------------------------------------------------------------ -- Set up an index with INSO filtering on the content column ------------------------------------------------------------ set serveroutput on declare v_exists integer; begin -- Check whether the preference already exists select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into v_exists from ctx_user_preferences where pre_name = 'CONTENT_FILTER_PREF'; if v_exists = 0 then dbms_output.put_line('Creating content filter preference...'); ctx_ddl.create_preference ( preference_name => 'CONTENT_FILTER_PREF', object_name => 'INSO_FILTER' ); end if; end; / create index cr_rev_content_index on cr_revisions ( content ) indextype is ctxsys.context parameters ('FILTER content_filter_pref' ); alter index cr_rev_content_index rebuild online parameters ('sync'); ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Set up an XML index for searching attributes ------------------------------------------------------------ -- To find the word company in the title only: -- select revision_id,score(1) -- from cr_revision_attributes -- where contains(attributes, 'company WITHIN title', 1) > 0; -- use a direct datastore rather than setting up a user datastore -- this avoids having to generate an XML document for every -- revision every time the index is rebuilt. It also avoids the -- cumbersome manual process of setting up a user datastore. create or replace package content_search is procedure update_attribute_index; end content_search; / show errors create or replace package body content_search is procedure update_attribute_index is begin for c1 in (select revision_id from cr_revisions r where not exists ( select 1 from cr_revision_attributes a where a.revision_id = r.revision_id)) loop content_revision.index_attributes(c1.revision_id); commit; end loop; end update_attribute_index; end; / show errors declare v_exists integer; begin -- Check whether the section group already exists select decode(count(*),0,0,1) into v_exists from ctx_user_section_groups where sgp_name = 'AUTO'; if v_exists = 0 then dbms_output.put_line('Creating auto section group for attribute index...'); ctx_ddl.create_section_group('auto', 'AUTO_SECTION_GROUP'); end if; end; / create index cr_rev_attribute_index on cr_revision_attributes ( attributes ) indextype is ctxsys.context parameters ('filter ctxsys.null_filter section group auto' ); begin content_search.update_attribute_index; end; / show errors alter index cr_rev_attribute_index rebuild online parameters ('sync');