Appendix B. How to package and release OpenACS

  1. Check out the cvs tree. The files must be checked out through a cvs account with write access. In this example, the cvs user on is implied from the ssh login information previously set up. It could be overridden via

    cd /tmp
    cvs -d checkout openacs-4

    Repeat with the dotlrn cvs tree.

    cd /tmp
    mkdir dotlrn-packages
    cd dotlrn-packages
    cvs -d checkout dotlrn-all
  2. Tag the tree.

    cd /tmp/openacs-4
    cvs tag openacs-5-0-0a1

    Tag dotLRN. Since the dotLRN packages aren't all in one module, we iterate through all of the modules. Log in first (cvs login) so that you don't have to log in for each module.

    cd /tmp/dotlrn-package
    cvs tag dotlrn-2-0-0a1
  3. Make the tarball

    • openacs-core. 

      1. Go to a new working space and export the tagged files.

        mkdir /tmp/tarball
        cd /tmp/tarball
        cvs export -r openacs-5-0-0a1 -d openacs acs-core
      2. Generate the tarball

        cd /tmp/tarball
        rm -rf /tmp/tarball/openacs/CVS
        tar cz -f openacs-5.0.0a1.tar.gz openacs
    • dotlrn. 

      1. Go to a new working space and export the tagged files.

        mkdir /tmp/dotlrn-tarball
        cd /tmp/dotlrn-tarball
        cvs export -d \
          -r openacs-5-0-0a1 -d openacs acs-core
        cd packages
        cvs export  -d \
          -r openacs-5-0-0a1 -d openacs dotlrn-prereq
        cvs export -d \ 
          -r dotlrn-2.0.0a1 dotlrn-core
      2. Copy the dotlrn install.xml file, which controls which packages are installed on setup, to the root location:

        cp /tmp/dotlrn-tarball/openacs/packages/dotlrn/install.xml /tmp/dotlrn-tarball/openacs
      3. Generate the tarball

        cd /tmp/tarball
        rm -rf /tmp/tarball/openacs-4/CVS
        tar cz -f dotlrn-2.0.0a1.tar.gz openacs
  4. Test the new tarball

  5. Update on the site

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