_id, recurrence_id => event.recurrence_id, creation_user => object.creation_user, creation_ip => object.creation_ip, context_id => object.context_id, package_id => object.package_id, location => event.location ); return new_event_id; end new_instance; procedure insert_instances ( event_id in acs_events.event_id%TYPE, cutoff_date in date default null ) is event acs_events%ROWTYPE; recurrence recurrences%ROWTYPE; new_event_id acs_events.event_id%TYPE; interval_name recurrence_interval_types.interval_name%TYPE; n_intervals recurrence.every_nth_interval%TYPE; days_of_week recurrence.days_of_week%TYPE; last_date_done date; stop_date date; start_date date; event_date date; diff integer; current_date date; v_last_day date; week_date date; instance_count integer; days_length integer; days_index integer; day_num integer; begin select * into event from acs_events where event_id = insert_instances.event_id; select * into recurrence from recurrences where recurrence_id = event.recurrence_id; -- Set cutoff date -- EventFutureLimit is in years. if cutoff_date is null then stop_date := add_months(sysdate, 12 * get_value('EventFutureLimit')); else stop_date := cutoff_date; end if; -- Events only populated until max(cutoff_date, recur_until) -- If recur_until null, then defaults to cutoff_date if recurrence.recur_until < stop_date then stop_date := recurrence.recur_until; end if; -- Figure out the date to start from select trunc(min(start_date)) into event_date from acs_events_dates where event_id = insert_instances.event_id; if recurrence.db_populated_until is null then start_date := event_date; else start_date := recurrence.db_populated_until; end if; current_date := start_date; last_date_done := start_date; n_intervals := recurrence.every_nth_interval; -- Case off of the interval_name to make code easier to read select interval_name into interval_name from recurrences r, recurrence_interval_types t where recurrence_id = recurrence.recurrence_id and r.interval_type = t.interval_type; -- Week has to be handled specially. -- Start with the beginning of the week containing the start date. if interval_name = 'week' then current_date := NEXT_DAY(current_date - 7, 'SUNDAY'); days_of_week := recurrence.days_of_week; days_length := LENGTH(days_of_week); end if; -- Check count to prevent runaway in case of error instance_count := 0; while instance_count < 10000 and (trunc(last_date_done) <= trunc(stop_date)) loop instance_count := instance_count + 1; -- Calculate next date based on interval type if interval_name = 'day' then current_date := current_date + n_intervals; elsif interval_name = 'month_by_date' then current_date := ADD_MONTHS(current_date, n_intervals); elsif interval_name = 'month_by_day' then -- Find last day of month before correct month v_last_day := ADD_MONTHS(LAST_DAY(current_date), n_intervals - 1); -- Find correct week and go to correct day of week current_date := NEXT_DAY(v_last_day + (7 * (to_char(current_date, 'W') - 1)), to_char(current_date, 'DAY')); elsif interval_name = 'last_of_month' then -- Find last day of correct month v_last_day := LAST_DAY(ADD_MONTHS(current_date, n_intervals)); -- Back up one week and find correct day of week current_date := NEXT_DAY(v_last_day - 7, to_char(current_date, 'DAY')); elsif interval_name = 'year' then current_date := ADD_MONTHS(current_date, 12 * n_intervals); -- Deal with custom function elsif interval_name = 'custom' then execute immediate 'current_date := ' || recurrence.custom_func || '(' || current_date || ', ' || n_intervals || ');'; end if; -- Check to make sure we're not going past Trunc because dates aren't integral exit when trunc(current_date) > trunc(stop_date); -- Have to handle week specially if interval_name = 'week' then -- loop over days_of_week extracting each day number -- add day number and insert days_index := 1; week_date := current_date; while days_index <= days_length loop day_num := SUBSTR(days_of_week, days_index, 1); week_date := current_date + day_num; if trunc(week_date) > trunc(start_date) and trunc(week_date) <= trunc(stop_date) then -- This is where we add the event new_event_id := new_instance( event_id, trunc(week_date) - trunc(event_date) ); last_date_done := week_date; elsif trunc(week_date) > trunc(stop_date) then -- Gone too far exit; end if; days_index := days_index + 2; end loop; -- Now move to next week with repeats. current_date := current_date + 7 * n_intervals; else -- All other interval types -- This is where we add the event new_event_id := new_instance( event_id, trunc(current_date) - trunc(event_date) ); last_date_done := current_date; end if; end loop; update recurrences set db_populated_until = last_date_done where recurrence_id = recurrence.recurrence_id; end insert_instances; procedure shift ( event_id in acs_events.event_id%TYPE default null, start_offset in number default 0, end_offset in number default 0 ) is begin update acs_events_dates set start_date = start_date + start_offset, end_date = end_date + end_offset where event_id = shift.event_id; end shift; procedure shift_all ( event_id in acs_events.event_id%TYPE default null, start_offset in number default 0, end_offset in number default 0 ) is begin update acs_events_dates set start_date = start_date + start_offset, end_date = end_date + end_offset where recurrence_id = (select recurrence_id from acs_events where event_id = shift_all.event_id); end shift_all; procedure shift_all ( recurrence_id in recurrences.recurrence_id%TYPE default null, start_offset in number default 0, end_offset in number default 0 ) is begin update acs_events_dates set start_date = start_date + start_offset, end_date = end_date + end_offset where recurrence_id = shift_all.recurrence_id; end shift_all; end acs_event; / show errors